This image is getting posted a fair bit and I want to make sure everyone understands the difference between these two.

Forest designed for the player to climb trees, cut down trees, hide behind trees for stealth hunting and resource gathering along with tree density low enough that you can ride a horse through it.
You can look at those trees in a cutscene. Possibly walk passed them.

The top is objectively a better designed forest. Why has everyone accepted walking simulators and prioritize graphics over gameplay. Its ridiculous.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nintendo games look bad and are for kids. Grow up.

lol epic can't wait to see some spicy replies to this truly epic thread
Here come the Sony shills and nitendrones!
Get your popcorn out, people?

well i liked the gameplay of TLOU more than any of the last several Zelda games, so I don't really care.

and honestly, it's more a statement how Nintendo once again releases a product much later than the other companies and still finds a way to be vastly inferior on a hardware level.

and you might not care, but unfortunately it DOES matter. If it can't run games that the other systems can, devs will stop supporting it.

Fuck mate, I didn't realise there was only 1 forrest per console this Gen.

The industry must be fucked, I mean MGSV couldn't even afford 1 forrest.

TLOU is literally a cinematic movie.

You're getting worked up over an obvious bait meme you stupid fucking cunt

Now I'm getting worked up over you getting worked up, look at what you've done

In the top image, the forest designed for the player to climb trees, cut down trees, hide behind trees for stealth hunting and resource gathering along with tree density low enough that you can ride a horse through it.
In the bottom one you can look at those trees in a cutscene. Possibly walk passed them.

Its obviously a bait image. But as the OP says, the top is objectively a better designed forest. While you and I know which is better, people like actually exist who prefer forest designed for walking simulators to forest designed for gameplay.

>actually thinking he's not baiting for replies

You should know better than that user. This is obviously a bait thread.

What, your last thread got deleted so you decided to try again?

Im not the OP of that thread. But it got deleted right before I could post the difference between the forest.

The top is a sky box. The bottom the player can go anywhere he sees.

With a lot of fun gameplay

>QTE is fun gameplay
Please leave


This looks like a poor mans star citizen

Be careful of these graphics comparison threads. Remember how the 3DS vs Vita turned out.

>fun gameplay

>That invisible wall
>That static non interactable environment


You just got baited by me getting baited by OP

He enjoys walking simulators and honestly thinks of them as good fun gameplay. He's probably a child who missed out on the SNES era of real games.


>implying I wasn't baiting by telling that user that he was being baited by OP

Nice try making the fallacy fallacy. Theres an invisible wall to which the player clearly cannot access the skybox beyond.

cartoon/stylized graphics allow more immersion. You don't have to worry about them aging because they aren't supposed to look real. we can also look at them and fantasize because stylized/cartoonish graphics allow things that shouldn't be possible look possible.

Realistic graphics age with time. What is realistic 10 years ago looks like mud now. What looks realistic now will look bad 10 years from now.

Plus, the new Zelda game has a birdman with finger feathers. In realistic terms, that should look fucking stupid. But in cartoonish settings? you don't question because it looks organic to the world around it.


That looks like shit.

>Its not a skybox
>See that building, you might be able to hover over it
My fucking sides

In 5 years the top will still look good but the bottom will look bad.

You can land there are and move on it, dumb cuck.

>Nintendofags think Wii U is more powerful than PS4 or Gaming PCs


>With a lot of fun gameplay
t. tasteless faggot

Oh hi OP. I see you just woke up from a two decades long coma and found your way to Sup Forums. Welcome back to the land of the living. Let me be the first to fill you in on the details of modern gaming discussion.

1. People will latch on to literally any shortcoming of a game, perceived or real, to prove their point.

2. The people on this site who are making said points are a bunch of contrarian faggots. It is something you just learn to get used to and occasionally it actually serves a purpose. Regardless, take everything they say with a grain of salt.

3. Graphics always trump gameplay. Except when it doesn't. It does when a game you hate has shitty sub par graphics. You can hate this game for any reason: Because the developer sucks and you are the only one smart enough to see it or you secretly want to play the game but can't for any number of reasons so you say it sucks to convince yourself it is true..doesn't matter! Point is it absolutely matters when YOU think the game sucks and the graphics are something you can point to a a reason it sucks. The developers are clearly lazy, inexperienced fucks more focused on pushing the international SJW conspiracy than making good games. It doesn't when a game YOU like has shitty graphics. Then, everyone is the graphic focused cancer ruining the artistic side of the industry.

What is this webm trying to show other than conceding the point.
>You can land there are and move on it
Sure you can. Same way you can climb mountains in Skyrim.

>comparing graphics on fucking consoles when frames are all that matters

We have PC for grafix.

that not everything is a invisible wall and you can fly around

So you are conceding the point.

then what's the point

Oh this is even better. You cant even land. You can only hover over buildings.

as if cutting trees and running around shit is any better than walking simulators.

>comparing two completely different artstyles
they're both great for what their artstyles set out to be

try following the conversation

You can and you can move around in that map.
And there are many more maps.

Stop the damage control just because Zelda looks like a PS2 game with a little bit more color and 720p 30FPS.

art design should complement gameplay.

>You can hover over a select amount of buildings in an area when the game tells you to
>You can walk around designated areas when the game tells you to

Yeah, invincible static pole trees are way superior to trees with any level of interactivity!

Like I love hitting a tiny tree or sign with a truck in games and completely stopping like I just hit a forcefield!

>cinematic movie

>running around shit is any better than walking simulators
Wait are you actually arguing FOR walking simulators? I mean you're saying being able to run around wherever you want is no better.

Have a (you)

Yeah, interacting with your environment in a meaningful way is no better than walking passed some scenery.

show me all the QTE

>cinematic movie

Is not fair. If you are going to compare a Gamecube game at least do it with a PS2 game and not the PS4 remake.

Man so fun. I love how pressing circle really brings me into the movie.

>shoots gun with one hand
>holds it with two during cutscene

>le graphics or gameplay false dichotomy
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

What if I told you there is literally no reason you can't have both?
That being said ninty is obviously targeting a different aesthetic so it's clearly not apples to apples. Realism =\= better. Personally i prefer Nintendos approach over sony's when it comes to shit like this. Nintendo seems more self aware of their shit hardware and it's limitations. And then design their games around it. Sony is oblivious. 90% of sony games really should be running on pces much more powerful than their hardware. And they make way to many shooters for their shitty controllers.

>show me all the QTE
>"here, user. Have this 1 minute video! I didn´t played the game btw"

Why is her expression so goddamn static and emotionless.

>hand done facial animation in 2013

its ok if zelda does it

QTEs are okay if they instill hype.

That's why the QTEs in Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101 are great.

>i dont know what art direction is

Like Im really going to post every quick time event for you. You know its there. I know its there. Everyone knows it. If you want to play dumb go ahead.

so it's ok if japanese games do it

I'm arguing for nothing since they're about the same for me. I don't even know what game is the other one.
Seeing all the fuzz about climbing trees and collecting resources instead of combat, dungeon and bosses is funny.

Thats not a qte. QTEs apply to cutscenes.

>in 2016
I hate it, just use mo cap.


>walking is the same as other forms of gameplay
You are literally cancer to the community. The exit is that way.

It was okay in God of War games and other derivative spectacle fighters like Dante's Inferno.

Basically if tapping the QTE button makes your character do something like a barrage of punches, hulk out their muscles, or charge something somehow it's A-Ok.

Or if they're actually almost split-second and require you to both be paying attention AND anticipate the QTE.

that's not a QTE, it's basically Bayonetta witch time; combat in BotW is still performed normally, what you see in the webm is known as a "flurry rush" and only occurs if you time a perfect dodge.

>An event that happens quickly and requires a timed button press
>Not a QTE

ITT Nintendo fans trying to make open world sound good like is 2015.

Art direction cant make the bottom playable.

Thats literally any form of fighting in a action adventure game these days.

>Modern action-adventure games
>Requiring timed inputs

Show me one. A single one.

Flurry rush does not require timed inputs.

all this fucking damage control.

>its ok when nintendo does it

>Can only make the input during a limited amount of time
>This is not a timed input

Its the attack input you can make at any point.

Wow you just described every fast-paced competitive game

>that fucking 180º

Whats okay when nintendo does it. Gameplay is always okay.

>press Y to win
hype decreassed

You don't like attacking?

>in my mind, it's okay!

>You can look at those trees in a cutscene. Possibly walk passed them

The denial. Holy shit I can almost touch it.

In who's mind is gameplay not okay?

>I can almost touch those trees

>walking simulators

I suppose you also think RE2 and Onimusha are walking simulators, seeing as TLoU is the closest we've gotten to a sequel for those games.

"just press Y, bro!"
jesus christ, nintendo

you know that mechanic is trash

The trailers for RDR and each GTA always show the enviroment you play in. Where are you getting these delusions?

I'm waiting for BotW to be released, but let's not kid ourselves here -- Nintendo is playing the budget, underpowered game, and it shows. The level of details in each and every texture is always gonna be on another field altogether when you compare Nintendo to anything for the PS4/XBone.

If they didnt tell you that you could attack people would be too stupid and just sit there.

Why is timing slowing down a trash mechanic. Id prefer it you could cancel it whenever you wanted by rolling or something. But Im not a faggot who thinks a slow motion mechanic is trash.

I swear Nintendo fanboys are so in denial, so reluctant to see their product of choise has been underperforming and playing catch up for three generations now. You guys even make excuses for Nintendo serving you toasters instead of proper consoles.

>The trailers for RDR and each GTA always show the enviroment you play in