2017 Games

Will this be one of the biggest titles of 2017?

It is basically Watch Dogs and FarCry (modern ones) mixed.

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Looks more like GTAV and MGSV had a baby

Once again, whats the point of a giant fucking map if all you gonna do is infiltrating a couple of bases

ubishit games are trash

When will the open world meme die?

Yeah probably I mean if there's one thing we don't have enough of it's modern day/near future first person shooters so I can really see this filling a big gap

for "muh immersion!"
and because some missions have chase sequences.

it's more like casualized arma

the gameplay looked like shit

I don't care how big its ass is

What if we hide collectibles and resources inside those bases?

I guarantee you multiplayer will just not work for a month after launch. Just because it's Ubisoft.

no, it'll be ubisofted and end up being a shitty, buggy downgraded mess not least repetitive even if it didn't have any problems

>just cause paradox

i actually like exploring stuff
even if it's for nothing

>we haz 1000x bigger map than GTA even thought there's nothing but tumble weed there

I really enjoyed Future Soldier and I don't think open world is the right direction to take Ghost Recon - constructed, semi-linear missions with multiple approaches that are contained and well-planned should take precedent over... motorbikes.

Ehh, I played the tech test and it was kind of meh.
Maybe it'll get better.

Good vehicle variation, good vehicle speed/acceleration, vehicles with different abilities

That said, its rare.

>implying shoving a franchise title in the title makes it anything related to said franchise

while I do agree with you that open world doesn't really feel right for Ghost Recon I do like the idea of what is basically co-op MGSV.

side note anyone else kinda annoyed that they seemed to have changed the logo for the Ghosts to a Spartan Helmet?

Since I have literally no idea what this is - I doubt it.

>Released a bunch of press copies
>Paid youtubers to play it
>Every single review was 'its shit'
Yeah no, its literally the Division; not in a city and without sponges. But that doesnt solve the core fucking problem of no challenge and a empty as fuck world.

>Ubishill at it again
Would you just give it the fuck up? Your shilling on Sup Forums doesnt fucking get you more sales so I dont know why you fucking bother so much.

When did they do that?

>tfw will never play non-pirated Ubisoft games again because Uplay is such utter cancer
>tfw half the time you need some weird tweaks or literal third party software to make their game run as well as they should
>tfw recieved a free AC game with my graphics card, the London one or whatever, and still haven't even touched it because of cancerous Uplay

Months ago, it was a total PR disaster

You can find player gameplay on youtube still, its fucking awful, its actually worse than Division

That's a shame.

Will the budget version be any good?

I knew that the game was just gonna be The Division again but with vehicles in a bigger open world.

Goddamn it Ubisoft are the pioneers when it comes to creating huge ass worlds with fuck all to do and making their games boring as fuck in general.

How does this have an audience? Who sees this and thinks "I must have it"?

Are these and the Sniper Elite games any good, or just typical half arsed run and gun shit?

People who have no self control and fall for marketing bullshit. People are STILL defending this turd saying the 'beta' wasnt representative and the final product will look like the first trailers even though we have fucking gameplay right now and its blatant downgraded.

As well as the fact Ubisoft does have shills on Sup Forums and they make these threads all the fucking time.


Like when?

they're alright, they're not sniper simulators tho.

>Like when?
Go check the archives and look up Ubisoft titles, its the exact same images with the exact same posts over and over

If you dont believe me then just take a screen cap of every single wild lands thread and the first 10 posts, you'll see the exact same posts in near identicle praise over and over. Then post release it will be dead fucking silence. Absolute dead fucking silence, except for the people posting their own threads on how they got scammed.

Then expect new shill threads the moment any DLC dropped, case and fucking point they were doing it a few weeks ago for Division, exact same images, exact same posts.

they are pretty fun. nothing amazing. the kill shots can be pretty entertaining to watch.
i say its worth a playthrough if you want some dumb sniper gameplay.

>yet another Ubisoft open world collectathon
They've been making the same game since Assassin's Creed 2.

Sniper Elite is like the return of literal who WWII games that plagued the early to mid 2000's. V2, 3, and 4 are pretty much exactly the same with small gameplay adjustments.

How does final fantasy and JRPGs have an audience?

they are all literally the same game.

Im more hyped for For Honor

exploring stuff for nothing is fun, but you still need a world dense with shit to actually explore

skyrim is the perfect example of a super dense world with lots to explore for very little reason

ubisoft games there is no exploration because its just a flat empty wasteland with nothing to do but look at subpar graphics. then they dot a couple things here and there that are actually worth something but no explorable places that are worth nothing