this is the best rpg in the last 10 years friends

> this is the best rpg in the last 10 years friends

it actually is, prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

Dragon Age Origins is better


Mount & Blade Warband is better
Dark Souls is better
Legend of Grimrock 1 & 2 are better

ME1 was the best of the franchise, yet it's filled with problems

They're on par. This is Bioware's peak, it went massively downhill from here.

I'm replaying it now. I just got to that part where you land on the Mako and have to rescuse Liara. It's so awesome how the game feels. Like you feel alone in the middle of space on an uninhabitable atmosphere. If you die your body is lost on a lifeless hunk in space. Pretty cool.

It's one of my favorites, so I agree. The other two were pretty god damned shit, though.

New Vegas

ME2 is more enjoyable.

Fuck you. Origins is the most simplistic, mediocre, brown, borefest of a fantasy rpg. It's for casuals who think that's what dungeons and dragons must have been like.

Mass Effect has amazing music and a great atmosphere, and while still stupid in some ways it at least stands on it's own.

What if people just prefer fantasy over sci-fi?

You hype?

Not him. I totally disagree with your opinion on DA:O, but I do agree with your opinion on ME. It's such an amazing fucking game.

>SR: Dragonfall
>Fallout: NV
You also managed to include Mask of the Betrayer in that time-frame, but I'll let that one slide

>the whole Souls stuff
>Dragon's Dogma

>Xenoblade Chronicles

It's still pretty good though. Too bad Bioware removed things like inventory and planetary exploration instead of fixing their problems in the sequels.

Fuck no. ME2 feels like a mobile gamefor brain dead kids with ADD.

And ME1 tries too hard to be a book for people who actually wear Star Trek shirts.

Dude, chill out. It's not like the first Mass Effect was all that much better, it just had much longer corridors.

I agree with this.

I couldn't stand Dragon Age Origins. It's like the most stale shitshow of a plot, everything is such stock fantasy settings. Pick your class! Rogue, Warrior or Mage. Pick your race, Human, Elf or Dwarf! Now we're fighting the evil horde of und- darkspawn!

Fuck off, this is garbage. ME's world was really interesting, then they took the fantasy for dummies 101 and copied it verbatim. Fuck this shitty stale world they created. But then everything they made after ME1 was mediocre at best. Even ME had those regurgitated themes that Bioware uses, the mysterious disease and whatnot, and the gameplay had serious issues.

goddamn andromeda fucking skyrim/mmo influence on bullshit fuck

DA:O is just a casualized Baldur's Gate.

Yeah, it's better gameplay wise than Mass Effect though. ME had awful gameplay and instead of actually fixing it in the sequels they just sucked the rest of the rpg out of it and made it Gears of War in space.

Then play a good fantasy rpg like Planescape Torment, Morrowind, Dark Souls etc.

yeah im hyped for them to shit all over my favourite game for the third time in a row

What could have been. . .

That's overly reductive.
The plot of DA:O has more going on than most games. The central antagonist can join your party, for instance.
Besides, everything is written with some formula or another, fantasy is not unique in that.

>gameplay had issues
It's Baldur's Gate. How can it have issues, unless you're an underage faggot with a worthless opinion anyway?

Best credits song, prove me wrong?


All true fans started listening to the faunts after this game.


To me, the Mass Effect series ended after the first game.

I will forever fucking hate Bioware for creating something that had huge potential and turning it into a pile of shit.

Speaking of shit. I still remember when an user found one of the ME3 games that Bioware ballooned around the country before release and took a shit on the case. Good times.

Also, them using Das Malefitz in ME3 made that ending extra insulting. That's the one reason I didn't just shrug the ending off and got just as pissed as everyone else.

The first Mass Effect wasn't even that good.

>Speaking of shit. I still remember when an user found one of the ME3 games that Bioware ballooned around the country before release and took a shit on the case. Good times.

Andromeda is literally a reskinned Inquisition. Combat looks similar, material gathering, big empty environments, etc.

Fuck Bioware.

I meant ME1's gameplay had issues. But then DA:O's was nothing special.

Its setting was far from having and speck of creativity in it. It's a shitty "fantasy but with racism" charade. I dropped the game during the fade, I couldn't care any longer to play the game because its gameplay was average, and the plot felt like a cheap play rehearsed by bad actors.

I was not being reductive, the selection of classes and races was EXACTLY like that. The plot hits all those cliche things you see in fantasy. Wow let's all fight the undead guys with blue glowing eyes. But there's our amazing twist: racism against elves and mages! Oh fuck off. Probably one of the least creative RPG's I've played.

But ME2 was good

I've literally never seen any company destroy a masterpiece as much as EA has. It's amazing, it's like it's physically impossible to do it, but somehow they still manage to do it, and have so numerous times.

Bioware isn't Bioware anymore, it's just a front for EA, it's no longer the same staff, I don't even think any of the original founders are even there still except probably Gaider or some shit and even he was a fucking annoying dickhead. I fucking hate the video game industry these days and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive companies like EA, Activision, Ubisoft ever again.

don't do this to me user

The combat wasn't spectacular, but the premise had a lot of potential. Had good atmosphere and scores too.

Witcher 3 is the best game I've played this decade. Keep in mind though I've only been on this planet for three decades.

it was good but the only thing it had going for it was the story
every time i replay ME2, it gets worse and I start to see that it's basically a spinoff game set in the same universe


Why do you like the Witcher 3 so much?

>it was good but the only thing it had going for it was the story

Same goes for ME1 though my dude.

I haven't played this game in 5 years, should I give it another go?

Everybody shits on Noveria but it was my favourite part of the game.

I'd say the worldbuilding was good and the characters were solid. Atmosphere was nice in places. I just feel like people are always making it out like it's the GOAT when really its narrative structure and some of its characters were ripped from KOTOR and its dialogue system and combat suck peen.

It's good but people can't seriously call it the best anything unless they're wearing serious nostalgia glasses.

ME1 had issues, but the world they built was pretty damn great.

The Mako was such a boring piece of shit, but the idea of planetary exploration, and vehicle combat could have been done in an amazing way, they simply couldn't pull it off.

Then with ME2 they just said, you know what, fuck this RPG shit, fuck big environments, fuck exploring cities and shit. Everything is gonna be corridors, the galaxy will be the size of a shoebox, and we'll turn ME into a shittier version of Gears of War.

They really look like they went for the Halo/Gears audience, not only with the gameplay, but the writing took a massive nosedive, ME2's "story" is so bad, the whole focus on MUH EVIL CORPORATION while there's all this lore to work with, what an enormous fuck up.

I don't want to play a new Bioware game even for free. You can go create endless shitty progressive pieces of shit for all I care at this point.

r u a alein?

IF ALL, If all goes as planned... Will you redeem, my life again?

I can't even give a game the benefit of the doubt anymore. I see that publisher name and it's automatic
>Probably hired shit programmers, shit artists, shit writers, etc

that's the first fucking thought when it comes to ubi/ea. You don't think, 'oh shit, that's a really cool animation' or 'oh that's a pretty cool idea for a game mechanic'

you think


They've had 10 years to acquire this reputation.

Mandatory mako missions are no fun.

That's not The Witcher 1

Reminds me of Neverwinter Nights days.

which I guess is fairly ironic.

This is my automatic mindset now too. Anything with Ubisoft, EA, Activision on the box it's an immediate avoid or pirate. They've only got themselves to blame too.

nigga Witcher 1 is comfy as fuck but its combat is just atrocious. Also the game doesn't even get start to get good until Chapter 3.

Remove the asari and the Mass Effect universe becomes god-tier.

>Then with ME2 they just said, you know what, fuck this RPG shit, fuck big environments, fuck exploring cities and shit. Everything is gonna be corridors, the galaxy will be the size of a shoebox
I didn't notice much of a difference between ME1 and ME2's exploration except in ME2 you couldn't plop down on every planet and explore a square mile of barren terrain. ME2's planets and cities also seemed much more alive; more sidequests and companion dialogue to spice things up, like the one on Ilium with the quarian slave.

Well, hopefully Inquisi- I mean Andromeda tanks when it releases. Bioware needs to close shop for good.

The video game industry was a mistake. The developers of old have either had their studios die out, or are shells of their former self. I can't think of a single studio that's lasted 15+ years that isn't complete shit, or a dead company.

To add to your point, story wise, ME2 doesn't really need to exist. It's just a boring bridge that delays the conclusion. The characters were great, but otherwise it was boring and was only made so they could call the series a trilogy.

>ME:A Is going to be so fucking bad that nobody on Sup Forums will even want to pirate it or neither me
>tfw we will never get the true Sequel ME1 Deserves
Talking about ME1 does anybody have the early promotional posters for ME1 that has like stars are disappearing or something?

>Gameplay sucked
>But muh comfy!
ME1 was horible. Half the game is grinding on the same planet with that fucking tank.

If you actually, truly think that ME1 is a good game, you're the problem with the gaming industry. You're the reason Bioware doubled down on garbage storylines and romance plots instead of actually developing video games.

This guy has it. New Vegas, Undertale and SR: Dragonfall stand as memorable contenders.

Could easily oick any of them as best RPG

>I can't think of a single studio that's lasted 15+ years that isn't complete shit, or a dead company.

>Half the game is grinding on the same planet with that fucking tank.

are you retarded?
>I spent hours grinding this one level so everyone else has to do it too

What? The Citadel in 2 is literally some corridors, while ME1 has all this shit to do.

The whole design of ME2 is filled with chest high walls that give away combat sequences. Now ME1's combat had issues, but turning it into a generic third person cover shooter, scrapping overheating for shitty thermal clips wasn't really a very ambitious move. They just turned the game into generic action shooter: the game.

>mom said it's my turn to hold the pistol

This meme should have died long ago

After GTA IV and V, it's hard to argue they haven't gone to shit

If they can pull off the new RDR, then I'd be inclined to agree with you. I hated GTA:V though.

>Implying the Mako levels weren't all just reskinned versions of the same shit over and over again.

Sorry user, but I don't enjoy rhythm games.


You realize he said Underrail, right?

Cool someome agree-


Dark Souls ain't even an RPG man it's an action adventure game.

He said underrail, not undertale.

>let's copy the entire plot from Freespace, including jumpnodes, aliens forming an allience with humans to overcome an ancient destroyer race whos ships have insectoid designs

Am I literally the only person on this board to realize this?

>The Citadel in 2 is literally some corridors, while ME1 has all this shit to do.
That's because you spend way longer at the Citadel in ME1 than in ME2.

>The whole design of ME2 is filled with chest high walls that give away combat sequences. Now ME1's combat had issues, but turning it into a generic third person cover shooter, scrapping overheating for shitty thermal clips wasn't really a very ambitious move. They just turned the game into generic action shooter: the game.
Still more fun to play.

But it is an action RPG

>Dark Souls
you can only pick one, user.



No, but bringing up Freespace just makes me sad because we'll never know what happened with the Shivans.

Like Zelda.

Don't forget how they ripped KOTOR.

>Newly-appointed Jedi answers to the council and has to go hunt down a rogue Jedi, Malak, who uses powerful ancient technology that is warping his mind.
>Newly-appointed Specter answers to the council and has to go hunt down a rogue Specter, Saren, who uses powerful ancient technology that is warping his mind.

also Wrex and the krogans are literally Canderous and the Mandalorians

>le miss miss miss
>le walking simulator

You must have the attention span and taste of an underage kid to think Morrowind isn't a good wRPG.

wasn't so much that bioware copied the plot. (cause, this was coming off the 90's space opera shit on TV)

it's that they didn't fully realize it, settled for some B tier mechanics. Technology has gotten better. So I guess that's a point to bioware for doing what they could at the time.

B-b-but I liked the gameplay improvements in ME2. The powers and gunplay felt great, while ME1 felt real clunky in comparison.

It's better that way, some things don't need conclusion.

Spamming Throw on husks felt amazing

I remember playing ME2 after renting it at the local video store because i couldnt find the first one on the shelves, fucking loved it.

Ended up buying the first one from my friend for 50 bucks and loved it even more than 2. Thanks for ruining 3 and any hope of a good follow up series Bioware you hacks.


I'm playing Mass Effect 1 for the first time. What is the best starting class?

And no, I don't want to do soldier.

>FS3 never

Infiltrator or Adept are best fun classes

No, that's because the Citadel in ME1 had big environments while 2's was made of corridors, I'm not making shit up, they're literal corridors connected by stairs.

The difference between how hubs are, from 1 to 2 is enormous. The first game did a better job at presenting cities.

I don't have a map comparison but it's pretty evident to anyone who played those games.

>it's more fun
To each their own, I nearly fall asleep with the shitty cover shooting gameplay. At least having to watch the overheating kept me worried about fucking up and being caught vulnerable.

Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.

Is Bioware dead? Will Mass Effect Andromeda redeem itself? They are going for the open-world route like Inquisition so I am concerned.

Infiltrator is fun. I've heard Adept is the best because of its crowd control. Plus, the two best companions are tech-based, so going biotic will balance that out.

>able to make the villain shoot himself him the head at the end
GR8 RPG 8/8

>that wrrrrrrrrrrr-ing sound when Sovereign takes off

Still gives me chills. The sound design in the first game was top notch.

>You are not Saren.

that scene was such a copout