I have an RPG itch. I recently completed Tyranny and actually had fun despite what Sup Forums said about the game

I have an RPG itch. I recently completed Tyranny and actually had fun despite what Sup Forums said about the game.

Recommend me some RPGs made in the past 10 years. I probably played most of them, but there's a chance I missed some hidden gem.

Also, should I give Pillars of Eternity another go? I stopped playing like an hour in because of boredom.

Cutepie for your troubles.


Grim Dawn.

Who's the QT OP?


bumping because i hate spoonfeeding but im bored and want reqs



Checked out Shadow Tactics? I'm playing that right now. Really good I'd say.

Yet more proof that Eastern European women are perfection

No idea bro. One of the chicks I saved in my "10 out of 10" folder. Have another

Are there any good low spec RPGs? I have only my laptop (which isn't completely shit) and crappy internet for a while?

>Also, should I give Pillars of Eternity another go? I stopped playing like an hour in because of boredom

Try to reach the second act at least. If after that you are still bored just give up the game won't get any better. The expansions add more interesting fights but the core of the game won't change.

PoE got better but never really got good.

Planescape Torment is GOAT
Divinity Original Sin for something a bit more fresh

Tribes RPG, doesn't get lower spec than that

>Grim Dawn

Isn't that just a diablo clone grindfest

This looks like one of the girls Sup Forums would use for shitposting with a "you join a kickboxing class and turn around and this girl says "put em up mister, I'm gonna wreck you" what do you do?" Threads

More of a 9 but the pic in OP was solid 10

Damn it... okay. I already finished D:OS and Wasteland 2, fuck.

Thanks a lot anons! All of those look interesting especially divinity.

Yeah Divinity Original Sin is great, make sure you get Enhanced Edition. 9/10 game

>Recommend me some RPGs made in the past 10 years

Just looking through my steam library..
Legend of Grimrock 1 & 2
Child of Light
Shadowrun Dragonfall
South Park The Stick of Truth
Fallout New Vegas
The Banner saga
Alpha Protocol
Dark Messiah
Gothic 1 & 2
Freedom Force
VtM Bloodlines
The Witcher 1, 2 & 3
Serpent in the Staglands
Dead State

they vary a lot in quality and age and go from tactical rpgs to action rpgs to real time with pause take your pick

I'm playing Victor Vran right now and it's great casual fun. The rest of the good rpgs are already posted.

any good 3D zoned-based (?) semi-open/open world RPG's ala Vampire Bloodlines or F:NV?

Go to /vr/ and visit the HoMM general and download the entire Might and Magic calatog. You get top tier RPGs with top tier strategy games.

No, that one is too old, shave off about 7 years and your right on the money.

NEO Scavenger. It looks primitive but still the most detailed survival RPG ever. Alpha Protocol was unorthodox for an Obsidian title but still a proper RPG with quality. South Park: Stick of Truth was a huge surprise and pure fun.

Not a classic RPG but M&B Warband gives you incredible amount of roleplaying opportunities and mods. If you don't mind older games Vampire the Masqeurade: Bloodlines is fantastic, same goes for Arx Fatalis or Anachronox.

I still don't get the joke behind cunnyposting or how it started


Also here is a literal 10/10 perfection.

>that literally fucking movie
also, your opinion's shit and dragon's dogma is a bad game in every single aspect

Nah get fucked m8

I hear its a bot, they don't like that shit either, but it doesn't go away so there's not much they can do about it.

The Temple of Elemental Evil

didnt hit the mark by 3 years but still p good

sorry but that's a factual fact

to OP: try risen instead - it's not absolute shit nor a memeweebgame

Titan Quest got an update, if you consider it an RPG

Have you played Kingdoms of Amalur? It's quite good, I'm planning on playing it again after I finish Morrowind.

> criticizes actual good game
> gives shit game recommendation
Okay famalam

Peaked at 16 years old. How pathetic


I've had a real RPG itch for years, so i played some RPGs, every single one was disappointing.

I can't remember a single RPG i genuinely enjoyed from beginning to end.

That's a fucking shame.

I had high hopes for D:OS when it came out, but it was ultimately shit.

You just hate anything japanese or I just fell for some cheap bait

play it on tactician mode, for the love of god. Though some of the fights get a bit cheesy, it's much more satisfying.

>try risen instead - it's not absolute shit
Thanks mate. I needed a good laugh today.


Ok guys will do!
Awesome thanks user i'll look into it.