Breath of the wild looks fucking downgraded on this

Breath of the wild looks fucking downgraded on this.

Screencap this post. This console is dead in the water. Will run skyrim at 10fps

I agre

Dunno about downgraded on the switch, but overall, it looks like utter dog shit.


That draw distance is atrocious. How are people excited for this? Nothing about it stands out.

literally because its a zelda skin. if this was any other game not by nintendo and a new IP it would be getting shit on. see horizon

>appears to run at a more stable framerate
I disagree.

do you not see


Neither of those are the switch version.

I'll screencap to blow you the fuck out later.

that worked out great last time didnt it?

they dumb its a better 3ds but as a console is crap

anyway lets just wait for the weeb games everyone loves

>portable ps4
>this is somehow bad
go fuck yourself, this is gonna be great for train rides

But you don't get it, the problem was the NAME, everyone is completly retarded and thought it was a Wii accesory!!

>Confirmed ds3 runs fine
Muh skyrim, fuck off todd

you think this will be as strong as a ps4? a nintendo product?

select all images with a train station

Top isn't even a real picture, it's just an edit of this

>portable ps4

lol. Leaks stated it's between Wii U and XBO

I know 3 different kids who own a WiiU, all 3 have either a PS3, PS4 or Xbox of some kind; one of them is rich and owns all 3 consoles from the current and last generation. You know whal all 3 have in common?

They all have their WiiU gathering dust in the corner.

The system was shit. Period.

Don't tell me they're still using that lame excuse

Still looks loads better than what the game actually looks like on both Wii U and Switch

It is the same image with a higher contrast, user

>tfw hacked my Wii U and installed every exclusive
>I still haven't touched it in a year
The game I was most hyped for when I bought one was Zelda and that's basically a Switch game now

Pfff, of course they are! This are Nintendo fanboys we are talking about. They rank somewere between furries and bronies

>rumors are now confirmations

I think it's embarrassing that a 9th gen console can't run a game with 6th-7th gen assets at 60 fps

I wouldn't doubt the Switch being not much more powerful than the Wii U

And the funny thing is, if people genuinely confused it with a Wii accessory it should have sold at least 70 million units given how the Wii was popular thanks to accessories like the board or the nunchaku.

Top picture is a photoshopped version of a screenshot from a CGI trailer.

Needs more depth of field, washed out colors, and chromatic aberration to be considered a modern title.

Don't forget sharpening, film grain, vignetting and letterbox

I think the Switch will be a platform more powerful than the WiiU but not as powerful as the Playstation 4 / Xbox One.
There is no way they can make a portable platform as powerful as those two consoles without making it expensive.

>posting the edit

Yup but you know... fanboyism.

The only thing keeping Nintendo afloat is the portable marked so it was logc for tem to tur their next console into a portable machine.

why do you keep replying to yourself

Uhm... I'm not.

As long as the game is fun, why should I care about framerate and graphics?

As someone who grew up in a gaming dark I haven't been spoilt by great visuals but surely the gameplay and story should come first?

>The only thing keeping Nintendo afloat is the portable marked so it was logc for tem to tur their next console into a portable machine.
The only thing keeping Nintendo afloat is their huge amount of cash, and having very, very little debt.

Nintendo can keep at it for a long time, it will take multiple generations of consoles before the money runs out. And even then, they can resort to taking out loans to keep them afloat for even longer.

To be fair that's pretty impressive. Having such a fanatically loyal fanbase is something very few companies (like Apple) can brag about.
That's why it at the end of the day the Switch being successful with the public isn't important; the Nintendo fanbase will keep the company profitable.

More saturation and contrast on the top. Also the bottom needs more compression.

Why do I feel like Breath of The Wild is going to be The Phantom Pain of Zelda? A game with very solid gameplay and mechanics but aimless, plagued by an open world full of nothing and so different from the other games in the series that the fanbase is going to feel alienated?

well, that wasn't the main problem, to be honest

funny enough, many people wanted to buy the WiiU, cause they thought, it's an accessorie, but they saw the price, and thought "how is that so expensive, I could by a second Wii and still had money left"

and I, as a Nintendo-fanboy, can also see, that MS and Sony still sold less consoles, compared to the former generation

look here


>wanting to play Skyrim

that shit was bad enough the first time

To be honest it was.
I worked at GameStop for two and half years before my store closed down.
Every time I saw a mom or dad looking at the stack of Wii U's we had they would ask if it was an accessory to the Wii like the balance board.
The console was extremely under marketed so normies didn't know what it was.

More contrast.

>and I, as a Nintendo-fanboy, can also see, that MS and Sony still sold less consoles, compared to the former generation
1. The PS3 and the Xbox 360 reached 10 years in the market; meanwhile the PS4 and the One were released in 2014.
2. The WiiU was released in 2012, two years before the competition, and still it barely managed to reach half of the One's sales.
3. The Wii-to-WiiU sales fall is far more sharp compared to the Sonycrosoft one; in two years the PS4 has sold half the amount of units its predecessor sold; meanwhile the Wii barely sold a 15%

tl;dr everyone is doing fine except Nintendo.


>and I, as a Nintendo-fanboy, can also see, that MS and Sony still sold less consoles, compared to the former generation

Yeah but that console is the Wii and we all know why they have those figures

>nintendo about to release a nook with a built-in controller
>people actually taking this seriously

Enjoy your overpriced nintendroid tablet.

>so different
It's basically Zelda 1 in 3D.
The problem is that you fucking 15 years old retards posting on neo/v/ never played it because it looks "outdated".

nah there's a slight purple tint. even if it is the same image, the contrast and exposure affects the perception of the image. edited photo looks better than original

What is a console but a tablet without a screen in a bigger box?

>1. The PS3 and the Xbox 360 reached 10 years in the market; meanwhile the PS4 and the One were released in 2014.
>2. The WiiU was released in 2012, two years before the competition, and still it barely managed to reach half of the One's sales.
>3. The Wii-to-WiiU sales fall is far more sharp compared to the Sonycrosoft one; in two years the PS4 has sold half the amount of units its predecessor sold; meanwhile the Wii barely sold a 15%

>tl;dr everyone is doing fine except Nintendo.

ok, looking from this point of view, you are right, but don't forget, Nintendo is still doing fine in the handheld-segment, and yesterday, there was a thread that the videogame-market is currently decreasing general

>The console was extremely under marketed so normies didn't know what it was.
or rather, it was still marketed at normies, but they didn't have the desire for a new console