What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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They are still fun to watch.

Slowbeef has a stable well-paying job, a qt funny as fuck wife and 2 kids.
What the fuck are YOU doing with your life?

iirc its because slowbeef when full sjw

The type of content they made fun of has been oudated for years and I doubt it exists anymore. Likewise there hasn't been any pure gold shit like BillyMC or super bomber man in a long time.

Nothing. They stopped doing RPs because faggots got butthurt but at least they exchanged it for the kickstarter shit which is good and more wrongpuraes.

his wife is fucking hysterical

somehow bettter than anything he and Betus have done in years.

I never watched these faggots
What is the appeal?

The Dahir Insaat videos were pretty good. Too bad they had to take those down.

Considering all the drama it brought them it's no wonder they stopped

The wrongpuraes are pretty fucking good when its with Beetus

The fans were fucking faggots and harassed people non stop even when they were told not to, and the normal people whining and getting but hurt, not surprised they stopped.
I do like their nonstarter videos though

>what went wrong?
proteus stopped

What's chip up to these days?

>Not Dave_O

it's like Mystery Science theater but with video games. chemistry between Betus & Beef it's god-tier and they're good at coming up with jokes on the spot

honestly both but mostly proteus

dave_O at least kicked out a few podcasts with them

He still does twitch and lets play videos from time to time. most of the SA people they've had on are still active besides proteus

I fucking hate his wifestreams
Because they remind me that I'll never get married and have chemistry like that with a woman

they tried to retsupurae youtube.com/watch?v=OAwtN_LhkAw and it blew up in their face like the glory hole cocks diabetus loves so much

dating VoidBurger and making worse and worse LPs

actually Uncharted 4's not bad but his streams are unbearable

True, the most Proteus does these days is bitch on Twitter

don't be rude to betus, be rude to beef

my bad, i forgot which was which

don't understand why they got so much shit for this. this video is cringe as fuck and deserves to be mocked

Basically these. They ran out of the entertaining kind of shit to laugh at and the retarded fans attracted the wrong kind of drama around them.

It was fun while it lasted, but it's just not a concept you can milk off endlessly without it getting boring.

They got old

>dude let's stop retsupuraes because it hurts some people's feelings so let's just make our own cringey let's plays

1. it's someone playing a character
2. when this was pointed out to them they replied "but we thought he was actually retarded"
3. goons pointed out that they just admitted to picking on retards on purpose
4. this snow balled into the claim that all of their videos are making fun of the disabled
5. they deleted half of their videos as a result

He didn't have anything to do with sjws at all. The problem with doing retsupurae's is that when you have a big following watching you on YouTube, then you will have loads of people getting pissed and taking Action with Reports, loads of people who make shitty videos for retsupuraebait, and people who "raid" channels because they were featured. When you are trying to stay on youtube's good side, it becomes increasingly impossible to do.

The problem is that Slowbeef by himself is completely fucking useless and not funny at all.
Watch his solo stuff and you'll see. He's everything that he mocked for years. Terrible quality, no editing, no care, empty air, thanking people for subscribing for 10 minutes at a time, savescumming through games he's not good enough to beat on his own merit, screaming babies in the background, list goes on and on.

Seriously, just compare part 3 of Slowbeef's Earthbound Let's Play with the rest of it. Part 3 has Diabetus in it and it's fucking gold start to finish because Betus is absolutely hilarious and knows how to work a crowd.

368 episodes of sonic 06, was already boring after 15 or so.

mystery what now

Betus is good at let's plays. Beef is only good if he's with his wife or Betus.

>5. they deleted half of their videos as a result

Define Half

Diabetus is fantastic but both together is the best you can get
Slowbeef can't really do the Let's Play's like he used to, having a full time job and a family kind of fucks that but at least he took steps to try and do something unique with it.

The best one they did was the PDP rip, all the salt that flowed from that was great

Theve been doing let's plays longer than they have Retsupurare.

God that was painful to watch. Literally like DSP.
Stands in front of a giant green pulsing Switch and keeps asking what he's supposed to do, resorting to looking up guides, then videos on YouTube to see that you INTERACT WITH THE FUCKING SWITCH YOU MONGOLOID.

everything that could be conscidered making fun of a minority, retard, or woman

This. Out of all his souls playthroughs, bloodborne was the most enjoyable because of Betus.

Can you link me to one with her? I'd like to see it.

oh yeah I forget they invented showing off playing video games

do those videos exist somewhere?

they're being reuploaded to youtube under the title retsupurae memories


there are lots of re uploads of old retsupuray videos by fans, but it was done without warning anyone so plenty of those videos are lost forever, unless slowbeef kept the backups on his pc

same problem with the works of franz kafka
he never thought anyone would read his books,
so he tossed his manuscripts into a fire
only a couple of them survived

random youtube accounts. Blackulilith is a good place to start.

Mostly all of them that were removed are reuploaded on other channels.

I despise that woman. Insists on doing video game content on twitch but doesn't give the slightest shit about video games.
Why the fuck do you even play if you straight up dislike video games, reading, puzzles or any mechanical or intellectual challenge. You wanna just chat with people on twitch, do that, don't pretend to want to try out games if you just constantly fucking complain and Hand it off to Beef constantly.

She's a lovely person but for the love of god please just keep her away from video games.

>blocked in your country


It was Slowbeef that talked her into it.
Part of the joke is that she would normally rather do anything else if it weren't for 'beef

it's like leafy but he's an older manchild

she played through like 70% of Heavy Rain on her own, she's really enoyed like 35% of the games. but even still if you're banging your head against a wall because you're not good at games then why wouldn't you pass it off for a minute.

can you really blame someone for doing something fun with their spouse

people like Conan prove your statement wrong though. He doesn't care about video games and that's what makes it so funny

>Billy still occasionally makes videos.
>He's still the exact same person he was nearly a decade ago.

I like that they didn't do it for the money

Why does everyone I used to love watching on the internet either become a shell of their former selves/sjw or just disappear altogether?

Why can't life be simple like it used to be?

At least Conan plays them himself and respects them enough to pay attention and focus a bit.

>deleted all his old shit

I can never forgive Billy

really nigger

Honestly Billy is too good for this world

to be fair their vids are pretty niche for what they do so it's hard to be profitable off of them

You got a link to that. I wanna see the comment section for it.

it was only shown to goons on something awful and i'm not paying the 200 bucks needed to visit that shithole

>respects them
oh lol you're one of THOSE

It disturbs me how much he looks like adam sandler and how much that makes sense.

What board/thread?

>respects them
video games are not some form of high art

Honestly he's kind of fascinating in a Chris-chan sort of way. Like, there's clearly something not quite right about him. Maybe the 'tism.

Yeah but he's just so fucking happy about the dumbest shit, guy just enjoys everything

1. there are less absolutely awful let's plays around
2. those that are around are all the same pewdiepie still facecam + over the top reactions style, you can only make fun of that so many times
3. they lost their edge and edginess, probably galvanized a little more to the left than they're really are by the right getting so much bad press

they did what they had to do, and it was a great run.

I'm fine with their focus on just doing lps and kickstarter shit now, and those dahir insaat videos with tietuesday were funny as fuck.
It feels like retsupurae now just means 'beef n betus' rather than mocking other lpers.

They got older. Penny Arcade syndrome.

the thing is it's rarely ever beef 'n' betus anymore, it's beef 'n' randoms

>skip to a random part in
>"people say the jews had it bad in world war two but so did the germans"
hahaha wow

Post your favorite RP


>when u out of taffy

Cornshaq baby please is their unpararelled masterpiece

Eh there's not really so much of that aside from a few longplays and the dahir insaat vids, i'm sad the hopkins FBI game had that british faggot on it though, that game was completely insane and it would have been way better with betus.

tietuesday is pretty good and so is psychedelic eyeball whenever he's on

the others are just literally whos though

>tfw it's just beef 'n' randoms
>it's never betus 'n' randoms

what ever happened to that fuckin' nutcase DJB anyway

something about TieTuesday's voice kills it for me. his jokes are good but I just can't stand listening to him

tie's got the voice of a typical Sup Forums neckbeard ala 2009 but he seems like a genuinely nice dude

betus is super lazy

>I just can't stand listening to him
Voice of Dog has this exact same effect on me

it's basically the exact same voice

Yeah but Tie's funny

>I love the pussy games
>You suck that dick like a MAN, boy! The way the VIKINGS used to!
>NO! No I like PUSSY
>I love pussy ten times

betus only does anything maybe once every three months now.

>goons act weird and spergy and fuck something good up

Wow news at 11

basically every site or channel that started off with some edge has been watered down or at least tries to put up the facade that they're left leaning to fit in

people who used to not give a fuck sprinkling in "offensive" and covering their asses

it sucks but a lot of these are actual businesses so i can't really blame them

He works for Volition last i saw. Runs their Streams and shit. Looks like he still does LPs but at a slower rate. Ironicus does an D&D podcast called 6 feats under which was alright

As long as that NES pinball video exists im happy. i honestly watch it at least once a month its so good

A fuckin shame, I hope someone downloaded them somewhere.

>"That would be like Mallory getting feelings for Skippy on Family Ties!"

fucking lose it every time

Wait what, they took those down? Those were fucking hilarious.
Why'd they take it down, turkish illuminati?

copyright strikes, Dahir Insaat themselves got the videos pulled from YouTube

Can't they claim fair use?
Are those shitty videos even copyrighted in the first place?

>Can't they claim fair use?

yes but YouTube is notoriously anti-YouTuber and almost always sides with corporations

Considering how insane Dahir seem I wouldn't put it past them to take it further than Beef and 'Betus are bothered to deal with

Did anyone figure out what the fuck the company even is? I always assumed it's a front for some money laundering op or something since their website is garbage and their ideas are insane.