If you want a good story read a book

>If you want a good story read a book

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Too many games seem to be made by failed movie writers and don't do anything to introduce the interactivity and player agency in their stories.

name 537 books with good stories

Its true, stop pretending high school level of philosophy you could find on wikipedia injected on RPGs make it deep. Read a book you nigger

Good writing is the cherry on top. You shouldn't be looking for it when picking out games.

>reading books for the story

>reading books for the gameplay

If you read genre trash you might as well stick to Undertale and No Man's Sky.

>it's literally the best video game ever made just ignore the shitty mind numbingly repetitive gameplay

Are you just projecting now

If you are unironically reading for the story, you are storyfag trash and need to fuck off to reddit immediately.

Its GAMEplay for a reason fucking idiot

What are you even sperging about


Storyfags thinking they can critique anything when the only thing they read is garbage.

>i play games for the story not the gameplay




Do you get out much?

ITT: Games with good stories
Pic related is the only one

Or you could read some books for the story, and some for the characters, and some for the themes, and some for personal edification. You know, like a normal, well balanced human being does. You can do the same thing in games, movies, music, or about any art form. It's almost like they're diverse media with multiple different things to like or dislike about them.

Some anti-genre fiction bullshit, I'm sure. Typical psuedointellectual stuff.

great taste senpai, broken english storytelling kino

List me 10 games with GOOD writing.

Oh wait you can't.

The point is going into anything for the "story" is cancer.

That counts as 10 games in itself so there you go

What about a book?


Exactly as bad as going into anything else for the story.

>Too many games seem to be made by failed movie writers and don't do anything to introduce the interactivity and player agency in their stories.
Games have better stories than movies though.
That's why they get killed off by SJWs now. To dangerous for Hollywood/TV earnings...

>Le power of friendship

Planescape: Torment
Vagrant Story
Lost Odyssey
The Legend of Heroes VII
Growlanser IV
To the Moon
Silent Hill 2

Wow you sure showed me, you put "le" at the start of your post.

Well what else would you go into a book for? So you can look cool while you pretend to read it, you pretentious cumhead?

He said GOOD writing, not predictable schlock.

he actually said "lil nigga"

>using Sup Forums posts as reaction images

I just want a Gotrek and Felix -Slayer game

Prose, themes, new facts. Hell fuck fiction altogether and read actual books about things that matter here in the real world..

The Witcher series
Mother series
The Void
The Banner Saga
Deadly Premonition
Deus Ex
Hotline Miami 2
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (This one is kinda cheating)
Metal Gear series in general
Shadowrun Dragonfall


All books are ultimately fiction except for educational books.
Kill yourself.


Yes. I to, am of the enlightened individuals such as ourselves. I read not to experience a composed narrative, rather I am searching and scouring for advanced literary technique of the most exquisite variety. I am scanning for samples of alliteration, rhythm, destrocyakian thematics, and onomatopoeia. Nothing gets by my scouring lenses. (that means eyes for all of you "less"-folk). In fact, I am nigh too acute to be quenched by all but the finest of authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe.

no book can hype me up like Phoenix Wright or Danganronpa.

videogame stories are for uncultured swine

There is no video game with a plot deeper than a generic Hollywood blockbuster.

The medium is still too young.

>good stories


this desu senpai

t. /r/games /r/books

When the FUCC are we going to get the new Hommer Simpson episode?
By the way, OP's picture is from this shit, check it out youtube.com/watch?v=6xEcyTq3htY

It's true though

Makes me wonder how Witcher 3 is GOTY when the only thing people seem to think is good about it is the story

There is no video game.

The medium is still too young.


American Psycho gave me a good bit of hype whenever I saw the chapter names
>Killing dog
>Confronted by Faggot
>Paul Owen
>Taking an Uzi to the gym
>Tries to cook and eat a girl

Should've used Nietzsche instead of Poe for maximum fedora

>The medium is still too young.
Thats irrelevant, storytelling is like 100000 years old.

There is no medium.
The young is still too.

I was going for more of a "Kid who sat in the back of the classroom in 9th grade english class and kept trying to do tricks with his pencil" vibe.

But being able to appropriately utilize the medium for storytelling is key. Game development doesn't yet have it's Dali or Kurosawa, it found it's Walt Disney in Miyamoto, but without more talented individuals leading projects and providing a concise vision there's always going to be the issue of too many cooks spoiling the broth and making "safe" stories or talentless indie hacks who make a "deep" plot off of some novel they've recently read and then shove it's moral down your throat.

Age of Decadence
Planescape Torment
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Fallout's 1 and 2
Deus Ex
Vampires the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Turok 1 and 2
STALKER series
Metro series
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay
Witcher series
Banner Saga series
Resident Evil 4. Fuck you, it's a perfect B-movie schlock-fest and that's all it was supposed to be.

>le planescape meme

He said game, you mouthbreather

>Witcher series

Literally a book.

Except there are already several games that use the medium to its adavantage in order to tell a story. It's not perfect but neither is any other medium.
Read the thread.

And literally video games. God forbid something have two forms of media and excels in both, that might invalidate your argument!

>Implying there are any REAL /lit/fags here and not people just using that as a means to attack story in games.

You talkin' shit about last guardian, son?

Wrong, wrong, wrong, and more wrong. Also, you spelled Undertale wrong.

I do enjoy reading as much if not more than playing video games but I don't really browse /lit/ all that much because english isn't my native language and reading english text for long periods of time is very tiring to me.

Take your shit opinion and fuck off.

>How to invalidate your entire post with one word.

Don't count because they are just books (now movies) that you level up to progress through and see more of the story.

>Point & Click Adventures
Don't count, also a book that you need to solve to continue onward in the story.

>Visual Novel
Not even a video game

These three genres are just piggy backing on the techniques used for written literature throughout hundreds of years.

Thanks for the recs bros.


No new ideas here, very black and white storytelling too.


You are full of shit. You are literally saying that stories are tied to the gameplay but that is somehow wrong.

Weak shit you got there Carlos.

I thought Underrail had a fairly generic story, but was known for its top-tier gameplay?

I can read a choose your own adventure book and pretend I'm playing an open ended RPG. I could get my friends over and play DnD to decide which page to turn to. It's now a video game.

Your response was a better story than undertale.

It depends if you go genocide route or not.

Good world building, fun missions and quests, god-tier exploring, the ending is the only real part where the writing would fall flat. Gameplay is great, though. It's basically the next evolution of a game like Fallout 1 and 2.

This, too.


It's almost as if CRPG were created as a way to improve on the tabletop model.

A Finnish girl gave me a book called 'Talvisota' to help me learn her language. What the fuck, it's the most incomprehensible shit ever.

Using "genre fiction" should be a bannable offense outside of /lit/. Fucking niggers

Exactly, thus RPGs don't count as good video game stories, they're just good literature.

reading is fucking queer
i don't want to read just give me a game
fuck story too unless it's fucking awesome
being a faggot

Most high budget games are just trying to be Hollywood movies.
We don't need that.
We need games that properly marry story with gameplay. I think Shadow of Mordor touched on this lightly with its Nemesis system, but the overarching story was boring as fuck.

>lol video game stories are shit read a book
>ok which books have good stories?
>faggot never responds after this
how many of you read-a-book faggots actually read yourselves?

I haven't actually played the game yet, but I had thought about it. Maybe I'll grab it during the Christmas sale.

Why did you do it Sterlo? Why did you run the global fattie network?

I read and enjoy it! I am not a read-a-book faggot however.

>it's good but not that good

>PAcific Rim

but I like all those

>L1 L2 L1 R2 ← ↓ → ↑ ← ↓ ↓ →

I used to read fighting fantasy game books though.

Australians make the weirdest shit.
>Does this mean he is dead of slept?
>No, it means he is slept of dead, Marge!

that would make your post equally invalid, so you are wrong


A book isn't the best choice for a story when the visuals are one of the important aspects.

Something like Killer 7 needs to be something visual, whether that's a game or a manga or a movie.

ITT: only 3 people know what the fuck they're talking about

good stuff

fucking storyfags lmao