So if the Switch fails, what is Nintendo's next move going to be?

So if the Switch fails, what is Nintendo's next move going to be?


Nintendo Switch XL, with improved battery life and double down on handheld.

Mario Run 2.

Mass Suicide.

3DS successor, without a proper console for a while. This is what they should be doing now. The Switch does not count.

or 3rd party games, like Sega

Xbox Scorpio and PS4pro ports

All their games to PC.

switch u

They'll become a private military company.

Then New nintendo switch, then New nintendo switch XL.

They'll probably have to.. heheh... SWITCH it up

They will probably actually reconsider everything they've done up to this point. I doubt they could sell another console if the Switch fails, however the handheld market isn't off the table. They might just have to compete with the Vita as far as that goes, or whatever takes the Vita's place.I can imagine a Nintendo that makes handhelds and develops for Sony consoles or something. Maybe PC but I wouldn't bet on that.

Remember what happened to THQ?

If there is a god they will go third party and we'll see some of their franchises on sony and Microsoft consoles.

But they will most likely put more focus into mobile with more shit games.

Go back to Hanafuda cards and love hotels.

They could literally just join the club and offer a powerful system with no special gimmicks and just be like the rest.

Most likely they will just keep trying to innovate hoping something lands with consumers till they run out of money. Maybe 2 or 3 times to go.

they HAVE to go after the hardcore market next time. It's OUR turn

This, I really hope the switch fails so that they do this instead.
>3DS is a great system
>good library
>just go Pokemon Sun and Moon released
"Nah, let's just fuck everything up and release this Switch abomination instead"
I tries to be a good console and a good handheld, but now it just fails at both.

they get bought by microsoft

no they couldn't. normies associate nintendo with kiddy shit, they aren't taken seriously when it comes to games.

The new NeW 3DS PLUS

Either third party or microsoft will happen. They have shown interest in nintendo.

Nintendo is following Sega's path pretty religiously. Can't wait to play Mario on my PS5 in the 20s.

Thats a pretty big "if"


>Nintendo is Kaiba Corp in reverse

keep telling yourself that

Microsoft would be worst case scenario. They would gimp so many things about nintendo it wouldnt even be the same company.

>Get that kiddy shit out of here.
>You arent making any more games in that style.
>Oh? Did you say you have a legacy? That your name was built upon the atmosphere that your games exhibited?
>Did that sell?
>Thats what we thought.
>Now bend over.

This has to be bait


Crashing this plane with no survivors, after the switch flies out of the window.

Theres a source, go see for yourself.

>media coverage

dey make this snesmini that u all soo muchwant isnt it obvious cant sell out soon enuff

>an event for the reveal of one completely new entire console gets more articles for that one console than an event intended to show games for multiple three-year-old consoles plus PC get for each individual console

Real accomplishment

>Get that kiddy shit out of here.
we're talking about the same company that bought minecraft. they wouldnt do this

They did it to Rare.

This is so fucking depressing. At least I'll have played one more open-world Mario and a true open-world Zelda before Nintendo fades.

No they didn't

rare isn't nintendo though
banjo is no mario or loz so they got rid of it

You'll get your 3ds successor, in 18 months with a library of switch games and no second screen.

You haven't heard what happened behind the scenes during the development of Nuts & Bolts?

Controllers you insert into your anus.

One hour, one time only event for unanimous underdog company out-performs showing of much, much larger companies at an established, hyped up, yearly event.

It looks pretty good, desu.

And here's just Nintendo

>Nintendo forced the entire old advertising department to commit son goku

Never thought I'd see the day.

They will merge with SEGA and create the Dreamcast 2 with BLAST PROCESSING technology.

PS4 and XBone don't necessarily represent their respective companies. E3 also isn't supposed to be specifically for companies, it's about games and new products. Most games are multiplats, and the PS4 and XBone definitely aren't new products. There's also a significant number of PC games at E3. All those things split journalists between different topics to write articles for. And even with all that considered, The Switch didn't beat them. PS4 and XBone together on E3 had way more articles than the Switch did at its presentation.

another strange gimmicky underpowered console that noone wanted, proving they dont know what they are doing and dont learn from mistakes

I hope nintendont becomes a third party dev and pub for actual consoles.
Mario as a mobile game was a good first step.

Nintendont's games have always been simple and charming though. Their games on other consoles would always be way under par in the fidelity department.

Unless they stick to marketplace games. 30 bucks a pop. Sony and Microsoft. Plus, nintendont would get a hardon for the "gaben digital service" product release.


Your fingers are too fat to reliably type nintendo, I worry about your health user.

Reminder that Doggo should only be male
reminder that Doggo should only be a dog, not anthro
Reminder that Doggo should only be a companion piece for Switch Tan.

Stop ruining Doggo.

>articles amounts to sales
>many articles are also negative or sceptical
>the event as a whole is considered underwhelming

Fucking retard.

They'll continue to be out of touch while continuing to get a bad reputation from shutting down mods until they just make phone games. They might make their own pc client like steam.

Reminder that Doggo is a shitty reddit creation and you should kill yourself



>you fags still didn't settle on a design yet
drawfags trully are useless.

The decision is already made, mate

Disney will buy them

My ass it has. I still you chucklefucks bickering over it every /ctt/

The switch won't fail

Nintendrones will buy anything

Make an actual strong console 2 years from now, no gimmicks.

They will probably give up on home consoles entirely and focus on handhelds only. Feels like this is the first step in that direction anyway

it's shit.

there is no chin on that person, the fuck



Switch: Home, all the fun of the switch but without the stupid gimmick tablet shit and lower price

>Idiots convinced Nintendo will fail because they desperately want their quality IPs on their shit systems

keep dreaming fags

This is actually what I'm waiting for

I love how so many people predict this happening. It's an easy way to skip designing the next handheld. Better to just switch (xD xD xD) tactics and emphasize the handheld.

Well that escalated quickly.

oddly enough, he's internet famous
or atleast semi internet famous

At that point, what would separate switch from a smart phone, other than buttons and the switch having less functionality?

I too believe unsourced Sup Forums posts

They are better off quitting hardware entirely than trying to make another pocket handheld. Phones have made pocket handhelds unviable. Even kids use smartphones now and don't want to carry two devices.

This just in, you're not a faggot.

Guess we can't believe that one either

I could see them making one last attempt by making a smart phone. An easy peezy one for kids. Their first phone etc. Dedicated buttons. All games compatible with android/ios

id love for nintendo to go third party and have nintendo games on pc.

>every retarded blogger and their mother makes an articles about nintendos new console
>somehow that means anything

That would be directly competing with sony and microsoft and nintendo would never do that unless one of them bellied up.

Switch is a 2nd console/portable. Not a good position for nintendo, but it's a place they can survive because they never lose the portable market, but phones really cut into their plans last time.


Xbone sales in Japan make the Wii U look good in comparison. If Nintendo gives up making consoles they go to Sony.


>generate hype for your new console
>drop the bomb when it comes to the actual event
Really made me think it's gonna be successful.