Who is the good guy in Metal Gear Solid?

Who is the good guy in Metal Gear Solid?

Kazuhira Miller

Alright let's get this shit over with, OP. Just post her dick already.


Everyone is just doing what they think is right except for Volgin who's basically a cartoon villain


Nice cunny

That doesn't mean they're good people. It just means they have motivations.
>good guy

Well he is a communist, so...


Ocelot was the only guy with any resemblance of honor and royalty in his guts.

Who is this semen demon


The credits

The Boss

He was a cunt. He just happened to be loyal to Big Boss (also a cunt).


The most objectively good person in MGS is Otacon. He's one of the only characters to feel legitimate remorse the moment he recognizes he's in the wrong, rather than blaming everyone else for his mistakes, and takes logical approaches towards fixing his errors.

Everyone else deified mortals, pointed the finger at someone else, or became too self-obsessed.

Solidus Snake


>good guy
>series literally ends with a quote from a nihilist

Solidus Snake = George Bush Jr.

they guy with the revolvers

>Good guy


He was raped by his stepmother. If anything, Otacon should be the hero of the series for being so brave.

>wants to wrest control of a dominating war-perpetuating AI for his own self-gain

Wasn't it Sunny because she fixed the patriot system or whatever

>hurf durf raep survivor

Ok, who is this semen angel then?

m8 you might want to reread the post chain you replied to


Otacon, the true inheritor of the Will of the Boss

>not knowing about Revolver Otacon

Solidus, of course

Hughy because he was trying to stop Big Boss before it was too late, he failed and made it even worse. Hughy Emerich is a tragic hero and he trully dindu niffin.

>good people
Define 'good'

wew lad, watch that edge

He's not a rapist. Just a sadist.

The guy who marries meryl.


And Im not talking about his grand father. Hell, im not talking about his father. Im talking about Jonny "Akiba" Sasaki

Literally the only character in the series I actually fucking hated.

It was implied in MGS1 that he raped Meryl

>"It's like one of my American westerns"

Solidus Snake

nah, Ocelot's not interested in cunny.

Johnny was just kind of a guy who needed a job and had a phobia of needles as far as I can tell by what little backstory in the series.

There is no character in fiction that I have absorbed in the past three years that enrages me more than Huey. He is the embodiment of everything I hate about humanity. He has no redeeming qualities. He should have been nuked.

Solidus Snake.

lol, I killed him in my first playthrough, and after MGS4, I always make sure to kill him.

Sunny in MGS4. She means no harm to anyone.

Nietzsche wasn't really a nihilist in the sense that you might think. He wrote about it, but in a cautionary way that ultimately advocated moving past it. He was a life-affirming thinker, ultimately.

Perspectivism isn't the same as nihilism.
>thinks warmongering is totally cool
>calls someone else edgy
Yeah, okay.

Otacon is the only character who actually learns the lessons the games try to shove down your throat.

He displays this at the very end by not trying to prolong Snake's life any further, and just accepting that he is going to die.


his name is in the title

I've played the game a bunch of times and still can't remember what Volgin's deal was.
Still love the guy.

Skull Face.

But user.


>Who is the good guy in Metal Gear Solid?


>thinks warmongering is totally cool
BB never mongered wars. It always came for him.
>calls someone else edgy
yeah, in-bred Burgers crying & being buttmad that their stars & stripes can be seen as equally big evil as USSR, and that there might be a third party fighting off both sides, indeed equals edgy as fuck.

Revolver Ocelot

Metal Gear?

What's the point of this thread? There's no such thing as good and bad guys, just different interests and motivations.

Johnny literally worked for Liquid in the first game and Solidus in the second.

>be Johnny
>your dad's name is Johnny
>his dad's name is Johnny
>everyone is named Johnny
>Grandpa Johnny boasts about how he once was the guard in charge of watching Big Boss
>Papa Johnny got to serve honorably in the Army when war was going on
>Johnny wants to serve like Johnny and Johnny but war has changed
>end up joining a PMC that has this great insurance plan
>shipped to Alaska
>have to get a "booster shot"
>in charge of guarding a hot chick
>hot chick kicks his ass and steals his clothes
>survive the Shadow Moses incident
>sign up with the same PMC group again because why not?
>cute chick walks up to you on a bridge she shouldn't have access to while you're on guard
>end up shitting your pants over it
>survive the Big Shell incident
>join the hot chick's fireteam because she's hot
>end up becoming a superhero because you have no nanomachines in your system
>get to fuck hot redhead American puss for the rest of your life while cashing in on that great retirement package that came with working for the PMCs and the US military

>Who is the good guy in Metal Gear Solid?


>BB never mongered wars. It always came for him.
>Go home Jack.

Solidus. He had the perfect intentions, he was the only one who actually wanted to destroy the Patriots and not just foil someone else's plan. Nobody has truer vision than solidus, he was the perfect clone.

You forgot:

>Realize that it was just a gorilla in a wig

Dammit that's the most dated joke I've ever seen here

She promotes race breeding,

That is evil.

Solid Sneak.



>BB never mongered wars.
But he did. That was Outer Heaven's entire goal, and it's why the Outer Heaven "Uprising" is described as an uprising. He held the world hostage with nuclear equipped mechs twice. That's kind of a dickish thing to do.
>in-bred Burgers
You can recognize that the U.S. and NATO have done awful things while still also recognizing that Big Boss was an egocentric loon. They're not mutually exclusive.


Yeah, I knew all that. Still, the only thing that gives him an inherent distinction between everyone else was that he never had nanomachines in him. Also, it really isn't said one way or the other if Johnny's grandpappy survived Snake Eater. You can kill him and it won't cause a time paradox if you recall. I think my point still stands, he was just a regular guy that needed a job.

>good guy
>murdered children's parents and raised them to be killing machines just because

Johnny Sasaki

>coalburning autistic cunt

No, thanks.

His intentions were to, literally, kill the Patriots, incite global war, and fulfill Big Boss' dream of Outer Heaven. The funniest thing is, is that the Patriots gave him a FAKE LIST of names and locations for the Patriots, and he was a pawn the entire time. Not to mention he's responsible for not only the child soldiers he trained and manipulated, but for the many children who were dissected for the Sears Program in MGR:R.

Solidus was a pretty openly cruel person. It's weird that people completely skip over that quality.

Big Boss
The Boss

In the sense that the means don't justify the ends, Solidus wasn't a good guy. However, in the sense that ultimately by the end of MGS everyone's trying to (to some degree) stop the Patriots, he was. Solidus just wanted to do it in a way that would bring humanity back to the dark ages.

What's his name?

George Sears




Then what's her name?

Solidus Snake


If it wasn't for Johnny MGS would have ended in Meryl being caught and Snake would have never gotten out of his cell, meaning Liquid would have won. In MGS2 he wouldn't have been there to help Emma cross and she would have been caught and probably killed too early so arsenal gear would have taken off without anyone to stop it and in MGS4 Snake would have died in the middle east and he saved him and Meryl in Europe. If his ibs didn't kick in he could have killed Liquid and ended it right then and there.

Even in MGS3 his grandpa helped Big Boss escape. Then he later joined him in PO and probably in Outer Haven. Old Johnny might as well have been one of Big Boss' top agents. Johnny Sasaki was the true hero.

Georgia Sears.

Fuck off pol. You weak shits couldn't crusade your way out of your cheeto stained sweat pants.

Who's the most right wing character?

Solidus was trying to be a good guy, but he was played like a fiddle.

The closest to a protagonist that actually helped was Raiden, since besides the child soldier stuff and getting cyborg'd all he ever did was try and help Snake do his mission and rescue Sunny.

Solidus closely followed by his butt buddy

>Solidus was trying to be a good guy
I never got that impression. He seemed more interested in pretenses of liberalism for the sake of his own ego and legacy more than actual altruism. His conversation with Fortune about Arsenal Gear is pretty telling.

>Big Boss

Big Boss is essentially an extremist militarist or something