Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.

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but it doesn't have actual gameplay. fuck off shill

You can't have actual gameplay without actual graphics.

>gone full retard

just because a game is pretty doesn't mean its good. your game is shit. kill yoursefl

I hope OP doesn't play it either and just posts that image daily like its a meem.

You haven't played it. You can't even run it. It's too actual for you.

I wanna touch Feys feet!

I have nearly 400 hours in it and all the cards. I've spent $200 on it also just to support Epic.

What else would I play? Nothing else has actual graphics.

>actual gameplay

>assuming the post

actually off yourself. your game is nothing but shiny waifu bait

yeah, just tried this game for the first time since the major patch, shit is so borrrring

No, this is actual gameplay

i bet you feel for ARK too didn't you.

Pretty boring game desu

Nope. Sub-actual presentation, sub-actual performance.

>so many spell effects you can barely tell whats going on
doesnt seem fun

what the fuck is going on

>QWER and mouse buttons

that is what was used in this webm

See it in slo-mo.



Who's this semen demon?

That isn't actual gameplay though. That's subhuman retard Polygon journalist-tier gameplay, and actual players don't hold M1 on minions like that for no fucking reason.

its literally just a copy of smite. which is a copy of league of legends. which is a copy of dota. its fucking triple bootleg copy.

Theres no general for it so it must suck

>the gameplay you posted and said was gameplay isn't actual gameplay

what the fuck is wrong with you namefag?

None of those trash games have actual graphics.

None of those trash games have a THIRD DIMENSION; their maps are all flat.

I bet you consider this "actual gameplay" too.

Are you fucking retarded?was responding to your team fight webm. not the minion hitting webm. you are so autistic you can't even use your eye.

this is a copypasta thread please stop replying to it

Paragon is just a really slow, really boring, and significantly uglier Guilty Gear Overture. Literally the only thing it has as a plus is graffix and an active community of shills.


Oh OK whoops my bad

Show me one thread on the catalog that isn't a rehash

>no third dimension
how does it feel to be so god damn wrong?

literally just the same shit just without the UI telling you how little is actually going on

Literally nobody is playing that game anymore, it's drastically different in structure from the MOBA canon, and you are a blind weeb if you think it looks "significantly better" than anything.

It literally is flat. The map has no elevation and there is no z-axis. There is no air game. You can't jump off cliffs.

I literally already said Paragon has a community, it's pretty much the pinnacle of ASSFAGGOTSs design by merit of no artificial barriers in the form of faggoty "Slow down, we gotta let the newcomers grind" towers, and from what I've seen of Paragon, the garbage QWER+RMB combat is still present, which is inferior to actual combos, unit guidance, flow control, rushing across the map at any point in the game, charging their base as the game begins and damaging it early, so on so forth.

But continue shilling, I'm sure that your graphics will continue lining your (you) account, Tripcuck.

Not responding to this particular post just asking you in general.
Why do you have a trip?
Why do you think people actually care about?
Are you autistic?


>Show me one thread on the catalog that isn't a rehash
You threads are nothing special and aren't an exception to the rule either. Fuck off.

Why are you all so poor?

>there is no z-axis
>the map is literally flat
>no elevation

how can one human be so wrong

I wasn't even talking about the game, i mean it looks like shit but who cares.
You on the other hand seem like the most autistic fuck on this site

>calling people poor
>only has a 1070

fuck this is funny

I've played Smite. There are no slopes, cliffs, ramps, valleys, stairs, nothing. The playspace is entirely flat. You can't even look up or down.

>its fucking triple bootleg copy

well I'll be damned, you're right.

There still is a z-axis.
there are walls so there is fucking elevation
and in league most champs have attacks where they jump over walls or towers. and slopes and cliffs add nothing to gameplay what so ever.

>tfw my laptop gets 15500 firestrike scores.

God it is a wonderful year when I can get desktop performance out of a notebook.

>There still is a z-axis.
>there are walls so there is fucking elevation
Neither of those are functional for anything three dimensional.
It's just as 3D as LoL or Dota, hell, it's less 3D than Dota because that has actual uphill/downhill that affects gameplay

He's calling you out for being a fucking dullard, where did income come in the conversation?

>you can JUMP over the walls
>no function for anything three dimensional.

It has actual elevation.

You can jump over them in LoL too. It's just a barrier that some abilities let you traverse. I can't go up there and aim down at people, I can't actually interact with the third dimension. It's not 3D.

And it doesnt mean anything because you're still playing a game with the exact same functionality as a WC3 custom map.

>you can go up in elevation using a ability
>its not 3D

you are actually retarded

At this point you've transcended past bait and you're just shitposting

Another fat assed vidya girl.

So you think LoL is a functionally 3D game?

Gee, I don't think WC3 ever allowed for DIRECT CHARACTER CONTROL that wasn't laggy and suckass. And the third dimension adds tons of tactical opportunities and extra skill that your retarded auto-attack clicker games don't have. Everything in Paragon is a skillshot.

well it isn't fucking 2D so yes.

>everything is a skill shot
>auto attacking minions webm was shown

ok kid

>everything interactive is locked to a 2D plane
>can't aim up or down
>verticality is either brief periods of untargetability or just a cosmetic effect
>knock someone up into the air with a cho'gath Q, shoot a varus arrow underneath them, they still get hit and take damage
It's 2D.

That isn't an auto-attack. That's spamming a basic attack. "Auto-attack" means the game automatically aims and attacks for you until you cancel the order, which doesn't happen in Paragon because Paragon is an actual videogame where you don't just click out one order at a time.

>instead of clicking on a enemy than your charecter attacking for you, you have to click a bunch of fucking times

wow such a good game.

a map is 2d
mario brothers is 2d

if they game has depth than it is not 2D you fucking moron.

same fucking thing

That's not how it works.
That's like saying a 2D platformer rendered with 3D models with hazards that animate into the third dimension (like a swinging spike ball or something) is suddenly a 3D game, despite all of the player's movements and the map itself being 2D.

The use of the third dimension for actual gameplay and player input is what makes the difference. If the core gameplay doesn't allow me to functionally access the third dimension, the game isn't 3D. Period.

i guess every single RTS ever made isn't 3d either.

>game has 3D models
>game is still 2D

How can you be so retarded?

The only 3D RTS games are Homeworld and Planetary Annihilation.

you actually do not understand what the definition of the third dimension is.

So, every attack in every game ever is an "autoattack"

3D graphics =/= 3D gamplay. Take the NSMB games for example, those are 2D games rendered with 3D models.

I gave you the definition. If you think it's wrong, please feel free to directly refute it instead of just plugging your ears and crying WAHH I'M RIGHT BECAUSE I SAY SO

You should go jump off a cliff

>this shill getting destroyed to all hell

put me in the screen cap

if a game has 3D graphics and depth it is fucking 3D. just because league of legends operates with a top down camera doesn't mean it its 2D

>if a game has 3D graphics and depth it is fucking 3D.
If the gameplay doesn't functionally interact with that depth, it's not 3D.
How fucking hard is this to understand?

but you are fucking wrong. league of legends does interact with the depth by allowing things like knock ups, character flying down from the sky. character floating up from the ground. please go and educate yourself you absolute idiot.

now im going to let this shitty thread die. just like the shit games its trying to shill.