Like Nintendo games

>like Nintendo games
>really want to play Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, etc.
>fucking hate the Switch and Nintendo as a company

Anyone else feels like this?
I really, really hope Switch flops harder than Wii U. I want Nintendo go to third party and release their quality titles on actual good hardware.
I'm just a really unsatisfied Wii U + 3DS owner.

Why do you like the games if you don't like the games that the company puts out? Is this some sort of social media bullshit excuse to not play the games?

How can you really like the games if you hate the control schemes? (Which I assume is your complaint about the Switch.) Especially Splatoon, which defined itself with its control scheme, how could you hate that and still like the game?

It's not hard to understand, dumbass.

Only because I like Splatoon doesn't mean I also like that now I'll have to pay online to be able to play it.
Nintendo is a fucking ass-backwards company. I simply HAVE to put up with all their bullshit because of their games.
And the Switch is just a huge pile of trash I wish I didn't have to buy in order to play the games on it.

No, I just don't have high speed internet.

>Only because I like Splatoon doesn't mean I also like that now I'll have to pay online to be able to play it.
A-user, you said you want them to go third-party, but both other systems have paid online.

at least those services are much better than what Nintendo offers. And in those systems I can use a ethernet cable without PREMIUM USB ADAPTER

I want Callie to massage my prostate with her hair tentacles!

Sorry user, Callie's dead. We killed her.

Nintendo will never go third party because it'd be too hard for them to shove gimmicks down our throats.

I honestly think Nintendo would just disappear if they failed and went bankrupt.

That simply can't happen. But if it did, they'd probably just vanish. No ports, no third party, no games at all. They'd just be gone...

The devs would go on to do other things like sewing or animation. The ones that continue working on games would be soulless and empty, dreaming of better days.

Why would you just assume OP hates the control scheme when he just said he really wants to play Splatoon 2 and whatnot? Are you stupid?

He's probably one of the folks who thought they were getting an PS4 on the go with a battery that lasts 80 hours, a 3TB hard drive, and a screen that can suck you off if you press your dick against it. All for $200 and a copy of Dark Souls III preinstalled in every system.

Just hope that they release Splat2n on Wii U, and add Deluxe as a DLC to 8.

They also need to make the peripherals compatable and stop the paid online before it starts.

M$ was taught lesson with the backlash over the Xbone reveal. Nintendo should too.

>Only because I like Splatoon doesn't mean I also like that now I'll have to pay online to be able to play it.
Fair enough, although you would be paying to play their games online if they went third party as well. Hell, ESPECIALLY if they went third party. Sony and Microsoft are charging for their online services also, and if they went the PC route, then they would still charge you to connect online with their servers.

Online payments are especially strange given how few Nintendo games actually use online (Splatoon, Mario Kart, and Smash were about the only three) and there's no third party games which seem to use it either. I would've expected them to at least put Splatoon 2 out at launch, giving people six months before payments started.

>Nintendo is a fucking ass-backwards company. I simply HAVE to put up with all their bullshit because of their games.
I'm surprised you didn't bitch about their handling with NNIDs, in that case.

I'm not sure what the Switch does that the Wii/Wii U didn't.

>And the Switch is just a huge pile of trash I wish I didn't have to buy in order to play the games on it.
How the fuck are you planning on using gyro controls for aiming without a gyro controller? What do you honestly think will control Splatoon or Super Mario 3D better?

Why not killing yourself ?


>Online payments are especially strange
It's bullshit to rack in more cash from the drone fanbase.
>i-it's to sustain our servers, promise!
Full fucking bullshit. They'll pocket every single penny.

>i am braindead fanboy the post

>They also need to make the peripherals compatable
Nope. Nintendo doesn't want you to use old accessories. Not even the goddamn Wii U Pro Controller.
You gotta buy all the NEW overpriced accessories exclusively for Switch.



There's got to be a point when consumers say enough. It happened to M$ with the 'no used games' fiasco.

To top it all off there's scalpers and forced scarcity too. Not good.

>How the fuck are you planning on using gyro controls for aiming without a gyro controller?

No one said anything about not having gyro. According to the presentation, the pro controller has gyro and you'll be able to play Splatoon 2 with it.

In that case, it wouldn't be outrageous to think of playing Splatoon with, say, a DS4. Not to say, I agree with Sup Forums's obsession with seeing Nintendo games on Sony consoles. Just putting the thought out there.

>Anyone else feels like this?
Kinda, but I also don't care about graphics, don't like Sony or Microsoft either and like having physical copies so there's no win for me.

If you like the games you like the company, so you are either retarded or baiting, either way post more Callie

>if I like Metal Gear, then I like Konami

Kill yourself, my man.

>If you like the games you like the company

Even when every other aspect of their hardware and business model is pure garbage?


I stuck my head out for the Wii U, only for Nintnedo to pull out on me. Doesn't help all the games shown so far don't look that much better than your first party Wii U game.

It's gonna be the same shit with Wii U, you get it for the couple of good games, thinking there will be more on the way, and then they never fucking come. It will be a shame to miss out on Splatoon, Mario and Xenoblade but I'm not getting duped again.

>I want Nintendo go to third party and release their quality titles on actual good hardware.
Yeah, because that worked out so well for Sega didn't it?

splatoon 2 takes place inside callie's cavernous vagina

>If you like the games you like the company.

Probably the dumbest thing I've read all day. Nonetheless, I gotchu fampai!


Only time I'd buy a Switch is when it gets cracked open with cfw desu

>shove gimmicks down our throats.

What gimmicks are being shoved down our throats in Pokemon SM, Zelda BotW, Mario Odyssey, etc?

Can you even post an example of what you are talking about?

>mfw traded in my splatoon machine to gamestop for $195 credit towards a switch

I'm bummed trading in my inkling and all the hours I spent with Splatoon, but god damn that was a hell of a deal. Not to mention Splatoon 2 is gonna kill Splatoon's community.

>see the system that has all those games on it
>hate the system because its not on your system
This is a legit case of sour grapes


Never played splatoon but agree with the rest.
I just don't like playing handhelds, even though I like the 3ds and a lot of games on it.... I just don't really enjoy handheld play anymore. Small scree, having to hold it up, just crappy.

With nintendo since snes (1 zelda?, 2 mario?) I've always felt like they don't put out enough games so I wait until they have put out a good amount before I get a system. This sadly means I buy them after they've moved onto the next gen.

Was fine for me with game cube and wii, but I'm still waiting for the WII u to get enough games to be worth it...... and they're trying to move on without doing that.

No way, especially since they releasing zelda on wii u too, but even that might not ever be worth it because there's not much else I care about.

Anyways I;ve felt every 'inovation' they've tried with the last 2 Zeldas was just tedious crap I didn't enjoy. Oh boy I get to dig up bugs? WOW
Oh boy I have to get carpal tunnel flying a fucking bird oh boy.

Jesus christ retard, he didn't say he hated it because those games are exclusive to it. The switch is looking to be some real bullshit.

At least she died honorably. Imagine if she had a boyfriend instead

>Actually thinking Nintendo games would be the same if they went 3rd party
This is how I know you're retarded