Sup Forums suddenly loves Halo

>Sup Forums suddenly loves Halo

What happened?

halo is almost 16 years old

The 12 year old kids from 10+ years ago are now in their mid 20s and shitposting on Sup Forums.

As bad as Halo was when it was released, it's god compared to the swill we have today

Sup Forums had always loved Halo. What the fuck are you talking about?

Better than counterstrike, worse than Quake.

I played MoH:AA, personally.

>just turned 18 months ago
>first video game console was gamecube
>unironically nostalgic for halo 3 and mw2
>can post here legally and there are tons like me here

fuck you old farts

Pretty much this.
Baby's with shit taste grow up and now their games are the classics while new games are watered down crap.
You can't fight it.


Anti natalism and mandatory abortions when? SeeIt's self defence with tastes this shit:

No one cares.

>Better than counterstrike

>library on Legendary
Fuck this

Come on m8, this bait is old.

Why have they STILL not released MCC for the PC? I don't want to have to buy an Xbone for it.

Well, Gil Almanza is not wrong.

Owning a 360 back then meant something compared to owning a One nowadays.

You seem like the kind of person who gamble those shitty textures.
Halo 3 is 10 years old this year and MW2 is 8 this year. Don't be dumb.
t. 19 year old

Sup Forums hasn't loved Halo since Halo 3

I'm actually born in 92, but due to being poor growing up my first console was a NES, I later got a SNES and played a bunch of genesis at my uncles house. Didn't get a current console until like 2003-2004 when I got a ps2. So I generally feel like I grew up late 80s early 90s gamewise.

More to the point though

Do you like Halo?

go watch your youtubers kid, I remember when people actually played video games

We always loved Halo you fucking newfag.

Fuck that shit. When I was their age I had to fight off a Baron of Hell with a super shotgun while a Spectre was biting at my feet. No hand holding.

I've only played like 10-20 minutes of the first Halo and I wasn't a fan.

people who watch youtubers are a few years younger than me, nice try though

>You seem like the kind of person who gamble those shitty textures.
CSGO isn't CS1.4/1.6 or CSS.

Street Cred confirmed

You're all right

I never understood the halo hate meme

I was born in 90 and my first FPS was actually running DOOM from dos, and I still liked Halo 1 and had an absolute blast playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live

the 5 year old faggots grew up to be even bigger faggots

Are you people still going to be doing this shit 10 years from now with Halo?

Is this a sequal to the original one, or did I just not get an intro when I downloaded it?

>you people

that's racist

I never understood it either. I was born the same year with my first few games being Goldeneye and Command and Conquer and I still love Halo.

What point are you trying to make? GO has skin microtransaction loot box shit.

Its everything that's wrong with casualization and generic dudebro FPS

I wish I knew. Nothing on the boorus that I can find.

Yes and I don't like CSGO.

Because it really was most of their first fps

Blame the imitators. Bloody screens, shit tier three choke point map design, class selection, and cinematic press x to cool explosions have nothing to do with halo.

motherfucker, have you even played the game on legendary?

>generic dudebro FPS
nice buzzwords faggot

youngfags trying to look old? I don't know

It's because in '99 I was playing Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 Arena.

Halo gave you regenerating health, slow gameplay, locked you to two weapons, and was just generally a shitty experience after playing UT99 and Q3A.

Halo CE is nearly 18 years old now. The vast majority of people on this board are in fact likely too young to have even remembered it. This whole my first fps joke has ran its course years ago now.

Ah, my bad.
Blame the lack of creativity other devs had, not Bungie.

Halo threads were the only MS threads allowed to be made for fucking years, Sup Forums has always been okay with CE

Halo is great from a co-op perspective and it is alright couch multiplayer perspective and it is probably the best FPS for consoles... but that isn't really saying much.

This. It's fucking amazing how far things have gone down the shitter for certain genres.

Have you been living under a rock? We've been playing the best halo since halo 2 for over a year.


it's one fucking user that makes the same thread every day. Halo has been bad shit reach, shit since 4, period. this isn't up for debate

It really is frightening. People on /vr/ are considering changing the cutoff year, so they can discuss Halo nowadays.


I never understood the comparison with Call of Duty. Halo fans are closer to Star Wars fans than they are Call of Duty fans.

It's less popular now.

I grew up playing FPS on PC and when I first played Halo I couldn't shake the feeling that it's a true PC FPS stuck on console. I don't understand the hate, they are solid titles. I'd fucking kill for the rest of the series to hit PC to see their true potential.

>Yes and I don't like CSGO.

Except for the fact that it's literally the same game with like .5% difference.

Your inability to see that its the same is because you play no other games nigger.

whatever the sequel to Miro in the Magic Mirror is

Its on pornhub

>Sup Forums loves Deus Ex
>halo comes out a year later
>reeeee baby's first FPS

where did it all go wrong?

>console fps

have you noticed kids starting to praise Oblivion too?

>also on pc

They aren't any worse than the kids praising Morrowind.

I thought it was a pretty decent game. Nothing to really write home about, but it wasn't absolute trash.

Halo is old enough to be a person able to post here via the rules. How is this surprising?

It was also a pretty good game in its own right even though it popularized FPS controls leaning toward controllers which subsequently made every release feel like moving through mud.

Not Bungie's fault though. They made a good FPS on a console with controls that worked.

>regenerating health

There's literally nothing wrong with it. It's actually harder than having medi kits, at least by playing in legendary.

I blame Microsoft, period

Bungie was just caught up in a bad situation and were trying to make the most of it

There were the creators of the Mac Doom clone marathon and had talent, I seriously doubt they wanted to become pawns in the Jobs Gates feud

All Halo did was copy CS, which had already dumbed down fps to appeal to a wider audience, and market it to console players instead.

Halo is 16 years old user, not 18.

Halo literally ruined video games

>All Halo did was copy CS, which had already dumbed down fps to appeal to a wider audience, and market it to console players instead.

lol wat

A special type of autism is needed to actually think this.

No Microsoft did

Generic Doom Guy was just the poster child for that destruction

Neck yourself kid.

The original Xbox was the gateway to "gamer culture".

csgo doesn't have .5% the mods that css has.

I treated Sup Forums like a movie theater when I first posted so I subtract a couple of years if you don't get carded by the hotpocket security guards.

>All Halo did was copy CS

Halo isn't a versus shooter.

>ruined video games

Consider standing in front of a shuttle

>regenerating health

Halo's health didn't regenerate, retard.

Is there anything wrong with what I said? CS is the root of most modern fps cancer.
>took away going fast
>punishes you for trying to go fast
>took away respawning for the most part
>extremely limited gun selection/"loadouts"
CS still has skill based aiming but cripples movement to make it more accessible.

Blame the people who permeated it, not the console.

I actually bought Halo 3 at launch in my local mall

Not because G4 told me. I actually read the novels and was that into the story. Fall of Reach was a decent damn sci-fi novel. Nobody else there cared though. They bought their legendary editions. I just wanted the collectors edition with the behind the scenes DVD.

>Actually believe anything besides woman and casualization ruined video games.
>Believing this was done by Halo's dedicated fans that play almost nothing but Halo and not COD mountain dew boosters and phone games.

Nintendo's consoles paved the way for the nostalgiafag manchildren we have today, PS1 paved the way for muh feels storyfags, Sega lead to Xbox, Valve lead to the horror known as indie games.

The lesson here is that all things have a shadow. The bigger it is, the bigger the shadow. It's how life works.

good campaign and its a fun party game

>not casuals

Worse games came out and in hindsight it was pretty good

The problem isn't that Sup Forums likes Halo now, Sup Forums has always had Halo threads, they just needed to be late night ones so underages trying to fit in and shitpost about it would be sleeping.

The issue is that there are so many fucking Halo 3 babies.

>Halo copying CS
u wot m8? Halo copied UT and Marathon, if anything.

Have you been keeping up with the novels? Despite how shitty 4 and 5's stories are the 343 novels' have actually been about on par with bungie era ones in terms of average quality.

Broken Circle and Last Light in particular are Ghosts of Onyx tier and the Forerunner triology are outright the best written books in the franchise if you can get past how dense they are.

>implying Halo wasn't the cancer before CoD

>u wot m8? Halo copied UT and Marathon, if anything.
>slow movement speed
>2 weapons
>not cs
keep in mind that cs was fucking massive back then.

>The problem isn't that Sup Forums likes CoD now, Sup Forums has always had CoD threads, they just needed to be late night ones so underages trying to fit in and shitpost about it would be sleeping.
>The problem isn't that Sup Forums likes Overwatch now, Sup Forums has always had Overwatch threads, they just needed to be late night ones so underages trying to fit in and shitpost about it would be sleeping.

It's just a Quake /Unreal clone with moon gravitiy and slow speed

It had two weapons because it would have been difficult to switch between an arsenal of 6 or more on a controller.

Hipsters that responded negatively to Microsoft entering the video game industry and Halo CE just because it was popular were the original cancer.

I finished the game for the first time last week
was kinda fun, but the amount of recycled levels and rooms was ridiculous. Campaign should've been 7 levels at most, not 10

>Amen. Before everything started to suck

Yes user. Underage stupidity is rampant on Sup Forums.

>Hipsters that responded negatively to Microsoft entering the video game industry
>hipsters in 2001
So you're underage.

>Have you been keeping up with the novels?

Nah, I dropped the universe at Ghosts of Onyx which was great but the games themselves were just kind of puttering out. Might try picking them up again though if they're decent. Didn't even know they were still writing lore for the games.

CS and Halo have a couple of superficial similarities but the games are completely different and the development of one didn't influence the other

>limited loadout for 'realism'
>multiplayer only
>limited, slow movement for 'realism'. Jumping heavily penalized, plays as a tactical shooter
>levels are flat and 'realistic'
>combat is almost entirely focused on shooting with tactical use of grenades

Halo 1
>limited loadout to simplify for consoles
>more single player focused than multiplayer. guns weren't even balanced for multiplayer, instead being balanced pretty much entirely for singleplayer
>movement slowed for consoles, jumping a core mechanic in the game, essentially plays as a very slow arena shooter
>classic arena shooter levels with an emphasis on 3d movement
>combat is almost evenly split between shooting, melee, and grenades to try and make up for shit console aiming