
What's the login this time?

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Also, more WayForward girls. Patty especially gets little art, due to Shantae overshadowing her.

>MSF:A randomly gets an update to incorporate alternate costumes, including School Uniform Patty
>said update borks the game on my PC

hopefully they'll include it in the Switch exclusive MSF3


I hate Sup Forums

awful fucking board

can't even provide simple info

I'm pretty sure all the press assets are out in the wild regardless.


I can hardly play pirate's curse without popping off to jerk it. There are too many cute monster girls

Wayforward makes top-tier waifus.


Who is Patty dressed as?

In Pirate's Curse, all the girls get kidnapped and dressed up as "Space Princesses" for a bit. Risky included. Shantae runs around, rescues them all.

Poor Bolo has to just live with only hearing about it afterwards.

I hate secondarys.
I hate spoonfeeders.

I don't expect people who have only played Mighty Switch Force to know where a specific Shantae outfit comes from.

I hate petty autistic faggots. It's literally takes nothing to say "Hey, this came from X", but you want to be a little bitch about for no reason. I understand memes and board culture-related stuff, but this? Fuck off

Thank you.

How come shantae gets all the love from wayforward but not Patty? Where's Patty's kick starter game?

I can see not spoonfeeding the source of an image which is incredibly easy to locate off Google. That's just spoonfeeding a lazy faggot and shouldn't be encouraged.

Telling someone what a reference is or talking about a game isn't spoonfeeding. It's just talking about the damn game. There's nothing wrong with encouraging people to discuss the games and have conversation about them. Sup Forums is not some SEKRIT KLUB. Anti-spoonfeeding is to encourage people not to be lazy and ask obvious questions all the time.

I reckon most of WF is working on HGH in some form or another. At least you get a costume (eventually).

So what's that password

The series received Mighty Switch Academy, so it is still getting some love. WayForward's puzzle games tend to come out slower, probably to be sure the puzzles are interesting. Go check out Mighty Flip Champs and/or Wendy: Every Witch Way for something similar.


I never thought s sketch level drawing would make my dick so hard

They are busy with HGH now. Also. trying kickstarter again might not be the best idea

Maybe that talk about a Patty Wagon action game will one day become a reality



This is why I hate Sup Forums. Fuck you. No point in even lecturing, it's me against a million newfags from wherever ghetto place they migrated from. Complete cancer.


>newfag for asking a simple goddamn question about an outfit

Yep, you ousted me. Shucks, just when I thought I get away with it, too. How could ANYTHING get passed you, O honorable and legendary oldfag? We are blessed to have you.

Don't be a faggot, either post lewds or fuck off


I'll fuck off

Fuck you again. Nigger.

Have a MSF2 pic too

What ever happened with that game? I stopped keeping tabs on it not long after it first came out since it was early access or some shit.

>I hate spoonfeeders

This is true autistic newfag bullshit. Spoonfeeding is in relation to lurking, you aren't supposed to explain a meme because you're supposed to lurk and figure that shit out.

Explaining where an outfit in a game is from or how to get it is not spoonfeeding you nigger its part of the discussion.

it's out


some more Hooligan Sisters

I have access but like
>post my login to Sup Forums
>shit leaks
>my login has 400,00 different IPs

Its a good way to get my credentials taken. Convince me to post it.

I don't have to convince you of shit.

Okay then I won't post it

why dont you just post screenshots instead

I'll post 3 smug anime girls that you can use in internet debates.

I'll let you suck my feminine penis


>tfw no new mighty game that isn't switch shit
I just want a new girl to play as.

It did? Mine never updated.


It was several months ago. Only a handful of people of the handful of people who bought it noticed it.

But user, I've overdosed on patty.
I need a new cutie to detox me.


what job should patricia do next?


Paramedic or lifeguard. Maybe military.

If they make another MSF game, it'll probably be the action game Matt was teasing years ago.

Unfortunately, I don't see it happening any time soon; not with HGH's shitload of expansions in development.

>action game
Please please please, a Mighty Shoot Force would be rad as fuck.

Even if the next one is an action game.
What type of gameplay elements should it have? Just megaman like or different?

>Mighty Switch Force sequel not coming out for the Switch

Probably megaman like with the block switching mechanic.

>Patty is 5 years old today

Matt joked about it.

It's weird considering that MSFHD was a launch title for the Wii U.

The tumor that is Sup Forums has erupted and spread it's cancer onto the functioning boards, even though there are 22 places to go on this site for poorly drawn pedophilia pictographs. Weebs of course managing to be more annoying than furries, bronies, Sup Forums, warhammer autists and frog posters combined.

There's not enough Yae art in the world

holy shit I had no idea how much I wanted an action oriented MSF game

>Patty is 5 years old today
they grow older so fast
From their first steps into the world to full time rescue girl

who is this bozo?

Yeah. it would be nice to see them do something different with Patty.
Perhaps also gives them the freedom for an original new Mighty game

Similar to Mega Man X's smooth movement, with walljumping and dashing and shit. Switching could be used to rearrange the level architecture. Launch blocks could work kinda like the barrels in Donkey Kong Country, as a way to take shortcuts around the linear levels or as a way to reach bonuses and upgrades and shit. Bosses should be big and flashy, and should take advantage of the switching mechanic, ie having a boss that shoots missiles that can be redirected back at it by launching them with the launch blocks.

>"We're in the early stages of the next Mighty game now, which will not be a sequel"

>this interview was from 2013




I don't think these people know what a cyborg is

This, pretty much.




>someone bothered to repost something i drew
i suppose i did something right

thank you, i will continue to doodle. it clears the mind

>that filename

>Patty will never go camping with you


How weird to see you;re here at this exact moment

once a faggot, always a faggot

even when i'm not here, i'm here

I really didn't think you'd be here. I saved that image a long time ago and now I'm posting it this late at night and you're here. Seriously what are the odds.

Please work on your art more. I really love your work. I think I said this back then too.

>He says on an anime imageboard

a spider just positioned itself in front of my monitor when i was typing this, pretty crazy

anyway, thank you. you're very kind and I get so few compliments on my art because I don't have a gallery/tumblr. have a nice day user

Is it a bad thing that I can sing the ending song by heart?

please post more waifu bait

Ask and ye shall receive



I want her to sit on my face if you know what I mean

Yoga instructor.





Cause it's so hot, your LOVE is all I got

You're my rescue girl, you can save the wooorld

And I hope

In my heart, when we're apart I keep it yearning

So rescue me, I can finally see you're mine

In your eyes, I see the planet is a-burnin