Prove final fantasy has any gameplay

>Battle > Strongest attack

99% of the game is this.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Shut_Up_and_Jam:_Gaiden


>Ultimate Weapon

Better than any FPS

>point at enemy
>push fire button

But you have to aim
Already 100x more gameplay right there

Some fetishes are so strange.

not to mention movement and positioning, none of which are a thing in JRPGs

Too much work

you call that strange

>only small wooden pieces an inch at a time in a set manner
chess must be a shittier game than cod because of the lack of dexterity needed

chess requires strategy, another thing JRPGs don't require

But you can only use your strongest attack like 4 times before you run out of level X spells to cast.

That is one of the most retarded analogies I've ever read.

So Dark Souls doesn't require strategy?

You could probably argue that for 90% of the enemies, but there is some strategy involved.

Just post the rest, or Yuffie booty or something please.

no, not really. it's just dodging and healing when needed, some weapons are blatantly OP compared to the others.

boss fights are the only fun part of the game, mob enemies obviously are easy.

>Strafe & roll until behind enemy

It requires some effort, but no thinking.

No, because Dark Souls is more about reaction time and memorizing a few select attacks. Any strategy used in Dark Souls (element types, certain spells, cheesing) is used to compensate for a lack of skill.

You've clearly made up your mind. You're just looking for an argument that nobody will win so you can curse a bit and feel good about yourself for 'shitting' on a fanbase or whatever.
I've never played a final fantasy game

>Dark Souls is a JRPG

When will this meme end?

And that strategy is

1. Raise shield
2. Block
3. Punish

1. Dodge to the side
2. Punish

t. Guy who played Dark Souls 1, 2, 3 and Bloodborne without summons.

Ffxv combat is like the right example

You don't play JRPGs for the gameplay, you dumbfuck

What do you play it for then? The writing?

At first, people blew dark soul's difficulty out of proportion. Sure it isn't the hardest game ever made, but there is a reason casuals bitch and moan because you can't be completely braindead. So wow there is this polarizing reaction to where the Souls games are actually so easy that you can just backstab everything to win and require zero thought or strategy. It's like everything that isn't DMC3 Dante Must Die is roll you face on the keyboard easy to you faggots

Isn't it ironic that these 'games' are the a big part of video game history even though they aren't games?

Just a narrative padded to massive length with mindless A pressing.


I agree with you but some RPGs have gameplay tight enough to really appreciate. Dragon Quest games are typically crazy polished with their progression and the balance of options, as well as how they tie into the other parts of the game. Pokemon's gameplay side is simple but it's really enjoyable and has enough to it for autists to spawn a scene out of. Some choice Final Fantasy titles like 5 have enough going on with their customization options to warrant repeat runs to try different strategies out.

i enjoyed this post and this pic, thank you

user, JRPGs are like classic literature for the modern age. Retarded plebs like you who like to mindlessly button mash wouldn't understand the appeal because you can't comprehend the idea of people enjoying a game for the story. You think that every game has to be about pressing buttons.

The fact that you reduce JRPGs to "mindless A pressing" tells me that you don't even understand what their purpose is.

Final Fantasy Tactics is Final Fantasy, right?

You think that's strange? Here is another one with Tifa and Aeris (NSFW):

>user, JRPGs are like classic literature for the modern

You do realize that there are games with actual gameplay that are also well written, right?

We need an updated pic for 2017 western devs. I mean christ look how young gaben is in that picture. Sure that might have been true 17 years ago about western devs, but looks at the Ellie in the new TLOU. What the fuck happened?

"Well written" is a matter of opinion. Nice try, though.

JRPGs take account things like weaknesses and statuses. There are some mobs which can be hard apart from the usual bosses that need some semblance of strategy.
In FF, you have to take account the above, plus debuffs, buffs and even min maxing to make the most damage before you die.

I do agree with the Eastern side of this image but man, Western protagonists are just shit in different ways. The weaknesses are usually just some meaningless thing that's mentioned but never actually hurts the character and they're almost always just unrealistic pandering characters, only representing American ideals instead of Jap ones.

>any game can be simplified to point and click

it's relaxing
some games are way too intense and i need to take breaks from that with something calm and simple
also being able to break the game in half via strategic grinding feels great

I never thought I'd see blatant trolling as I have in this forum. Step away from the computer, drop the ham sandwich, and back the FRACK off gaijin. I hate to use that word but you've made me that serious. As hard as it may be for you to fathom, some of us here are actual fans of the Final Fantasy series (pre FFX) and Square's work in general. You can try to bash me for an avatar I bought because I happen to be a dedicated fan of perhaps the most poignant, painstakingly woven tapestry of love, loss, and vengeance ever to be put from pen to paper, but you would fail, like all you flamers do in real life. Who can say that the minds at Square Enix (note: the appropriate portmanteau is SQUENIX, not the laughable SQUEENIX) were not inspired by the works of William Shakespeare or Chuck Palahniuk? Cloud's Bastard Sword has more akin with the bastard sons of Macbeth than it does any armament or basilard of the time. The Honey Bee Club in Midgar reminds me more of the Fight Clubs than any brothel. So please, use your brains, not your sarcasm, and step up to the intellectual plate, or leave this forum and take your "haterade" with you

>well written

If you would've posted MGS3, I woulda agreed with you

shit i meant MGS2

Chocobo racing.

Man, I fucking suck at videogames. I really, really, really, really do, like you have no idea how much I suck, and still I had no trouble with the Soulsborne games (well, at least the four I've played, Demon's Souls PS4 / PC port when?) even the first time I played them.

1. There is no penalty for dying.
Souls / Blood Echoes lost? you can farm them back in no time (except in Dark Souls 2, but then you can grind through co-op)
Losing your max health in Dark Souls 2 and 3? You can use that ring in 2, the health lost is almost negligible in 3
Losing your progress? no big deal, you can try again and again and again given how THERE IS NO GAME OVER / DEFEAT CONDITION

2. You have tons of resources at your disposition. Weapons, stones, blacksmiths, armors, poisoned knives, heavy shields, etcetera. Hell even Dark Souls 2 and 3 give you the option to rescue a botched build.

3. Tons of mechanics to abuse. Heavy armor + heavy shield making you indestructible, being able to chew lifegems like crazy, Rally.

4. Summons. You can literally bring someone from across the internet to beat the game for you.

Anybody saying that the Soulsborne games are challenging has no idea what he/she's saying.

>when games with cutscenes are brought up
>"wrf I wanted to play games for its gameplay not watch a movie. Fuck movies"-Sup Forums

>"who cares about gameplay, there's waifus"-Sup Forums


My beard turned grey after reading that bullshit.


Here it goes again.

>an user will refute your claim
>"you just don't get it bro, it predicted the future"
>tfw not smart enough for MGS2 apparently

It's almost as if Sup Forums is more than one person

>1. There is no penalty for dying.
There are penalties for dying, it is just that you can address the penalties for dying. In Final Fantasy there is no penalty for dying. You just load up your game and everything is how it was.

>2. You have tons of resources at your disposition. Weapons, stones, blacksmiths, armors, poisoned knives, heavy shields, etcetera. Hell even Dark Souls 2 and 3 give you the option to rescue a botched build.
Is that a bad thing? There are lot of varied encounters throughout the game and they give you the tools to figure out how to get through it. Need to use a ranged attack at one part? You can go with bow/arrow, crossbow, pyromancie, sorcery, miracles or items. Its up to you.

>3. Tons of mechanics to abuse. Heavy armor + heavy shield making you indestructible, being able to chew lifegems like crazy, Rally.
You need to have the stats to equip all that shit. Plus there are plenty of times where you will lose if you don't have a quick roll. You are over simplifying thigns

>4. Summons. You can literally bring someone from across the internet to beat the game for you.
So playing Super Contra on SNES was easy when I was 10 years old because I could bring in my 20 year old brother to get me past the other levels?

You are a fucking idiot and I don't believe for a second you beat all these games. You are a falseflagging shitposter

It's one of the savepoint quotes from Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden.,_Shut_Up_and_Jam:_Gaiden

Oh, and forgot to add.
5. The fighting in itself isn't hard. You don't need to perfectly time your hits and dodges or break your enemy's guard through certain techniques at certain times. You just need to hit hard, fast or both.

If you don't believe me I can post my Steam achievements / PSN trophies. Or even better: suggest an area for every game and I'll take the screenshot of said area.

Its really just an extension of any female domination fetish being that the woman is that so much larger than the man, and like in OP's pic the girl can be gentle to.

Calm down, autismo. I believe that you believe that the games are epic and challenging and way better than Final FARTASSY.

I never said that, user. What I'm saying is that the Soulsborne games aren't hard and that particular user said that I never played any of them.

My bad, I misread it as an extension of the DSIDF Sorry.