Battlestation thread

Haven't seen one in days

Posting my new set up, OC inbound.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like video games!

Please post a better picture of the cute sheepie.

Shep is patriotic

Where did you get the cute sheepie? I want one.

Kiwi and Friends is the brand

Found it at a gift shop in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Okay, thank you very much, I found it and might end up getting one!

Good night, Sup Forums.


Its a slow day


And I'm sick! I also like boys!

Im not from america or southern america, so a geniune question here, are the flags and plentiful americana satire/irony?

its just such a classic joke where im from


I genuinely enjoy the stuff but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I also enjoy the reactions it gets out of people.

No broke anons posting?

>my top two favorite girls of all time

you're all right user. Don't come to Sup Forums tomorrow

I'll try my best to sleep the day away.

Nice kotor2 art. Where'd you get it?

nice and clean. do you live in a loghouse though?
respectable and organized
cozy enough. i think we have the same headphones. (Sennheiser HD 598?)


where did you get that lamp bottom right?


>Sennheiser HD 598?
Yes they are, good taste.

I want fucking 10

Ordered an ultrawide that should be here soon, will probably get a dual monitor mount and set my 1080p one vertically

It's this one:

can i have a upload on lain ? I tried google but only one I found had a low resolution. I dont know if its on purpose tho.

definitely man.
modern station. 3/3

My little office/battlestation.

Have a good day, friends. I enjoy seeing all of your comfy places.

It's trashy, but it's mine.

thanks user

Nah this is a Auckland central city prefabricated home from the 70s. I flat it out with 2 friends.

Love the log cabin feel though, the light reflection is always so warm and orange.

I have no idea why it showed up like this, I apologize.