So how much of the Joycon pricing do you think goes towards the HD Rumble, The IR, and the motion controls in general?

So how much of the Joycon pricing do you think goes towards the HD Rumble, The IR, and the motion controls in general?

Are Nintendrones really willing to pay an extra $10-20 for a feature that...

>Third party developers will be too lazy/underinformed (With how to use it) to utilize
>Even a game, ARMS, that was featured during the Joycon features segment of the Switch presentation has the option to play using normal controls
>Literally already exists with Wii Motion Plus
>Gimmicky shit that really adds nothing to games

It seems to me like Nintendo wasted R&D money for this shit when they could've used that money to make the console even better (Like maybe a better screen, bigger storage size, longer battery life, better processor, etc.)

I work for an electronic manufacturing company and Rumble, IR and motion controls cost jack shit to make

Biggest scam in history that people would pay 100 dollars for those controllers.

It's basically a Vive controller with IR cameras.
How much those cost anyway?

>option to play using normal controls
Because you need to be able to play it in portable mode

>Joycon pricing

It's 100 for two controllers, which is a fucking rip off if you know how the manufacturing costs work.

You can stop posting now.

How durable do you think these things are? I can see them snapping like a twig.

These will be the biggest complaints launch week. Screencap this.

>HD Rumble
yeah but how much blast processing does it have?

Why do you assume that someone is going to need to buy another controller? The system comes with two controllers after all.
>B-but they are too s-small to use as seperate controllers!
That's what the wriststraps are for. They make a joycon big enough to be used on its own while still being comfortable.

>complaining about being given the option to use a normal controller

What the fuck do you want?

Fuck that, give me the number of bits

>Even a game, ARMS, that was featured during the Joycon features segment of the Switch presentation has the option to play using normal controls

Just like how you can turn off gyro for Splatoon!

Except that everybody that is professional uses it.

Same situation here. People will use normal controls, and get their asses kicked by everyone using joycon controls.

Nintendo seem to be unable to stop adding pointless gimmicks. Despite there was not a single game on the DS, Wii, or WiiU that was improved by gimmick controls.

It sometimes showed up as an extra mechanic in games (drawing shit for treasure in Skyward Sword, for example) but never meaningfully improved any game.

I want Nintendo to stop wasting money on gimmicks and focus money that would've been wasted on that to instead make the console better.

I wonder if they added motion controls for a future Wii virtual console? I wonder if it has the power to emulate wii.

>People will use normal controls, and get their asses kicked by everyone using joycon controls.

Splatoon wouldn't work without gyro

>Gyro controls

Maybe if you're an autist

So motion controls are the superior form of input?
Why do we hate them again?

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the way nintendo thinks. let me help:
>I want Nintendo to stop wasting money on making the console better and focus money that would've been wasted on that to instead make the console better.
this is how nintendo execs read your post user

Heavily disagree.
The twinstick aiming isn't as good as other shooters (WiiU gamepad sticks seemed to have bad sensitivity and dead zones), but it's still better.

Meh, $70 bucks for what could theoretically be two controllers is a good price, but I am skeptical of it selling very well. I think it's way more likely that multiplayer-heavy games will just be played using multiple Switch consoles.

I am curious to feel the "HD" rumble, though. It'd be cool to have as an alternative to bloody screen arrows if you take damage, or maybe you feel the click of an empty pistol.

How dare he prove the sniveling retard wrong with facts, kys

>They make a joycon big enough to be used on its own while still being comfortable.
Go away, Miyamoto

I don't really care how weird they look or how small they are, all I'm seeing is what the Wii gave me ten years ago, and that's the ability to have my arms wherever I want 'em while I play. The joycons are even better, considering there's more buttons and no cord between them like the wiimote and nunchuk.


It's 50$ for one but it's only $80 for a pair.

lmao way to edit the original image, it was $100 for a single joycon and $180 for two

stop posting this. it looks like it hurts.

Maximum comfort.

Mouse is a motion control and only fags shit on it

Jesus these memes

I want this now

.. are those baby sized hands

>$70 allows for TWO people to play Mario kart

There is literally nothing to complain about here other than the size.

wow. And that's the LEFT one which looks slightly comfier.

what were they thinking?

A set of 2 costs $80.

Absolute ripoff.

Even if this is the case, the layout is completely different and Nintendo are lazy when it comes to optimising vc games.

>implying people will play this game

Or they could have simply allowed Wii motes to be compatible with the system.

Fuck their gimmick shit.

It's $80, you retard, and nobody is going to want to use a single joycon as a controller.


Nintendrones will defend anything

I hope you realize that the biggest competition the Switch has in the market (PS4) also has gyro controls, an IR sensor, and (I assume) rumble as well. The additional motion controls and separation gimmick are pretty much the only things that the Joycon does which the Dualshock does not.

I'm fine with the motion controls, especially given that the best Wii games used them very well. Sure, there was a bunch of shovelware which used them like shit, but nobody is going to be playing that.

And you can still use it like a normal controller. The biggest question is how well the d-buttons function as an effective d-pad.

>Like maybe a better screen, bigger storage size, longer battery life, better processor, etc.
I have no clue why you think Nintendo's R&D team would have any effect on any of these factors. I think you might be confused over what a console developer would use their Research & Development team for.

Isn't a wiimote like $40? And isn't the playstation move controller like $50?

I know that the joycons are tiny little shits and ugly as fuck. But it doesn't really surprise me. Technically speaking they're two controllers. And them being small, even if it makes them ugly and uncomfortable, shouldn't make them cheaper.