Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums is much worse than Sup Forums nowadays with its constant pedophilia and Sup Forumsbait threads

unfortunately Sup Forums, /vp/, Sup Forums, and /mlp/ exist

I'm Commander Shepard, and Sup Forums is my favorite board on Sup Forums.


Sup Forums also seems to mention Sup Forums a lot, it's weird.

Sup Forums is way worse.


One of the worst boards, at least.

*goes and cries on twitter about politics*





FUCK Sup Forums, YOU'RE BROWSING Sup Forums, THE BEST Sup Forums BOARD ON Sup Forums

*see's thread*
what the fuck...? who does this asshole think he's?

*makes an unrelated thread about hating blacks*

that'll show him >:)

i need jesus and a can of ginger of ale

Sup Forums is nothing but hipster faggots circlejerking to muh underground indie muh p4k

>not Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums
>not /mlp/
lmaoing at your life bird man

Buzz me mulatto

>mfw last season
>mfw eric andre is stale and ran out of ideas


>There are people in this thread that unironically consider themselves better then Sup Forums or Sup Forums

last season was still great

>tfw can't discuss Eric Andre show on Sup Forums without Sup Forumsfags having a nuclear meltdown that someone is posting about a show with a black guy in it

You're not wrong

But I'm not that guy and Sup Forums is still a shit board for different reasons

We get it you like Linkin Park but we like to talk about things people with taste enjoy.

Get this guy outta here!

Sup Forums is better than Sup Forums just for the simple fact that the actually discuss the topics that their board was made for


That isn't Sup Forums or /fit/ user.

Stop posting, Jacob.


When will Sup Forums embrace BBC as Sup Forums has?

Sup Forumsbait threads are fucking everywhere on this website nowadays. Even /out/ gets them, which is extremely annoying considering how slowly the rest of the board moves


What does that exactly mean?

say that to my face and not online fucker

I don't understand this comic. Are you saying Sup Forums doesn't dismiss mainstream stuff arbitrarily? Because you guys do.


I'm just tired of live-action on adult swim in general. Tim And Eric ruined everything.

Sup Forums has gotta be the worst just by nature of being 100% waifufagging.

what music you listen to brah?

maybe it should be like Sup Forums where only big discussions are about capeshit, star wars, and little girls

Who would you rather have sex with, your mom or your dad

Since Linkin Park is so often made fun of by everybody, I was expecting Sup Forumsfags to like them.

Like Star Wars episode 1 on Sup Forums

Ya boobay

This. If you actually browse Sup Forums, you'd see that the Beatles are loved, the Stones are loved, Queen and Zeppelin are tolerated, etc. It's just buttrock shlock that deservedly gets no love whatsoever.

Sup Forums worships Kanye. You literally can't get any more mainstream

I think Sup Forums is fucking awful.


Sup mellow, you wanna hit this ranch?

Hardly... Sup Forums is like 50% cheesecake threads.

What's "substance" about it? Give me a detailed explanation.

Buzz me mulatto

Sup Forums, /lgbt/, /soc/, /vg/ all say hi

I'll never understand why they ban people for asking for recommendations or if you should watch a certain show or not. Like why is that a bannable offense?

I'd still take those over cartoon generals.

>Sup Forumsbait
It used to just be racist humor amounting from the fact that Sup Forums is an anonymous imageboard which allowed you to do things you otherwise wouldn't when easily identifiable, like crack racist jokes because society tells you not to.

I guess somewhere along the lines someones feelings got hurt.

it can't be put into words. It's a feeling

All of these boards are pretty shit. What's this segment again?

Sup Forums is shit.

except Queen is buttrock shlock

>not /fa/
>not /cgl/
>not /jp/
>not /r9k/
>not /soc/

/sci/ is just Sup Forums 2.0 now, but at least the bait threads can be pretty funny once in a while

I'm Vi-Dya games yeah yeah YEAH


Because muh board culture.

So it doesn't mean anything in this case and that strawman picture or whatever is just waste of kilobytes.

>It used to just be racist humor
>It used to
>used to
there you go

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved. In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.

So your feelings got hurt?

grimes thread exist

Sup Forums is irrelevant in board quality arguments, since it's expected to be shit. It's filling it's purpose.
But while Sup Forums should be about videogame discussion, this place is a fucking shitpost central.

The idea is to force you to watch/read/play things and form opinions for yourself, rather than regurgitating whatever other anons tell you. In theory. As I never actually go on Sup Forums, I can't say whether it actually works in practice.

>Sup Forumsbait

Butt-roasted libcuck detected. Trump won, you lost, GET OVER IT!

>forum about MUSIC

>best anything

That would imply music still held value. Might as well make a weed board.

Like this guy said its shit but not for those reasons. Sup Forums constantly sucks the cocks of huge artists like radiohead, kanye west, talking heads, beach boys, tame impala, bowie, etc, etc

but i guess people here might consider those to be underground

there's a difference between racist humor and Sup Forums brand racial realism and white nationalism crusade

Every board is always on the look out for a blatant reddit post, fearing that the shit humor and culture of reddit is trying to assume control.

Little do they know that the only board that is LITERALLY a hovel of reddit is Sup Forums.

The only places on Sup Forums where people unironically discuss using tumblr are of course, boards dominated by women like /cgl/ and /fa/. You can't really blame them because those are shit interests and woman have a different sense of loyalty.

I bring this up because Sup Forums, a male dominated board, unironically uses and discusses reddit. They share reddit information constantly. If there were ever such a "base of operation" for a reddit invasion, it would be Sup Forums.


No hurt feefees here.

Just disappointment. Community of people pretending to be idiots, etc.