Saving in Zelda requires 40% of the Switch's internal storage

Dang... that's gonna be a big game then.

Maybe the mole who said it was 400 hours long wasn't bullshitting.

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Is BOTW the most ambitious and beautiful game ever created?

No. It's an open world game and there are tons better than it. Suck a dick you drone.

well XCX was 200 hours long, and MonolithSoft helped develop Breath of the Wild, so I can see it being at least 100 hours. Doubting as high as 400 hours, though.

>DOOM is 78GB
Wow i guess doom must be 60000 hours long

Is it actually saving, or just downloading the game itself and saving?
Because there's no way saves would take 16GB.

Prove it with a solid wall of text or never post again.

You have no fucking source. Saves take up literal megabytes of storage space and the rest of the game data is gonna be stored on the flash cart which is the game itself.

Why are the shitposters spreading so much misinfo about the Switch and its games lately? They're not seriously intimidated by it or anything are they?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Good. Now try again, but actually read the post you're replying to.

>Installing the game

There's no fucking way. It's on a cart. Unless I hear this from Nintendo themselves, I'm not believing this shit.

the article talks about install size, not gamesave size, you fucking retard

>according to Nintendo of Japan, you’ll need 13.4GB on your Switch to install the game

I think it's talking about the digital version.

WHERE IS THE QUOTE THEN? Some hack saying that's how it is doesn't mean it's true. And even if it is...

This is by far the more likely scenario. In which case, if you buy digital, you're retarded.

>400 hours long

Source? Sounds fucking retarded lel

Or how about the realistic possibility that the Switch's internal storage, just like the rest of it, is fucking garbage.

I was wondering, how do you save your game in BotW?


My replays in Smash Bros. took up tons of memory and that was just fightan.

This game has to document every single thing that's happened up to your last save point because there are no transitions anywhere in the game. Every tree you've cut down, every blade of grass you mowed. Every horse of the world you've lost, left behind, where. Maybe how... Etc. Then it has to copy that data twice and add up what you've done since then in order to have the autosaving checkpoint option when you die.

From the menu, just like OoT.

Autosaves as well as manual saves

they've got it wrong user

they just saw the total game sizes and assumed you had to load it on to the system, which is not true

if you buy the digital version of BOTW then yes, you will use a hefty chunk of the internal storage

It's cool because you can expand the storage yourself! By which I're forced to, because 32gb is nothing when installing games!

Still, it's not like people resent paying upwards of 100 dollars for storage. Worked well for the vita!

9th gen, everyone!

Weeb fuck. I followed the original link to the site and I can't read moonrunes so I don't know where to look. But I guarantee the install is only for digital, I guarantee it.

Calm down you dumb motherfucker. It's the digital version. Highly doubt physical versions will need installs. Updates maybe, but not installs.

>400 hours


so is the combat gonna be turn based ?

I dunno, something tells me the world won't be that dynamic. Trees and stuff, maybe, but definitely not grass.

I think the Shrines are your save points, but there are random geographical checkpoints throughout the game. When you reach one it autosaves your game. When you die you can save, start from where you last turned off the game, or where the last autosave was.

At least I think that's how.

The fact that they're already trying to shove in amiibo DLC instead of just PUTTING IT IN THE GAME FOR FREE should be the first warning sign. Then we have the combat which is simplistic and has disgusting elements like slowdown so it's easier for the kids. But it's not like it'l matter, since the enemies we saw have the AI of a potato, and I've honestly seen Quake bots act smarter. Out of all the footage we saw, I didn't see a single enemy actually try anything smart. The player had to intentionally let themselves get hit so the game wouldn't look so retarded.

i think the biggest issue, though, is the open world itself. I know for a damn fact that they will not make it interesting, since there's too much land to occupy. I have never seen an open world game that had interestings to do every single second. XCX proved this, as did The Witcher, and FFXV was even worse. The fact that they added fast travel pretty much proves them guilty of it, since fast travel is a lazy man's way of bypassing a boring overworld.

>you actually have to install the games
you better be lying user

When you played the game, how big did the world seem? Was the combat more like wind waker?

>SS was supposed to be 100 hours
40 hours tops but if the estimate is 400 hours then im ok with 160 hours

He's fucking with you, mixing Takahashi of XBX quote about 400 long playthrough with BOTW because MonolithSoft is helping out with Zelda.

>"I know all this because I watched a trailer."


All that shit is going to respawn as soon as you go beyond the draw distance, which, considering it's the Switch, will probably be like ten feet.

>400 hours
you are like a little baby watch this.



it also has a great top-down isometric style so that the fixed camera doesn't hinder things too much

>you can't criticize the game even though you saw and experienced the game footage at e3
>but we can hype it and market it all we want, even though that's against Sup Forums's rules

>spreading false info

it takes up the data if you buy it digital not just to save it ..and with it being a cart the save data will probably go on the cart itself now stay mad nigger

It's 400 hours if rushing through it. It's 1000+ if you go leisure and take in the environment.

So by your logic, a person who watched through a Let's Play of your favorite game should be able to speak with the same authority as someone who's played it for themselves?

Nevermind that you didn't even do that much, you just saw a couple of fucking trailers.

>unlock wolf link
>unlock random chest with random loot

big influence on game play there buddy

>"I'm talking out my ass but you're allowed to get excited for it? Not fair!"

>So by your logic, a person who watched through a Let's Play of your favorite game should be able to speak with the same authority as someone who's played it for themselves?
If it's a low grade movie game like TLOU or The Order 1886, or shovelware like Knack, then yeah they have the same authority on the matter.

But of course we're not talking about that. The new Zelda is clearly gameplay-oriented.

But you're not actually controlling the characters. You're watching them from afar the entire time. Less immersion.

According to your logic, watching a movie is the same as creating a movie as the director or special effects guy, etc.

>watching a game is tantamount to playing the game
>nuh-uh you idiot, watching movies isn't tantamount to creating them

I want you to go back and look at your example again.

>The new Zelda is clearly gameplay-oriented.
Which is why it relies so heavily on quick time events, and the latest trailer was story trash meant to appeal to the "gameplay is too problematic" audience?

Trust me, I'll believe that Zelda is gameplay oriented when they get rid of all the plot, trash the voice actors, and reduce the dialogue to a minimum. I'm not spending 400+ dollars just to skip past mountains of cutscenes. Also, the gameplay needs serious revision. Get rid of everything that's casualized.

>But you're not actually controlling the characters. You're watching them from afar the entire time. Less immersion.
That's exactly what the game experience is like, though, when it comes to cinematic games. I have as much control of Nathan Drake on a Ps4 as I do when watching a youtube video.

And I want to believe that the next Zelda won't be heavily story-centric and will allow me more control, but after the latest trailer, and the past 5 blunders that were previous Zelda titles, my hype levels are at a record low.

>my hype levels are at a record low.

literally no one cares about your hype or what you think, this game is going to be tight and everyone knows it, 90% of the open world experience is just walking around and taking it in, please go neck yourself before you wreck yourself.

If you can't understand the analogy, it's not my fault.

There are plenty of scenes where you're controlling Nathan Drake. Same with The Order and TLOU. However few the moments are, depending on the game, the act of being the character even briefly immerses you in the game in ways that you just can't experience if you watched it.

I literally care about his hype and what he thinks.

go find another branch and kill yourself next to my man, my man.

>save file requires 40% of 32gb
>needing 18gb for a save file
god damn

18 is not 40% of 32.

Not an argument, you shill.
People come to this site to read other peoples dumb opinions.

>the act of being the character even briefly immerses you in the game in ways that you just can't experience if you watched it.
nonsense. If I want Nathan to stop, I press the pause button. If I want him to run, I press the fast forward. If I want to turn it off and play a better game, I just close the video (sadlythe Ps4 is bugged here, as whenever I try this I get the "better game not found" error.)

Now, a video game would prove your point, one with tons of interaction and entertaining non-casual gameplay mechanics. but movie games lack that.

>this game is going to be tight and everyone knows it
Nice bandwagon you got there.

How can you make that claim when you aren't even people?

That's downloading the game.

Even if you were right that shit would still take no where near 16gb of data. The entirety of Skyrim is

You moving the character forward is changing the story to YOUR whims, not someone else whom you're watching.

>You moving the character forward is changing the story to YOUR whims
With a movie game, my whims don't exist. I'm literally walking from one corridor to another. There's only back and forward.

I don't know, but I do know that that is by far the ugliest Zelda ever created.

>there's only one ending so no matter what you do or where you go the story will end the same way

i doubt it would be any longer than the Witcher 3 honestly

>downloading the game and installing it it's the same as a save file
How does it feel to be retarded?

probably not english native speaker

>there's only one ending so no matter what you do or where you go the story will end the same way
This has nothing to do with the content of the story. It has everything to do with the casualization of the gameplay, and whether the story is well-integrated into the game. Look at Mario, for instance. I wouldn't consider that cinematic since the story is extremely light, and you can actually die at any point. compare that to Uncharted, where there's a cutscene every 5 seconds, you're safely railroaded into a safe space so you don't die, everything is a quick time event, and the consequences of failure are nonexistent.



just you wait

Maybe he meant saving the game to Switch? I don't know.

>Fast travel is a sign of a bad overworld

Where did this shit come from? Who started this? Even Ocarina of Time had "fast travel" and it wasn't big at all. Sometimes you just wanna get from one point to another quickly.

They sure are LITERALLY dumb.

The graphics and art style are fucking hideous


>Even Ocarina of Time had "fast travel" and it wasn't big at all.
I'm sorry if this might offend you, but OOT had a horrible overworld, and if anything is the prime example of how it can really drag a game down. Hyrule field is just a big, empty lot of nothing with only one notable location. It could've been a mario-style hub world where you choose where to go next and get instant warped there, and it STILL would've been better than traveling along a big field of nothing. Holes and treasures? Nothing but rupees. Interesting NPCs? nothing but the Lon Lon Ranch caste. Any reason to travel on foot other than just warp everywhere? None at all.

I'm offended that OOT3D did not fix this issue.

>the enemies we saw have the AI of a potato
because they totally can't change that before the game releases nine months after e3

Little secret:

Every time people say "But it's just an alpha! It'll get better!" that becomes "It's just the beta, they'll fix that!" and then that becomes "They can always patch that later!"

SPOILER: It never gets fixed. What you see is what you get.

What is a "good overworld" then? I'm legitimately curious on what game has a wide open world, doesn't have fast travel, and isn't tedious when you backtrack/want to visit somewhere you've been before on the other side of the map.

sonyggers pretending vita never happened.

>big open world

in what fucking planet? you could walk from lake hylia to the village in a matter of 2 minutes; less even.

400 hours is fucking 33 days of playing 12 hours a day you realize that right?

a more realistic 4 hour a day rate is 99 days or 3 fucking months to beat botw.

That's way too big. It would be tolerable if there was something to do every time you went there, but as it stands it's just basically a big pile of nothing. Filler, if you will.

The only good overworld is one where you always have something to do in it, every single space has some kind of activity going on, there's always little secrets that aren't just rupees, and overall your trip is never the same thing twice.

You want an example of a good open world? Well, you know FFXV, right? That is NOT a good open world. It's a hallway simulator that doesn't even let you drive off road.

This her face is too round it should have been sharper, she looks nothing like a princess, she looks like a peasant.


you got greedy kid, but now it's just too obvious.

anyone who responds seriously to this troll henceforth is a retard.

>400 hours long

explain further