So we all know Halo 6 is going to happen. It's more than likely going to get a short teaser at E3 this year too...

So we all know Halo 6 is going to happen. It's more than likely going to get a short teaser at E3 this year too. What are your wishes for the next installment?

Personally I just hope they can unfuck the story situation. That last campaign was dreadful.

No one has given a shit about Halo since 3. Fuck off shill.

I played 4 with an open mind and knew that 343i cannot be trusted ever again.

Literally just fucking end the series. They need to stop parading its corpse around. Its embarrassing.

>prometheans or whatever get shit-canned
>covenant are main antagonists again

and halo is saved, thank me later

H1 Story, H2/H3 Game mechanics with some H5 MP elements.

>how to make reddit: the game


You seem upset.

We both know that's not going to happen. It's still M$'s flagship IP. At some point they'll end Chief's story, but the franchise isn't going to go away.

That's gonna take some really weird twists for the story. Casual guys might like it, story guys will be left confused.

Is Halo 6 gonna be some big story shift or something since it's the end of the second main trilogy of games? I feel like something big is going to happen like a new enemy faction or some shit, like SUPERFLOOD or they'll just end the story and all the other games will be ODST/Wars-esque spinoffs.

The current selection of games are part of a saga, not a trilogy. They initially came out saying it was a trilogy, but have since changed their outlook to consider it as a saga. Halo 6 will not be ending anything.

Then how many more are they gonna be pumping out? They're already squeezing water from a stone.



There was no debate, autistic redditor. Your stupid macros and reaction images won't help you here you stupid cunt.

Who knows, hopefully not much more. I'd be fine with a bunch of side story games (if they were actually good of course,) but Chief's story can't last forever. Thing is, wars can last a long time. Halo 4 and 5 take place within a very short few months. Halo's 1-3 all take place within like 1-2 years, if even that.

Regardless, we don't know how many they're pumping out. We just know that they hopped off the trilogy train a while back.

Hopefully Microsoft fucking shits down their Xbox division and sells off their IPs. Try and fucking argue that wouldnt be a good thing for the industry, I dare you

At least I'm not as bitter as you and can actually have fun.

>It's still M$'s flagship IP

And it's under-performing with each new installment. Halo was never meant to go anywhere past 3, but the greedy Jews at Microsoft want to milk this thing for 30 years.

I'd love it if Halo went multiplat. Unfortunately we both know that's really never going to happen beyond M$ throwing a few bones to Windows 10.

I mean yeah, I never really suggested otherwise. Thing is, it's still ahead of their other titles by a huge margin, especially when you factor in merch. They've been going down the tube for a while, but with their recent venture into microtansactions, they've been making bank despite the supposedly smaller fanbase.

Halo's quality has been decreasing, but they don't have any monetary worries right now. Though if they strike out AGAIN on Halo 6, they might finally start actually wondering where it all went wrong.

Go back to redddit faggot.

and yet it's still the highest selling exclusive this gen.

Still outsold every ps4 exclusive combinded.

I'm sensing neogaf insecurities.

>Master Chief only campaign
>Blue Team in all missions
>Arbiter having more screen time as ally like Halo 3
>War Sphinx, and make these fights similar to Halo 3's Scarab fights
>longer campaign missions
>longer campaign
>expand more on the Master Chief's character
>massive more opened levels
>better weapons and vehicle sandbox
>more Forerunner weapons and vehicles
>make the Prometheans fun to fight
>add more Promethean classes
>no non-combat missions
>less Warden Eternal fights
>better vehicle sections
>more variety in locations, levels, and mission objectives
>more freedom
>put some focus on BTB
>design better multiplayer maps
>split screen and local multiplayer

Basically what I said in this thread.

Your whole post is cringe, and I'm afraid some dumb intern at 343i is going to steal it and actually use it.

The only notable games are these

I feel you on most of these, but it wouldn't make sense for a War Sphinx to get taken down by the current era's forces. Those things did bombing runs on entire continents, and you could probably take out the entire UNSC fleet with just one or two of them.

I'd love to see one included, but you'd have to have a very good plot reason to see it destroyed.

I love Halo 1-3 and they are my favorite games but dude kill yourself.

>I'm afraid some dumb intern at 343i is going to steal it and actually use it.
That's what I want them to do and they better do it if they want me to waste my money on Halo 6 or a Scorpio.

Halo 6 : Halo 2: 2

uncharted 4 sold more kys

>against the explicit wishes of the narrative department
yeah that sums it up


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