Nintendo swtich should be a Handheld

Why are they marketing this as a home console?

They should be marking it as a Handheld

As a handheld its looks awesome except for the battery life but that can be fixed with better battery

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They are marketing it as a handheld in japan. Home console in the west.

why are they doing this ?

because they don't want people thinking they are skipping the console market this gen.

Japan has moved to mobile, youth dont have TV and in large population centers mobile devices are very popular, like 3ds cause everyone meets up to play multiplayer or do it in transit.
Western audiences have TVs and space for a home console and generally prefer it and see it as more important than a mobile device.

90% of the comercial is handheld mode though.

It awfully looks similar to that Sonic game I will not mention.


When i went to japan, everyone on the train was playing smartphone games and there were places dedicated to meeting up to play handhelds.

This is the only reason I think Switch even has a small chance to not be a failure.

The battery isn't even a huge problem. It uses USB C, so you can use a generic battery bank with it.

itll hit in japan, but relative to the rest of the world, the japanese market is very small. And europe is dominated by sony.

it looks like a awesome hand held imagine if they marketed it as a handheld wii u

>mario spent too much time in mushroom kingdom and became one of them

I wish I could just buy a dock mode only version of the switch.

I'm never taking the thing outside my house once I get it.

Especially since the battery life is so bad, why bother.

I am a big Nintendo fan and actually own a Wii U but the Switch isn't grabbing my attention. The main problems are paid online and shit battery life but the overpriced peripherals/accessories don't help.

mario was born in the mushroom kingdom though

i'm legitimately hyped for this.

Because that way they can sucker drones into buying another DS a year or two from now

its design is based on japanese city architecture. A lot of places provide power ports for charging and whatnot, the bullet trains all have power ports installed for each seat and its takes 30 minutes to go from one side of tokyo to the other on a city rail.

>the bullet trains all have power ports installed for each seat
No they don't, at least not every train. I had to ask specifically for a seat next to an outlet.

Train from narita airport to tokyo had one, train from tokyo to kyoto had one, train from kyoto to osaka had one, train from osaka to hiroshima had one and every train back. They were on every seat, not even just green carriage ones.

That's actually very interesting, I still think handhelds are garbage, but interesting

agreed, handhelds have always bored me. With an exception to a few games on DS that i only played cause i had a rom cart. Dont own a 3ds and dont care to.

So why are they trying to alienate most of their potential userbase? Fucking stupid gooks.

How do they watch their anime then? On their phones? Thats so disgusting.

>train from tokyo to kyoto had one, train from kyoto to osaka had one, train from osaka to hiroshima had one and every train back
You do know there are multiple trains for each of those routes, right? On a few I rode on there were outlets for every seats. On others I had to specifically ask for an outlet. I think I know what I'm talking about because I sat in my seat, saw there was no outlet, and had to ask a conductor specifically for one.

you mean sonic adventure which is the best sonic

Economic conditions determine peoples choices and the products the market offers.

It's not as bad in the west, but it's starting to happen here too. My circumstances are unstable and I don't have a TV either. And there are many more people in their 20's in my situation.

Im the complete opposite, havent own a console since PS2, only play on my vita and 3DS.
And PC for porn VNs if that counts

Because nintendo doesnt care about western audiences. See their online infrastructure. I say this while owning every nintendo console. They are trash, not falling for the switch until it is very cheap.

They mainly just play games, didnt many people watching anime. Had some funny anime on tv though. Most kids were just reading manga.

The holo-display on their giant robots.

The point is, 2 hour battery on switch is not an issue for urban nips

daily japanese life consists of the following:

>commute to work
>work 16 hour shift
>go home

and im not even exaggerating here

they get so little free time at home that they might as well invest everything into mobile entertainment they can enjoy while going to and from work

>go home
No way, they go to bars with all their suit friends then pass out at trains stations. They have no alcohol tolerance, its hilarious.

>they get so little free time

Then its kind of amazing how huge and diverse their entertainment industry is.

lots of money in women and children

How do kids get money? Is it traditional for them to have a big allowance?

The Nintendo Switch is a handheld built for the modern market where it has to compete against smartphones, and the only way to do that is to build something that can play games designed for home consoles so why not market it as that as well.

>but that can be fixed with better battery
Just throw an extra battery pack on the back. Hopefully Nintendo was smart enough to keep mounting points for attachments like they did on previous handhelds.

Hopefully extended battery packs will come to market rather quickly to solve that problem.

You can already use literally every smartphone battery bank thanks to the charge port being non-proprietary this time.

No, no, user, anime is for pathetic fags on the west. Japanese people use their free time (not the one in between travel to work/school) watching comedy shows or reading manga.

And if you are a schoolgirl, hang out in parks looking at foreigners.

I'm sure they will release a dock only version a year down the line that will be way cheaper.

Yeah, I guess reliving my childhood with a massive battery strapped to my pants to power my handheld might work too. This thing is supposedly the same size as a Game Gear with similar battery life as well.

i'm getting flashes of gta4

do they really have a thing for foreigners?

My friend and i were at tokyo disneyland and got stopped by some qt underage school girls using a translating phone app because they wanted pictures of us with them. Either they thought we looked good or were a freakshow.

>big allowance
He meant theres lots of money to be made in exploiting women and children, so men can fap to it while their wife and kids are asleep

And or while their waifu is asleep

How underage we talking? Did you fuck them?

here are some qt japs

>why is nintendo marketing their shit poorly for the billionth time?

who knows, it's like they have autism at a company-wide level
if they didn't have the nostalgia and history from the NES and SNES they would've folded 15 years ago

estimating 12-14 but who knows. And no i didnt, we were in the middle of disneyland and they used some translating app, first i thought they wanted me to take a picture of them together but then they stood in front of us one at a time and tooks pictures, giggled then ran off.

If you're white and neither horribly obese nor horribly ugly, you will be stopped in the street by random people for pictures.

though this usually doesn't happen in tourist heavy spots because the Japs in those areas are more concerned with making money off you, or if you're in Okinawa near any of the US military bases where shitkicker boys cause trouble for the locals all the time.

But if you step into a less-visited city or somehow wide up in a country town or whatever you'll be openly gawked at or approached like some kind of mythical creature.

Left is qt.
Right can go home.

BRB heading to Japan.

haha yeah

unsure what gender pic related are tho

They want people to understand that it's replacing the Wii U.

>tfw only satisfaction I get nowadays is from whiteknighting a Japanese girl on twitter who knows English

She loves having an English follower who she gets to practise on.

That's the life of a salaryman which doesn't represent every worker in Japan nowadays.

Also part of the culture. People are forced into mandatory after-hours drinking as "team building" events because the companies are too greedy to have stuff like that during work hours

A photoshopped image designed to evoke GTA4 "gives you flashes" of GTA4.

Really activates the almonds

far left is even more cute

They don't, or at least the vast majority of Japanese people I met when I spent two months in Japan don't watch anime. Most don't even play video games.

So what do they do then.

feel up women on the train and play shitty p2w mobile games.

so mario isn't human? what the hell is he?

What a miserable existence no wonder they kill themselves.


He was delivered by stork, its safe to say he isnt human but some magical being like all the other weird characters in mario games



They don't even feel up women anymore. They just stare blankly into space and try to kill themselves with the power of their mind alone. Tokyo is the worst.

the town i grew up in had a bunch of famous buildings built by famous architects and there were always non-english speaking asians walking around on guided tours. whenever we had football practice and one of them walked by, theyd always take pictures of us, especially the blacks

Men go to work and then go home and drink heavily by all accounts. Women go shopping because they are materialistic as fuck over there.

Some of the dudes I talked to liked to go fishing in their off time.

haha i loved tokyo and the people were really nice. Im just being mean.

A. Because it's finally something different
B. Because it's one world out of many. Calm your tits.

why are asians so androgynous
is that why I can only enjoy asian traps?

It's all the estrogen they consume

This might make me feel awkward if they weren't all so ugry.