That one game only you've played

>that one game only you've played
What's its name Sup Forums?

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Every fighting game fan who had an N64 played that.

Because it had literally 0 good options for fighters.

inb4 Smash is a fighting game.

>he didnt play killer instinct gold

everyone who went to a video rental store played this

and dark rift
and war gods

There was MK4, Killer Instinct, MKT, Clayfighter and probably some others. I never hear anyone talk about this.

I'm the only one who has played all of my games


Fighters Destiny was the underrated king of N64 fighters.

>tfw bought bio freaks back in the day
>mfw when i played it after getting home

Played this shit with my cousin all the time. Takashi and mordus kill were my favorites.

I feel like it was the last really bloody and gory game I actually played..

I at least remember the ads for in in San Francisco Rush


Fighter's Destiny, MK4 and Rakuga Kids are top tier n64 fighters too.
i liked deadly arts & dual heroes

Every where that had a few arcade cabinets around me had this game, played it a few times.

Hektik on the Commodore

cladun and cladun 2, there is literally no one in this board that have played it.

This one is more unknown, OP.

I owned it. Nice try, friendo.

Owned all of those too (although Trilogy I had on PS1). Also played Sculpter's Cut. Still haven't named a good fighter.

There was also War Gods, Dual Heroes, Dark Rift, the two Fighter's Destiny games. Still nothing good named.

From there you devolve into god awful shit that barely even qualifies like BioFreaks, the Xena game, Fists of Furry, etc.

But it's not very good
MK4 and Mace are good and the MKT port for the 64 is passable. KI 2 is also good.

Mace was awesome as fuck.

Replayed this recently and it was still pretty fun.


I remember being a wee lad and seeing this and going "this looks like shit". I then proceeded to rent banjo kazooie or starfox for the Xth time.

You have some pretty low standards.

Unfortunately the best ones never left jappoland. Not a problem anymore these days, but it sucked back then. Having the better Hiryu no Ken, the Custom Robos and Spirits would have been nice. And Rakuga Kids, which Europe at least got.

Not really. Killer Instinct 2 is just KI but better. MK4 is just the arcade version with worse graphics and no cutscenes. Mace is a little clunky movement wise, but there's else really wrong with it. Not everybody prefers sugoi chink street fighter clones.

It's pretty basic, but still happens to be my favourite Psp game. (Mimana)

They don't have to be SF clones to be good. They just have to not be shit.

None of the good N64 fighters (Custom Robo, CR V2, SD Hiryu no Ken, easily the top 3 on M64) are SF clones.

I'm well aware of what MK4 and KIG on N64 are. Which is part of the problem. Because they aren't good in arcades either.

Keep in mind there's a difference between good and fun piece of shit. Most of those N64 hot turds were fun enough to play with friends. Still crap fighters. Based on pretty objective criteria like awful roster balance, shallow mechanics, janky controls, horrible input lag in almost all N64 fighters, etc.

>I'm well aware of what MK4 and KIG on N64 are. Which is part of the problem. Because they aren't good in arcades either.
I think you're the one with the low standards because those are good games.

I know you're just trying to lash out because I said something negative about games you like, but that's not how those words work.

I remember that stupid chicken on Mace, Pojo or whatever its name was.

>War Gods
Wasn't the final boss some tall dorky looking green guy?

same except I rented from blockblister, taught me a lesson in disappointment


>Name some good fighting games on the N64
>N-no I don't like those games they're shit!
>My obscure robot games is better! All these Jap games are good, and all the western ones are bad!
>No don't tell me those games are good you're just lashing out on me! That's not how words work!

the final boss is bullshit though, you can only beat him if you have projectiles

the dude with 2 guns strapped to his arms was easy to win with, just spam projectiles out the ass

I never asked anyone to name good N64 fighting games. I made a statement that there are none. Because there aren't.

You failed with your SF strawman. You failed with your garbled attempt at an insult. And now this. It's getting silly, user. Just stop being so damned butthurt, for your own good.

And Custom Robo is by no means obscure.

Custom robo is pretty obscure. The most relevant it's been in the west is from being a Melee trophy. Like I've said, the N64 had some good fighting games. The library isn't strong, but that doesn't mean they're bad.

>they're trying to act smug but they don't even mention Fighter's Destiny

You guys are some pathetic fucking posers

MK4 & Trilogy are good fighters, they still have competitive scenes (not as strong as others, but they're still aluve) , don't fall into the mk is shit thing.
Fighter's Destiny is also an interesting twist at 3d fighters, by no means is a bad.
I never liked KI sans soundtrack, so can't have an opinion on that.
Mace is flawed and it feels wonky, but i wouldn't call it bad.
You also said Rakuga Kids, which is a cool fighting game too, too bad never saw an american release.
And if you wanna stretch it a bit more, the wrestling games were fantastic.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here, but it seems to go under people's radar.

It's on my list. I'll get around to it eventually. Is the second or first one better?

I have this right here, bought it for 10 bucks a decade ago.




I did mention it. In fact, I mentioned both.


Nope I've played that game.

One of my favorite psp games. Amazing concept, mediocre resolution.

The dragon bosses were fucking bullshit

>shake shake

Played all these. Step it up plebes.

Yeah, I mentioned the Hiryu no Ken games later.

Did it better than Dead Space

My grandma sent me this game.

I'm fucking mad my stepmom threw it out, it's apparently pretty rare.

AKA Twinsen's Odyssey

I never got past the first area but I played it

come on even the normies i talk to at work know about mischief makers

The nostalgia is strong with this one




Fred Couples Golf for the Sega Game Gear.

>tfw the team who made Mace is dead, and NRS will never pick assets back up and make a new game or have them in MK

I played this and I can say that the box art dosen't match the game, I went in expecting a beat em up not a space shooter.

Mein neger.


i had this. i remember grendel

Where can I find them, user?

Shredder, baby


My first M rated game.

Get on my level



It's pure kino, user.
Go play it and the first one, they're ahead of their time.

Still got my copy. I put an incredibly large amount of time into this.

Fuck you, my best buddy still has his copy and an Atari. It's good shit in co-op.
The Poofer gun is OP as fuck.

Binary land



Underrated as fuck