What are some games where pretty girls will flirt with you...

What are some games where pretty girls will flirt with you? I did this mission in FF15 and I can't get Iris out of my head. I need more of this feeling.

>it's a girl want's the protagonist's dick more than life itself but the protag is either too stoic or autistic to care or notice

I want this JRPG meme to die.

She's a little girl wtf do you want Noctis to do?

Real life, it's probably happened a lot of times and just didn't realize

She's like 17

Thousand Arms on Ps1 had a surprisingly good dating mechanic for it's time. It's been over 10 years since I played it, though. So It may have aged horribly, but I remember having fun with it.

Also, if you happen to have never played persona 4, you should try that.

don't have a vita so no persona

ps2 emulator

fuck off normie

I guess. Anything more recent?

>not wanting a 16-17 y.o fresh pussy flower

What kind of gayfag pice of trans trap shit you are

She's a video game character.

Get a life and talk to real girls.

>tfw this never happened to you when you were a teen
>you missed teenage sex

What are some games where you play as a pretty girl and buff guys come up to flirt/hit on you?

>Get a life and talk to girls

and yet you're here on Sup Forums

I guess you can play a bioware game as a girl.

speak for yourself gaylord

Girls won't talk to me irl
:( I know. Life is the worst.

Any more game recs?

That other blond princess is WAY hotter

Dammit man! Now I want to play Thousand Arms again...

fallout 4


He should have bought her something to drink she'd clearly dehydrated.

Shit nigga you right XD

>pretty girl

looks like a monkey boy

Fuck is up with the mouth?

Do you get to see her armpits/underarms?

Are there really good romances in Fallout 4?

I hear this game is pretty bad. The graphics in OP's pic look particularly bad.

>either to stoic or autistic to care

He says himself that Gladio would kick his ass if he did anything

That's just the level you get when you have open world games, especially on consoles.

He's engaged to Luna too.
Its a huge game and the art direction is great though.


>the art direction is great though


Only good thing about this game are the enemy designs.

>you could date the Goddess towards the end
Man I loved this game when I was younger

well the lines are sincere and lovey dovey. I liked to use a romanced companion and go on dates.

He's engaged to Luna and on top of that you don't fuck with your friend's sister.


look into Bully

The game isn't bad, just mediocre.

The graphics are passable, the lack of anti-aliasing really shits it up. A PC port would bring out the beauty of the game.

It's clear the game was like 40% unfinished. It goes from giant open world to on rails and the story gets real choppy. Lot of "and then this happened off screen" kinda shit.

Too bad, there was a lot of potential there.


so far

Fallout 4
Persona 4
thousand arms


That's it.

Oh, and it also suffers from open world syndrome where 90% of the missions are just fetch quests

sakura wars so long my love

She's so boring.

>can't get Iris out of my head

Maybe try growing up, you pathetic virgin.

Real life, get on my level faggot.
