Even after telling my girlfriend i have 6 months worth of xbox live codes and that the xbox one is even cheaper than...

Even after telling my girlfriend i have 6 months worth of xbox live codes and that the xbox one is even cheaper than the Switch she still going with the Switch.

she likes good games

she isn't a fucking idiot

>buying an xbone
Found your problem

cant blame her for wanting BOTW i mean im gonna get that shit for my Wii U and i barely play it that much. But it's like after that what else is there gonna be besides Odyssey and maybe a Metroid game if we're lucky.

Nintendo games are better

At least Xbone doesn't have you buying 5 more accessories unlike the Switch.

>Xbox one launches with the kinect
>"we can not have the system run without it. Its built in from the ground up. Its a necessary 100$ purchase and all games, current a future, will be built with it in mind"
>removed a year later and no games support it at all

At least they fixed their mistakes.

You know what youre getting into with nintendo.
Theyve pulled the same trick since the SNES

because there are no good games on the xbone and the switch has at least one, maybe. I'll take a gamble over a guaranteed loss. You should both just build pcs or get a ps4. If you gotta have muh zelda get a 3ds or wiiu.

Actually seriously get a wiiu rather than switch so that you can get in on all that homebrew shit that it apparently has that switch won't have.

maybe she doesn't care about the console but the games coming out exclusive to the switch?

Maybe she just likes games which are exclusive to Nintendo. I have a better question though: Why don't you just ask HER why she wants switch over xbox one?

convinced her to get a Wii U so we good.

Xbone is for people too fucking stupid to just spend a couple dollars more on a midrange pc.

OP here sorry i didnt clarify. She wanted the switch cause BOTW. we settled on that she'd get a Wii U cause it's cheaper and still has BOTW but still wanted to be able to play over Xbox Live with her so yeah.

I too would choose Switch over an Xbox One

clearly to avoid spending anymore time with you than she already has to

it's the exact opposite except she just loves TLOZ.

then you're gonna hate her by the end of those six months, good ruck

She's a woman and not very smart

It's been a year and a month.

We're not really smart either since we're both on Sup Forums.

I mean, it seems to have a pretty strong RPG lineup with SMT, Octopath Traveler Project, and Xenoblade 2. Definitely an interesting console for JRPG folk.

>custom robo
>the conduit
>free online

Then and only then is Switch worth it. No offense to ur gf but girls are casuals. Xbone ps4 and pc are better.

none of that shit is coming out in 2017 and you're deluded if you think otherwise.

I could see Octopath Traveler coming out, that's it though. Still, promised games still sells consoles.

At least we're on the same page. I mean if she had gotten a PS4 (which i thought because she loves RE and the VR RE7 would've been cool) id still be like "well shit" but i mean that's what i get for having an Xbone. But nah she wanted the switch (but now we worked it out to the Wii U)

Xenoblade 2 is coming out in 2017 or early 2018, god knows when SMT/Octopath will be out.

Well, if she ever wants to play XBone, she's got yours to play with.


consoles are shit but Xbox exclusives are on windows, don't be a fool.

If you get the Switch you're at least now open to get Zelda and Mario kart.

What is it you want on the Xbox right now? Halo..?
Say what you want about the Switch, but we all know Halo 5 is terrible, and the MCC is broken AND 343 have basically come out and finally said they are giving up on it. I actually really like my Xbone, in both interface and overall design, but this thing is terrible for video games. If you can only get one stay the FUCK away from the Xbone.

I'm pretty much done with M$ after this.

there isn't fucking shit to play on xboner idiot

Jesus fuck Japan if you're gonna make another gay ass show about little girls trying to act 'tough' with guns and shit, at least make them fucking hold it right.

God it's fucking Jormungand all over again.

If teleportation were a thing we wouldnt even all be on this terrible thread because this problem wouldnt be happening (if ya didnt catch it the relationship is LDR. Which is a whole nother deal ya'll can call me a autist about)

Because as shit as the hardware and execution of it is, the software is guaranteed to be good.

The Switch controllers (a) have HD rumble and (b) fit in her vagina.

She likes good games, or games at all

Because women are stupid , and only care about what's popular right now . and right now the Switch is being talked about.

Jon Stewart>Trevor Noah

The only reason anyone buys a Nintendo console: Nintendo exclusives

That's universally agreed on no need to hide it.

And what exclusives?
>Splatoon sequel (port)
>Mario Rehash Planet
>Zelda BotW which somehow runs worse than on Wii U
>Tales of Xenoblade Federation Force

Doesn't that mean all of Sup Forums is stupid because we're all talking about the switch

you know i dont get it
I make $18/hr and live on my own
i pay bills own a car and budget my life well enough to survive without handouts
yet i still have an xbone ps4 wii u and a decent pc that i built a while back
i will be getting the switch as well
why cant you fucks accept that each gamin device has its merits and demerits but are all still good
these threads about expenses are pointless
fi you want it just save up and dont blow it on other shit

>non milltary Japanese person
>being able to have any fucking idea

Oh okay. Trevor's daily show>The nightly show.

Well it's more of a "Unfortunately because i chose to pursue a LDR i would certainly want her to play on the same console so we could have fun however she would be more happy with BOTW and she doesnt have the type of money to blow nor will my dumbass every send shit again after the expirence i had last time when she thought it was normal that a package i sent to her didnt get there : D"

>I make $18/hr and live on my own

>mfw I make $10.60/hr part time because I don't want to accept responsibility and just take the fucking promotion already even though it's been 9 years because fuck retail
It doesn't get better for me, does it?

The internet exists. There's no excuse if you're getting paid to make an entire show or manga or whatever that uses something as a major theme and plot point that the author/artist/etc. doesn't know anything about.

If people got it right back in the late 80's/early 90's, there's zero excuse to get it wrong now. That's why any anime about little girls/women in general is almost guaranteed to be dog shit regardless of subject matter, because the themes and plots and dialogues will always play 'last thought' to fan service and moe-shit. People wouldn't rip on them so hard if they actually applied themselves. People would overlook all the moe shit(Well, at least most of it) if it had any effort put into them.

Depends but I mostly agree with that.

Think about it this way. These people possibly haven't SEEN a gun before.Holding it incorrectly and the consequences of doing so very likely legitimately escapes them. They probably had no idea there was more stuff they should have researched, since everyone knows what a gun is for.

They both suck so what does it matter?
>"heh heh fuck recucklicans we r always the good guys"

plenty of good games on xbox yo

gta v
shovel knight
resident evil 7
the escapists
more resident evils
metal gear solid
call of duty

and that's just my personal library

I think they meant exclusives sadly. (OP here) Even as a xbox player id admit we dont have the best exclusives. But free games is a plus.

>paying for gold

it's a trick, you save more money buy just buying the games you want. If a game with gold you do want comes along, buy a month of gold. It'll be cheaper that way tho. but that barely happens

Your girlfriend has better taste than you do. Also, this isn't your blog to complain on, dumbass.

Ya'll we're complaining about the Switch and that had to do with the Switch so.

it'll have exclusives when the switch comes out and doesn't have the games xbox does.

I dunno, I like it. It's like having a pc, but cheaper, and any worthwhile games get ports that improve them. Stardew valley is here now too.
