How should the value of a video game be judged?

How should the value of a video game be judged?


what about multiplayer games that you can put hundreds of hours in?

Well then you get your money's worth don't you?

stop making them

>stop making good multiplayer games
is this nigga 4real

but how would it work?
would they all need to have some subscription-like service?

This is silly though cause what if the game takes 100 hours to beat but is the worst gameplay ever.

There are no "good" multiplayer games. Multiplayer is always a tack-on to enforce Micro-Transactions

They already have. People can't even name 3 good multiplayer games.

the you better beat it fast, nigger

You fucking retarded bro? Plenty of games have a multiplayer mode with 0 microtransactions.
>Overwatch (it's trash but it's good trash)
>Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne
Want me to continue? None of those have and microtransactions outside of cosmetics or buying the fucking game.

Personal enjoyment.

Lots of people hated Lords of the Fallen, but I've clocked well over three hundred hours. I still learn something new about it almost every play session. It's not perfect, but I love it.

If I was a faggot cuck, glued to Metacritic, some faggy YouTuber, or Steam reviews — I never would have picked it up.


T R A I L E R S / G A M E P L A Y ;




O P I N I O N .

And they're all shit. Multiplayer is for the lowest-common denominator.

Name 1 good one that came out within the last 2 years.

>warcraft 3
lmao underageb&

>warcraft 3

Glad to see we agree.

Come back when you've played it, kiddo.

Well I agree overwatch is a good game but
>Implying the game doesn't have microtransactions
They even nerfed how fast you could level up to incentivise buying crates and even in its past form leveling up was slow as fuck.

If it was a classic good game you could unlock every cosmetic within a few months of on and off play.

There are easier ways to say "I have no friends."

how much enjoyment you personally got out of them
anything else is incorrect