Post your top three games

>Post your top three games
>We try to guess your personality

Be sure to reply to some posts before/as you post your list so everyone can be included.

first few post are excluded from this.

>Final fantasy 9
>Dark Souls 2

>Kirby 64
>Persona 3
>Touhou: Subterranean Animism

>Rocket Knight Adventures
>Puyo Puyo Tsuu
Quiet when first meeting friends, but over time your presence becomes more dominant in your group, sometimes catching people by surprise.
Others tend to find you unpredictable. This can be endearing or troublesome depending on the situation.

>Kirby's Adventure
>MegaMan Legends

>Rocket Knight
>Puyo Tsu
We would get along well. You're a very introverted person who prefers indulging in hobbies rather than friends. You

>Shadow of the colossus
>Ridge Racer Type 4

>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Fallout: New Vegas

>Castlevania SOTN
>Diablo II LOD

>warcraft 3
>planescape torment
>chrono trigger

not very expressive but still a cool dude to hang around.

My top 3 would be
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Age of Empires 2
Fallout New Vegas

Infamous 1 & 2
Pokémon heart gold

more likely to have read a book in the past year than the average Sup Forums user

Kid Icarus Uprising
Castlevania 3
Chrono Trigger

Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX and Melee.

The GameCube was pretty neat.

I'd guess you're a pretty chill dude who like to chill and have fun. Prefer older games, but not for the challenge. Rather play Dragon Quest than Final Fantasy kind of person. Co-op friendly too, maybe?

You're in your mid twenties and have good taste.

you are gay

Phantasy Star IV
Super Mario Bros. 3
Viewtiful Joe

Laid back, likes horror movies.

>Chrono trigger
>Dragon Age Origins

Shit yes I do nigga.

>Tales of Vesperia
>Ratchet & Clank 2
>Vectorman 1 & 2

Probably makes YouTube videos.

Prefers to be left to their own devices, invests deeply into what they value.

Do you listen to Sunn O))), or Burzum's synth era? Is The Thing among your favourite movies?

I don't necessarily have favorites, but here's a few that I enjoy playing
>Mount & Blade: Warband

Devil May Cry 4 SE
Kid Icarus Uprising
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

Keio Flying Squadron
Saga Frontier
Metal Gear Solid

You're 19 years old. Your first console was a PlayStation, which you shared with your younger sister.

>The legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
>Kingdom hearts 358/2 days
>Lightning Returns Final Fantasy

worth a try
>Dragon's Dogma

Mid-twenties, loved genesis as a kid, possibly a mechanic of some kind (or some other technical job).

Eh, close enough.
Don't have a sister though

>Paper Mario (N64)
>Valkyrie Profile
>Heroes of Might and Magic III

Street Fighter 3

Huge autistic manchild

Metroid Prime
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

Chrono Trigger
Skyward Sword
Life Is Strange

F-Zero GX
Resident Evil 4
Wave Race 64

Damn. You're the kind of person who appreciate a challenge and high skill ceiling. You regularly watch competitive Twitch streams, though not the popular channels.
Prefers 1.6 over GO. Thinks SFV is trash. Loathes Overwatch.

Yes, I fucking love Black One and The Thing is my all time favorite movie.

Prefers vidya with a medieval setting.
Yeah, I'm pretty shit at this.

Metal Slug 3
Team Fortress 2
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse


Are you... me?

I imagine you as relatively well adjusted kinda guy with a bit of an introverted/autistic side.

You strike me as an old, jaded weeaboo who misses when gaia was the scapegoat of Sup Forums.

Modern weeb who shitposts about Lightning's armpits but is only about half autistic (i.e. you only go all out shitposter online).

Huge immersionfag, or appreciates original lore. Fairly average in real life, so enjoys playing games that allow for character creation.

Oldfag, but not really bitter about it. Likes to go back and play old favorites more than new games.

My guesses are complete bullshit and I reserve the right to be totally wrong.

>Dark Souls
>Crusader Kings 2
>Life is Strange

Mount and Blade Warband
Halo 3
Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door

actual 90's kid
not a facebook memelord barely old enough to vote

xenoblade chronicles
super smash bros. melee
devil may cry 3

>Mega Man X
>Mario 64

You're 19 years old, and a bit eccentric but good-natured. You like things with an emphasis on adventure and you largely prefer vidya to film. If you had to pick, LOTR is your favorite series of movies.

You're a collected and calm person. People may consider you dull but your close friends know that your interests are marked and you have a lot of thoughtful things to say about that which you're invested in.

You are pretty far off on the age. I turn 33 in in less then a month.

>nobody rating
>try to rate everyone before posting but new people keep replying too fast

>Paper Mario
>Battle for Middle Earth 2

>Metroid Prime 2
>Sonic Adventure 2:Battle (you heard me)

You're organized and are not easily distracted.

You like to do your own thing. You don't get stressed very often.

You're complicated.

>dark souls
>N64 smash bros or Sm4sh
>Halo 3

3.Cave Story

Your favourite Final Fantasy game is XII. You main Falcon or Ganondorf and you like to disgrace your opponent.
You keep your memes low key, but like to post Dante pizza pictures.

You're new.

Mother 3
Marvel vs. Capcom 3

You have excellent taste in rpgs, but grew up around mountain dew & doritos kids who called themselves "MLG" but you tolerated it because they were your friends

Looking like it dude. Or are you me?

>Smash Melee
>Fire Emblem 4
>Sonic Adventure

>old, jaded weeaboo
Not too far off. Though I'd like to think I'm not too jaded yet. Just don't have as much time for new games as I'd like.

Fire Emblem: Awakening
Sonic Adventure 2

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Quake 3: Arena
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

>Dark Souls
>Monster Hunter
>Metroid Prime

Lunar SSSC
God Hand
Shining Force III

The GameCube was your jam and you will defend it in consolewar threads. You bought a Wii U in 2014 and consider it Nintendo's second best console.
You're a bit of a contrarian, but can actually argue for his tastes.

Your game choices tell me that you didn't read the OP

There's a latent minor annoyance in your soul that TTYD doesn't have a 3 in it.

You got me

binding of isaac antibirth
kirby planet robobot

Have good taste in books

My list:
Pikmin 2
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

slightly autistic and may or may not be a brony, but generally pleasant and fun guy to talk to

>Your favourite Final Fantasy game is XII.
it's actually 7, never played that one
>You main Falcon or Ganondorf and you like to disgrace your opponent.
i actually use roy and pichu the most, but i mix it up with different characters sometimes
>You keep your memes low key, but like to post Dante pizza pictures.
not that often

I'm horrible at reading people and I didnt play most of those games

Resident Evil 2
Kirby 64

You seem like a laid back guy who does not sweat the small stuff

>Armored core for answer
>SMT III Nocturne
>I can't name a 3rd favorite so I'll say Transistor

>Victoria II
>Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
>Zelda Wind Waker

What's so cute? It can't be me...

likes to hang out with people but not to many friends to do it, so kinda lonley

>Majora's Mask
>Chrono Cross
>Tactics Ogre

Easy-going guy, prefers small groups. Did well in school.

Loved playing Gamecube, goofy sense of humor.


Enjoys the idea of working with others to reach a goal/being a leader

Yeah, I suppose so.

likes games with solid gameplay but isn't one to turn down an interesting or thought-provoking adventure. quiet and probably has few friends.

>Easy-going guy, prefers small groups. Did well in school.
Well done, user!

Yes user, you're cute! Great taste, would snug with.

You are 20-something years old. You have a couple of close friends, but you don't hang out too often and prefer to be alone a lot of the time. You spent most of high school playing vidya and despite having an easy time taking in information, your grades were average because you ignored or half-assed your studies. You never really considered it important enough.
You're somewhat racist and get uncomfortable when among a group of loud black people, or loud people in general. You don't go out unless you need to and when you do, you wish you were at home instead, but don't sperg out and can maintain a conversation, though unless it's about something you care about, you usually do the listening rather than talking. You haven't showered in two days. Go shower.
You consider yourself average looking, and probably would be if you got a haircut and dressed better. Though you have no interest in putting in effort in the dating scene, you often wish you had someone to love.
You did something really embarrassing in 5th or 6th grade and you're sometimes reminded of it when you're going to bed.

You're a hipster 90's kid who has to always prefer the less popular option. You like RC Cola and Hydrox cookies.
Deus Ex

>mfw everything but the brony part is true

>Jedi Academy
>Dune 2000

you live in cellar or an office in your moms house. She has 2 cats and one is just a small kitty.

you forget to wipe

you sometimes wish you were playing dynasty warriors but don't have the energy to plug in your ps2

you have a lot of acquaintances

still 14 years old and working at McDonalds. Your parents praise your hard work but secretly talk about your problems

You think that Pokemon Ranger is underrated

>You think that Pokemon Ranger is underrated
Never even played the Pokemon Ranger series, so try again!

How am I cute just from my taste in games!? I don't understand, how can you call me cute when you don't even know me?

Spyro The Dragon

Front Mission 3

ARMA (in general, I play 2, and 3 with a clan near daily)

Tales of the Abyss

This took me more time than I'd like. It's hard to choose a favourite.

Super Mario Galaxy.

Mother 3
Cave Story

It changes between a few but that sounds reasonable.
You're a simple guy who enjoys simple things. You're easy going and find fun in things others might not.
You're about atmosphere. You're not in it for the characters and story but the world and locations.
Too unfamilar with these, sorry.
Simple guy who tends to stick to older things, it can be difficult for you to converse with others.

People with taste that cozy deserve complements

Rate others you fags.