Sup Forums.... How do we stop CEMU?

Sup Forums.... How do we stop CEMU?

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From what?
Emulation is good.
Better question, how do we make PS3 emulation actually exist.

By the fact it lags like a motherfucker unless you have a good computer which is bad for games like Zelda.

You can't.

A new age of Emulation is about to be ushered in wherein it's no longer a few hobbyists and students working on things in their spare time, but rather paid professionals developing a legitimate and legal product for a weekly wage.

Literally the only way to stop it is for Nintendo to do it themselves.

How do we start CEMU?

I can't keep 60FPS in 3D World at 1080p even though I have a 4690k at 4.6GHz and a GTX 1070.

Why? What kind of retard question is this.
Fucking janitors do your job.

How did this change came to be?
Are there patreons for emulators development now?

Use a shader cache, literally fixed all my problems with the game.

Are you fucking serious? Fine I'll take the bait, you don't the wii u is on its way out, if anything i hope it gets better at emulating i wanna play Bayonetta 2

How well do you guys think this emulator is going to run in a few months time. Specifically around the time Breath of the wind's release.

>How did this change came to be?

Increasing dissatisfaction with the state of the console industry and games industry as a whole.

>Are there patreons for emulators development now?



we don't

cemu botw will run at 15 fps even with an i7

Why do you want to stop emulation?

Are you scared?

explain just a little more please.

Given the fact that the emulator is already running several games extremely well, almost perfectly in fact, and development has up until this point been rapid......i'd say it's going to be in very good shape come the release of BOTW and you can bet your ass that will be the priority of the devs.



>weekly wage
>from Patreon
>to pirate modern consoles

Yeah, you're retarded. I was gonna type in a series of reasons to explain why you're stupid, but you'd be too stupid to understand it.

Botw will likely take a few months of bug fixes to be playable

at the same fps as wii u then
i see no porlbem

You can't. CEMU will be perfect in just a couple of years o maybe a little more. Fuck Nintendo! In the meantime, get a job and a Pii Poo.

By the time BotW will run properly on CEMU everyone else would have already played it.

Literally look up footage online and you'll notice all the problems within the first 3 minutes of gameplay.

>TFW there is no longer a drive for N64 emulation
>The majoity of N64 games are broken to the point of having to fiddle with plugins and addons and graphic settings just to get it to run right

What I don't understand is why the "scene" still focuses on Nintendo when they aren't most popular.

you don't
there's already much better games out for the first wii anyways

Are you using the latest version? (1.7.0)

If so, you can download another user's shader cache and put it into your cemu folder so the game won't need to stop and load shaders every few seconds. It has completely removed the stuttering for me. In a few weeks we'll have complete shader caches for games like Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles X.

>playing on Wii U

>Yeah, you're retarded. I was gonna type in a series of reasons to explain why you're stupid, but you'd be too stupid to understand it.

Please user, won't you just try, for me?

I wish to be enlightened like you.

everything is illegal. ILLEGAL


Good to know nintendo has no govern under control and emulating is far from illegal in every country as long as you use your backups and own code.

Yeah I just downloaded it today. Any hints at where to get the good shadercache file?

We don't. Leave that to Nintendo to decide; I could care less

t. I preordered a Switch

>Emulators are bad and lose us money!!!
>what about for games you don't even sell anymore and can't make money from

>nintendrones will believe this

Check /r/CEMUcaches. There isn't really a proper place to get shader caches yet as technically it's sharing game files, therefore illegal.

muh copyright

>Literally nothing, the post.

>What about nostalgic classics players love

How much do you care then?

alright thanks.

How is the second screen emulated

>own a cupcake shoppe
>make luxury cupcakes that you sell for a fair price
>poor people get jelly they can't afford your cupcakes so they try to copy your recipe using the cheapest ingredients possible that are practically free
>give your copied cupcakes to other poor people
>even the ones that can afford your cupcakes before stop buying your cupcakes
>no money is coming in for you so you stop making cupcakes, even new cupcakes that you had ideas to make
>eventually only the old cupcakes are around since you will not make new ones

This is what emulation does

You press TAB to bring it up.

oh holy shit better stop playing emulators guys


You can either use the actual Wii U gamepad, or it simply renders a seperare screen you can use with a mouse etc

Are you guys serious? I mean be a pirate fag all you want but at least own up to the fact that what you do on CEMU is 100% illegal. You're playing games for free that are still being sold today. This sin't even the case of pirating a 30 year olds NES game that Nintendo doesn't make money off of anymore, its a current modern game that is still on sale.

>as long as you use your backups and own code.

Yeah but do you think anyone in those pirate threads actually do that?

>food analogy

>food analogy

How hard are you clapping right now?

Not even close.

Games are not food, games are not anything other than games, hardware is hardware, analogies of any kind are shit, even as a learning aid.

>Dolphin devs state DX12 would not improve performance in their emulator
>Some dude creates a DX12 backend that improved performance by 50% or more in many games that later got adopted by Dolphin in 5.0
>Cemu developers say they're against DX12 because of Windows 10 exclusivity
>When asked about Vulkan, their response is that OpenGL is good enough and "they can't imagine it would improve performance"
>Literally every Cemu discussion people whine about performance not being good enough

Why aren't more people on them about this? If they're working on optimizations, making a Vulkan backend would be far and away the most efficient use of their time. The fact the Dolphin devs used the same excuse with DX12 and were later proved to be totally wrong should be proof enough that it's at least worth a try.

>what about games you don't sell anymore and can't make money from

Yeah I'm obviously talking about CEMU, retard.


Cemu shills are actually pathetic.

>Yeah but do you think anyone in those pirate threads actually do that?

I am.

Hell, i've spent all day playing emulated GC, Wii and Wii U games that I own simply because they look and run better on PC.

I could care less about grammar faggot

>muh windows is bad meme still exists
What is this 1990

I love how piratecucks only like games if they can pirate them. If they couldn't pirate Zelda you know they'd be calling it shit.

Just this morning they were praising captain toad because they could finally pirate it, the poor shills.

>cell processor emulation
Yeah fucking right. Sony created a monster tech that nobody knew how to use. Naughty Dog was the only studio capable of bringing out the best of the cell and even then their games didn't look that amazing. What was it, they got like half of the potential of it into TLoU?

Nah. The Wii U architecture was leaked, which has enabled them to emulate it extremely easily.

You won't be getting a Switch emulator like this.

>Sup Forums is one person

Try again, nintoddler.

please tell me how to use my actual gamepad

It's not that Windows is bad, it's that DX12 isn't worth upgrading to W10 for, especially when Vulkan has been better and works on everything.

>Samefagging this hard

>Calling others pathetic


why don't you just buy games instead of pirating them??

To be fair, there's not a lot of reason to use DirectX12 unless you have a specific technical reason to. It's better to use Vulkan, but the issue is they're refusing to implement it because they say OpenGL is good enough and that Vulkan wouldn't improve performance even though Dolphin saw MASSIVE gains when using DX12.

>100% illegal
This is emphatically wrong, you better explain yourself. I cannot stand how little people understand of copyright laws.

>Yeah but do you think anyone in those pirate threads actually do that?
There's no reason not to if you can. I'm not getting up to switch out discs/cartridges if I can just store all the games as files and play them at better frame rates and resolution.

They dont make good games anymore so I have to emulate the old stuff

Why can't I use this emulator to play my brought games at much better image quality.

Is there any transferable complete cache for Super Mario 3d World anywhere?

After this massive shilling for the CEMU 1.7 I've decided to test this shit.

There have been guides on using the Wii U Gamepad on PC for years...just google it man.

https :// www.sendspace (.) com/file/22ha8v

Emulation is good, prevents games from being lost to time.

Eat shit OP

>PS3 emulation actually exist
Wait, seriously? One cannot, as of this moment, emulate a PS3 game on PC?

How does this game run? How about Xenoblade?

I forgot to post the picture

>CEMU is 100% illegal.
Link the law.
Do it.

I play Puyo Puyo Tetris regularly in rpcs3 on hardware from 2011, what are you on about.

Thanks m80.

In which folder inside shaderCache should I put it? Precompiled or Transferable?

Does the emulator automatically detects these caches?

Hey you're the one pirating nintoddler games.
>implying Sup Forums doesn't follow a hivemind

Not him but emulation itself isn't illegal, if it were Nintendo would've sued the ass off of the Dolphin Devs a LOOOOOONG time ago. It's only illegal to download games, but the chances of you being sued over that are abysmal because it'd never be worth the legal fees to punish people for stealing $60 worth of merchandise and if you were suing it'd be smarter to go after the distributer anyway.

Transferable. Yes, the emulator automatically detects them but the first time you load up the game it will take a while loading these shader caches. Afterwards, it will load normally.

well it cant run MH3U yet, but it can Zenoblade so idfk

You don't


I just read on that link description it seems is only 20% complete. Better than nothing, I guess.

who /BotWin4KatLaunch/ here?

lol this kind of shit pisses me off, a bunch of fags sitting on their asses doing nothing getting $5000 a month. What really grinds my gears is Sakimichan 23k a month for fan art

>It's only illegal to download games
Not true, you are not allowed to redistribute copyrighted material, that does not mean taking it from someone who is illegally distributing it, the fault is on them not you.

>go after the distributer anyway.

Seeing how 3DS and WiiU pirates get their games directly from Nintendo's content distribution network, are Nintendo going to sue themselves?

Are you paying? No? Then who gives a shit, we get a nice emulator for free.
Who cares about the stupid cucks who are paying.

>lol this kind of shit pisses me off, a bunch of fags sitting on their asses doing nothing getting $5000 a month.

>doing nothing

They're literally making a Wii U emulator.

>Nintendo bitching about copyright shit again
Just makes me enjoy emulating games illegally even more desu, Nintendo can eat shit.

What's worth is they're a con. They copied a shit ton of code from Dolphin and have the official Wii documentation to work off of. The Wii U is just an overclocked Wii essentially, meaning they're literally profiting off the hard work the Dolphin devs put into their emulator and they can just consult the documentation to work out the differences. Their pateron is literally funded by idiots who think they're computer geniuses who need the money or something.

Emulation is legal in the eyes of the law

Back in the 90s two different emulators of current systems were taken to court and they won both times

Please respond

>Seeing how 3DS and WiiU pirates get their games directly from Nintendo's content distribution network, are Nintendo going to sue themselves?

Laughed fucking heartily.

why don't you just pirate games instead of buying them??

Well who else was going to make a Wii U emulator? Dolphin devs said numerous times that they were not going to bother with the Wii U at all...

Not a chance it works on release. I am hopeful that it'll work within a few months of release though. Playing the new Zelda so soon in 4K is gonna be neat