Why do we hate Tsubasa's game again?

Why do we hate Tsubasa's game again?

"We" don't. It was great.

I'll get it if it shows up on Switch.

Is your picture pre or post censoring

They didn't censor that costume at all

That outfit never got censored. The censoring in this game is really inconsistent. Also, stop bringing up censorshit. I'm tired of these threads devolving into just that.

What did you expect? This is Sup Forums, no positive discussion is allowed.

Idols are cancer

Why is Tsubasa the worst character in her own game?

The initial advertising was a bad idea. If this was the original announcement it be better received.

Censorship, SJW coward bullshit.

It might actually be a great game but I will always be bitter that it wasn't a formal SMTxFE cross over.

Because even if it wasn't the worst way they could have possibly combined my two favorites series, it would still be cancerous idolshit.

Because it's for Weeb trash.

>Also, stop bringing up censorshit.
No, because I was curious, and knowing that they didn't go around and censor every single outfit for no reason has made me more likely to buy the game.
I don't even care about lewd, I just think that the original outfits will look better than whatever Treehouse would shit out to replace them.

It doesn't allow me to impregnate Tsubasa

I love it, fuck the burgerfags.

There are videos on Youtube that cover what got censored. Their decisions are really mind-boggling.

>Hey guys, Nintendo here! We're crossing over Fire Emblem with Shin Megami Tensei!
>It's actually only a spiritual crossover, so it's more like Persona.
Oh. Okay.
>It focuses on idolshit.
U-um, I see.
>Oh, and we're censoring it in the West. Not everything, though! Just the things that make the least sense to censor.

I can't support a product with this amount of baffling decisions in it.

this. Even the first trailer looked like a crossover. #FE sucks.

I think it would be better if I go in blind and don't know what they changed. I'm sure I'll still be able to tell, but it'll only annoy me if I already know.
I want this game and I don't want to be a pedant neckbeard about it but I don't like censorship simply because the end result is never as good or coherent as the original art/design.
I've heard this is a solid RPG though and I like the direction so if it comes to Switch I'll pick it up.

>Why do we hate Tsubasa's game again?


>censored wedding dress
I am still confused up to this day.

>I am incapable of judging a game on its own merits and instead am still mad about a single trailer from half a decade ago

Then they shouldn't have censored it. That's a good way of getting the main audience of a game like this to not buy it.