What's a good video game to play when you're depressed and feel completely alone ?

What's a good video game to play when you're depressed and feel completely alone ?

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thomas was alone

Pokemon is pretty happy cheery. Could go with that?

Silent Hill 2

Games where you character is alone. Anything else only reminds me of how lonely I am.

The Forest was a fun one. Horror games in general will have you being alone. Also battle/resource strategy games are fun ones.

>tfw the girl you like keeps sending mixed messages

God. Women are the worst, man. We get along so well and sometimes she seems to be all over me but other times she's so distant and doesn't show any sign of interest. This is driving me nuts..

The Long Dark.

have you told her how you feel?

>tfw the girl you like is 4'11 and you're still terrified of talking to her despite having barely seen her for the past 3 years

Had this problem too. We would do silly shit together, I'd make her laugh and if you know anything about women, it's that if you make them laugh a lot, you got half of your work done.
She'd sit in my lap ''to be silly'' and we'd ''pretend flirt'' with each other. But, despite this we never really hung out outside school and I never made any serious moves in fear of getting rejected or ruining what we had.
Don't be me.

No..the opening for such a question (or however else) hasn't made itself come up yet. We're going out for coffee and a movie this week and I'm (sincerely) hoping she makes her intentions more clear. I hope.

I honestly have no issues at all if she doesn't share the feelings, but I want to know if she does or not so I can move on. I could even use the rejection as a joke since we get along quite well, the rejection would honestly not affect our friendship if it happens..though it'd be nice if she did share the feelings.

I just don't know, man.

Invite her out to dinner or something, stop living in limbo.


then when its over, no more sad lonesomeness

I did
The situation with us is just odd. It's really hard for me to tell just how she feels about me with the mixed messages is all. I honestly wouldn't know if she thinks we're going on a legit date or if it's just "two buds hanging out" I have no idea what she thinks.

Bioshock Infinite. You get a sweet girl to protect/fight for.

t's always weird how tiny girls can be flirty without realizing it (they're so vulnerable that almost everything they do triggers that weird "must protect/fuck this" impulse in men) and even scare dudes though. I played football in HS, and one of my closest friends was this tall black dude who was our starting WR, and he was legit scared to talk to this little 5'2" white girl. It was hilarious, like watching an elephant be afraid of a mouse in a cartoon.

This, because your sad lonesomeness will be replaced with frustration and anger over such a beautiful soundtrack, art design, and concept being bogged down by such a shitty game.

XCOM and Earth Defense Force

You can't be depressed when the fate of the human race is on-the-line

From my personal life I'm gonna say she is playing with you because
1) she wants you but afraid it'll break what you have so far
2)she wants you but her friends don't like you so they are building a false image on you
3)she is playing with you
4) (very unlikely) she is just flirty and didn't notice how it makes you feel

That's humans in general. Girls are constantly saying how guys are flirty 24/7 without realizing it.

>all them feels

i wish i could stop hurting inside from my first play through....but holy shit is it the most beautiful thing I've experienced in a game.

If you have legit interest in her, bring it up.

I had a friend in highschool who was just like that and it never amounted to anything, but trust me closure is better than never knowing what could be.

I played this game when depressed, so I will always associate it with bad times, but it was a good game.

>everything about game is amazing except game

I think you're shitty for saying so, user

also you probably had seven player names streaming across the stream at the end instead of ONE like all the best kids had. Stay frustrated.

Is this satire?

If she somehow brought up #1 we could talk that out, It is a legit concern and hell it's why I don't bring it up myself, even though it won't cause an issue..idk, I just want to be more sure before making any "big" move and potentially make her uncomfortable.
#2 is out, I only know one of her friends, we get along well.
#3 like just to be a dick ? idk ?
#4 definitely not this one, imo

>bring it up
how? in what context? you have to think in a real world scenario, user. I can't "just bring it up" out of the blue. It can only happen if a topic or conversation leads into it, or if there's some OBVIOUS signs that she likes me and it's an easy topic to walk right into.

It just has to open the road to that path and then I can bring it up casually, it's not something I can just blurt out in mid conversation, though believe me I'm dying to hear her thoughts on us.

Dwarf Fortress
I play it everyday

this user is right. You stand to lose nothing except some awkwardness and gain something if it works out for you. But do it after the movie no-one wants to sit in the cinema for 2hrs when they got rejected

>4) (very unlikely) she is just flirty and didn't notice how it makes you feel

that's literally the most likely scenario possible, in all instances

The game didn't even make your heart soar not even once?


you need to lay off the internet a bit, pal; that game was emotional gold

hey janitors, fucking /r9k/ is leaking again

What game would make me not wanna kill myself?

Black guys like that often seem to be really good friends for some reason. I get what you mean. I'd say I'm on the 'protect this' side, but it kind of feels like its the other way around.

No, I liked it and I had fun, but everytime I look back on it, or listen to the music, I get sad.

I want to do it, my dude, I just need a good lead in or good situation that opens the door to the question/topic. It's a really odd subject to just randomly open up with. It has to be lead into

I am truly sorry for your lots

I also wonder about this, feeling really alone and somewhat depressed lately. There's no motivation for me to play games anymore.

I would like to know about some multiplayer games that is easy to make friends in.


She is his best friend, she should be able to tell if she is being flirty with him

3) was about just being a jerk and 2) doesn't necessarily need you to know them, all they need is to have heard of you and have a bad image of you, his is a likely scenario for the shy type

>good situation

Like going out to a coffee and a movie?

You have to jump user, if you really want it.
She obviously wants to spend time with you.

I'd rule out 2, just based on evidence. I mean nothing can be 100% ruled out, but I'm heavily inclined with the situation we have is that it's not.

Honestly the mixed messages are what drives me nuts. Sometimes she's into me, other times she seems distant. I mean as simple as a text can give me mixed signals. Often we chat via text and it goes well and other times I'll text her and open up a topic from the first text and she literally will just not reply at all, period. Next time I see her (we work adjacent to each other's workplaces, fancy that, so we see each other at least 2-3 times a week just due to work) I never bring up the text or why she didn't reply, would just make me sound weird.

but fuck man, if you like someone, you reply to their text no? I'd reply to hers. Shit idk, these mixed messages are nuts.

just fucking ask her straight up if she's interested in dating
it ain't that complicated

>She obviously wants to spend time with you.

She does, and I've let her know clearly that I want to spend more time with her, so she knows that much, too. However the thing is..I also spend time with just my other friends just like that and this is not a date or anything special, it's just hanging out and getting a drink, watching a movie, etc. with a buddy.

So it comes down to...does she realize we're going to coffee and a movie because I like her and want to spend that time with her, or does she think "well we're just buddies hanging out"

It literally makes all the difference how she interprets it. Either as a legit date, or just hanging out.

Nigga you can't just ask that out of the blue. Believe me I want to, and the slightest sign of an opening I will drop the question, but as it stands I have 100% no idea how she feels. I just need more assurance one way or another with her thoughts on us

JUMP user. Does she realize? MAKE her realize. If she's not interested then just be friends. If she is? then congrats,

>tfw no one will ever love me so much they'll go on a message board to ask for advice on how to date me

I like the game of drinking my feelings away and passing out. The hangover the next day helps give me something else to think about. I hope this year I finally blow my brains out.

motherfucker yes you can, dancing around it and wondering will make it a billion times more awkward
I'm a KHV and even I was able to man up and just ask a girl directly if she wanted to date, even though she said no she told me she appreciated that I was direct about asking
if she says no it'll be a little awkward for a bit but then IT WILL GO AWAY BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW AND CAN STOP WONDERING ALL THE FUCKING TIME
don't be a literal beta you fuck

is it love? or just desperation.

>MAKE her realize.

I know, man, I know. I'm with you 100% The thing is...I have this feeling she has to know by now. I haven't straight up asked her anything but the fucking hinting/teasing coming from me has been absurd the past month or so. Unless she is VERY dense when it comes to this type of thing (I'm unsure if she is, but I don't think she is) she has to know by now I'm interested in her.

That's why I wanted to be more sure she was interested in me. Fuck. I just gotta handle this better somehow.

I'll take either at this point.

Is that the new Switch exclusive?

Out of genuine curiosity, explain that situation. How did you do it? what did you specifically say? what situation where you in? did you know her for a long time or someone you met recently? share the tale, can be short and skip right to the point

I'm very curious how someone can approach a potential love interest and just casually straight up ask "Oh by the way I like you, want to date?" without making the most awkward relationship imaginable from that point on

Lumines... the music alone will cheer you up.

She knows, she's not dense.

Want to be sure she's interested? ASK HER.
Show some confidence. What do you have to lose? The chance that never was?

Sometimes people just don't answer cause their busy, but that's besides the point, you either face her on that directly, or stop talking for a while and see how she reacts, she can also have depression by the description you gave, not a must but a possibility
You wouldn't know anything until you try, ask her without a grand occasion, it'll make it stressful

>ask her

I want to do it. I have to do it. Fuck I just to have to find the right way to do it. We'll be together for quite a while when we go out, I really need to somehow get this to happen fuck

Be careful user, sometimes desperation can leave you more empty and hollow than you ever thought possible.

Call of Chernobyl + STCOP + Itemsoup + Outfit addon

Are you literally autistic? Make eye contact and check for body signs (mimicking behavior is a classic), kiss if you get prolonged eye contact.

>tfw decided to shit where i eat and get with a girl at work
am i fucked guys?

Gravity Rush, it'll lift your spirits.

this was at uni
it was a girl I had met a little while ago and hung out with some, and after we had just finished eating lunch together and were about to part ways for the day I just straight up asked if she was interested in going out with me
reminder, I'm a KHV and this was the first time in my fucking life I had ever tried doing this properly
it seems like a big deal and that you can't really just do it like that, but it's honestly not
it seems like once the "cat's outta the bag" it'll all go to shit but when you can put it behind if you she declines it really does work out fine if you're not trying to get with a fucking psychopath
me and the girl still hung out and were friendly afterward so just fucking to it man, for your own sake

You have to be willing to create the opening.

Just talk with her throughout your "date", after all the events are over, ask her straightforward.

You'll either get what you want, or be able to move on with your life.

>create the opening
I honestly wish I knew how. I hope I can fucking do it though. I really have to do it.

Pretty much what I figured, yea. Maybe when I'm driving her back home or something. Or while we're still at the mall after the movies. Shit idk, I have to make it happen somehow

you could test the waters if you want get a good mate to go with you to the movies but "pretend" you ran into him and ask her if it's alright if he joins us. Now judging from her reaction you can tell whether she wants to date or not

tell your friend before hand that if she acts pissed off leave halfway through the movie and send a text to you saying something came up. Mind you though it will cost you an extra ticket price and possibly lunch

Funny, I used to have a buddy that had me do that type of shit all the time, yeeears ago. I know of one friend currently I could easily convince to do this for me. Though (and this is just going off my knowledge of this girl) I highly think that even IF she is upset over the sudden third party, she seems the type to hold it in and just go with it and not really show any sign of being upset over it..just the way she is from how I know her. idk if I'd get accurate feedback

Though it is a good idea and, hey, whatever gets the job done, right? I appreciate the idea

Fucking guts my friend, especially for KHV.




Just be ready for both answers

unfortunately i don't know your girl too well so i can't give you too much advise sorry user

Honestly I'm 100% ready for both. The best part is because we have a very jovial and lighthearted relationship, if she were to turn me down, we would continue to be friends and I could easily wedge in occasional "hey remember that time you told me I'd be a shitty b/f?" jokes for stupid cheap laughs. I pretty much keep everything as lighthearted as possible with her (well, with all my friends, too) so even the rejection would be taken in stride and not this huge dramatic letdown.

Even prepared for the worst however I guess really I just want to have a perfect opening (or make one myself) to just get that question out there, however way I can word it, however way I can make it known. I don't think I'm ballsy enough like Uni guy that just straight out blurted it out of the blue. That's ridiculous (and brave). I will find a fucking opening for this near the date's end though, or if I somehow get a convenient opening earlier on.

not a problem man, thanks again for the tip

call of cthulhu, eternal darkness, clock tower, ihnmaims, hellnight


how do I work up the effort to even play vidya anymore anons? all I can care to do these days is browsing on my phone in bed

godspeed user.

Life is too short to live with petty regrets.

Eat in your bed and leave crumbs everywhere until bugs and rats come. Then you'll either decide to get out of bed, or become a plague druid.

Step one, start taking a walk for 30-40 minutes at least twice a week. Then, make it 1 hour.
Trust me, it will help a bit. You gotta keep your body at least a little active, or your brain will turn to mush. It will make you enjoy video games more.

Try playing some games you're nostalgic for.

I've been replaying FFIX and have been completely absorbed for 40+ hours

I already eat in it and there have been mice in my room and roaches (although that's just a house problem) and squirrels in my ceiling (another house problem)
I just don't want to leave my house if I don't have to because I don't take care of myself and I'm embarrassed about it
for whatever reason I can't really make myself replay stuff, I just don't get as much enjoyment out of it
there's also stuff in my backlog that I would want to finish first, but I guess making that feel like an obligation isn't helping
although the main issue is I don't have the desire to even sit up and play anything at all, so me not liking replaying things doesn't really matter

>I just don't want to leave my house if I don't have to because I don't take care of myself and I'm embarrassed about it
I know how you feel. But, you have to do shit you don't like. Aren't there some routes you can take without a big chance to encounter people? It's cold too, so you can wear a jacket, cap and scarf to cover most of your face. No one will really pay attention anyway.

not really, I live in a suburb and there's only one way I could go if I wanted to go into the woods and if there's anyone else doing the same I'll run right into them
I actually did go outside on my own for the first time in my months because it snowed, but that went away after a day or two and it's the only thing that'll make me actually want to go out on my own

SMT Nocturne

>or become a plague druid.


People care more about how they look than how others look. And those who look down upon others aren't worth the time of day.

its best to do what this user done otherwise if the relationship proceeds to far you will lose a friend over it. If you do it like a band-aid it hurts alot less than having your thoughts build up in your mind and have your fantasies come falling down.

I'm not leaving my house for a neighborhood walk when I smell like death and my hair is greasier than fast food alright

Maybe try doing situps or pushups in your room then. Anything to get you moving a little.

My top 3 recommendations would be:

>3. Pokemon Sun/Moon
>2. Ace Attorney Series (Start with the trilogy, then move on to 4, 5, 6)


1. Katawa Shoujo
WARNING. You will feel even more depressed and alone after you finish this game

Shower and wear a hat

I just end up watching spirited away or thin red line. As far as games go FTL and hotline Miami come to mind. GTA IV is cool too

Minish Cap


My man

DeS, the souls games in general cheer me up, they highlight the need to carve out meaning in the face of natures indifference, also comfy hubs.

She's playing with you, as a way to test you mostly and because attention is always nice
It's extremely likely she thought about it but according to what I read you're just too beta to make a concrete move that doesn't suck

Seduce her instead of being all
>y-yeah I like you oni-chan can we be together forever now ;_; ?
that shit ain't sexy