$399.99 USD

>$399.99 USD

Poison and her cute trans-butt and dick are worth it

where is the dick?

>tfw irl trannies won't look like this for possibly hundreds of years

If doctors are gonna mutilate people to validate their mental illnesses, I wish they'd at least do it right.

no bulge
no buy

^ Right Here

Surgery can already do that, problem is most trannies can't afford it for shit.

It doesn't even look that good, specially for that scale.

can i take the shirt and shorts off so i can hotglue it?

if not its not worth

No, it can't.

Who is this character and why does everyone always say she is a tranny? Is she a Sup Forums OC or something?

>400 dollars
>no bulge

Pretty terrible. Would not jizz on.

Now here's a statue worth hotgluing.

>that face
>no bulge
3/10 at least she's thicc

That looks awful

Not with that attitude.

>>>>>>letting cuckelia even get any close to your shelf

It can't?

Bishoujo would be way cheaper and look better

The face seems off. Not worth it

It certainly can't.

the one with the alternate face looks better

Are you sure?

Post it

That looks quite a bit like a man with fake tits.


You're doing a great job agreeing with me.

What reality do you live in where dudes look like that?


Look at the stomach
I've seen many stomachs in my time and that's obviously a man's.

I need a name reverse image search isn't doing shit.

That looks a bit better but the Bishoujo still knocks it out of the park and is $330 cheaper to boot.

The mouth looks way too small for the face.

why does that shirt look so cheap?

I might get this one. I already own the bishoujo poison. I like the thighs on this one a lot. very meaty.

Realistically you can't surgically change your skeletal structure for cosmetic reasons, no. If you already have effeminate structures you can get all the fatty and fleshy bits mostly right, but you can't reconstruct the skeleton.

But what's the point of meaty thighs if there's no meaty cock to go along with it?

because It's actual cloth
Looks like it at least

Surgery didn't do that, genetics did.

it's just not fair

I want it but it just costs too much.
They're apparently working on a Rose as well.
Fuck me, I've been waiting for a good Rose forever.

I own both the other Poison figures. The kotobukiya one is still the most aesthetically pleasing.

Seems the garter is no longer going to be part of the figure.

I'm not sure...

Hell, I'd cum on it

"Her" face reminds of the actor who played Fred in the live action Scooby Doo.

>the only way to remove the male figure is to induce obesity

This looks fucking disgusting, fuck ioff1

What the hell is that

a cast off

what the hell is THAT?

>Tfw passed up on buying this
I'm such an idiot. I really wanted it but I couldn't justify the price at the time.

The faces, shoulders, and hands are all dead giveaways for all three of these.

Is that a man. I want the name anyway.

XY = it's a guy

> couldn't justify the price at the time.

Well the price hasn't really changed much at all.

but now they are all covered in neet seed


>tanktop has seam, making it look like a cast-off figure
>you can't remove the tank top

thank god i didnt buy it.

that looks like a prize fig, source?

Bishoujo is way cheaper and looks far better.

but no nipples

Not thicc enough

Considering this one looks like it has a tight actual cloth tank top, it doesn't have nipples either or you'd really notice them.

Terrible face.

Still cheaper than buying a Nintendo Switch, an extra controller, and a game for it because it doesn't include one for free

The hips and thighs are godly, but the face ruins it.

this, thought I was going crazy seeing all the replies saying that that is better than this one The cheaper one has a way cuter face. The 300 dollar one's face looks like an actual tranny, not a woman.