League of Legends thread? 3 Favorite champions and why? I'll start by saying mine

League of Legends thread? 3 Favorite champions and why? I'll start by saying mine
Also by favorite i mean ones you enjoy playing, not just because you are good with them.
No order:


His ult is satisfying to kill someone with, he was also my first champ

I like his laning phase

Overall he's a cool character

1 . jinx
she's cute :3
i dont like anyone else

All my favorite champs have gotten reworked. I am sad.

Old Sion
Old Poppy
Old Taric
Warwick next (if they make AP warwick unviable in rework)

Wow look a LoL thread!

shit game


when league was new my fav characters were
my love for these characters did not survive their reworks desu.
Though my crit twitch mid build mostly stopped being viable when bursty assassin mages became the norm. also tiamate no longer affecting range REALLY sucked for him.
I used to get crit runes on him, get the 400g crit item as my first buy, go all in at level 3 for the kill then snowball from there. if someone died at lvl 3 around 90% of the time it was the other guy. I used to have a lot of fun with that game.

from what's been seen, he's okay, just not as good as bruiser warwick. That's basically the same as it is now so take away from it what you will.

AP ezreal when he could still heal
double gunblade morde
twtich when he was still cool and kayle could shield you for 5 seconds

Ap ezreal could win a teamfight with 1 good W and ulti
Double gunblade morde could solo 3 guys if your farmgame was hot, people did not expect the slow on your gunblade so you could burst them under their tower
twitch basically hit 2.5 AS on his own, 1200 range shots made short work of towers and everyone else.

>mfw riot ruined them all

>League of Legends thread?
Yes, there's one here at all time

I didn't like bruiser warwick. It was the form I felt was most underwhelming. I liked AP/on hit or pure tank.

I hate every single female champion in this game.
Why? Because they have most annoying kits in the game, sans something like Yasuo or the axeman of pentakills, it's like someone at Riot was like "Oh hey, I created this extremely annoying ability set. I know, I'll design it for a female character for waifu points"

Here's an idea op, how about instead of wasting time playing a shit version of a shit genre and play a real RTS.

1) Draven

2) Fizz

3) Teemo

I hate my life

le stay positive girl of easy laser snipes
le spinning simian of easy teamfights
le speedy samurai of attack speed


Go to vg you underage fuck

how many layers of irony is in this thread?

Unfleemo the Teemo

This image is outdated.

Veigar's ultimate was changed in the Mid-Season Mage Update and no longer deals damage based on the target's AP. Now instead it gets bonus execute damage.

ban every ip on this thread including mine, these LeL threads are made to bait out the underage posters