My first console

My first console

What was yours Sup Forums?

first gaming console was this bad boy

my first home console was a gamecube


hello underage

He could just be poor, dumbass.






super nintendo

This sexy beast.

Great times were had.


Grandpa what are you doing on Sup Forums?


And fuck was it the fucking shit you bunch of niggers

lol you niggas are old.

This guy with F1 race. Didnt truly start enjoying it until FF legend 2 abd pokemon red though.

Depends what you consider old :^)

Good old Nes

Sup mid-30 bro.

a chink dvd with built in snes

It was either an NES or a pokemon color. It was even the special yellow pikachu gameboy. I miss that little pikachu gameboy

>That fine 70's wood grain paneling

>First computer
Apple 2e

>First console
Atari 2600

>First portable
Game Boy

Atari 5200


It was either a PSone or a Game Boy Colour, I can't remember which one I got first.

I'm early 20s
The master system was just handed to me in a pub by some old couple (family ran it and lived above it).

They later gave me and my brother a gameboy, a gamegear and a megadrive. They were pretty cool desu