>Unquestionably the best gameplay in the series
>Probably the best action game released in the past decade
>Mechanics polished to a mirror finish
>Can run on a toaster and still look decent
>Takes longer than 12 hours to finish
>Presents the story in a way that you can digest as much or as little as you want
>AKA isn't bogged down by radio calls every 10 minutes
>Sup Forums hates it



Sup Forums doesnt like videogames newfag

Sup Forums only rates in hyperbole, and since it does stuff wrong and doesnt have 10 hours worth of dialgoue in cutscene form, its the worst game ever and the biggest disappointment imaginable

The management of the base and online is irritating

the game threw out everything we all loved about the series, threw in a ton of amazing mechanics with shitty level design to use them, and removed all the charm

it was the worst heap of shit I ever put 150 hours into

I really liked it

Because the trailers made it look like the most emotional and expensive in history, and then we found out that the game is incomplete and all the cut scenes at already in the trailer.

Not to mention the retarded parasite and medic plot devices.

>Unquestionably the best gameplay in the series

No. The only thing that was good was the controls not being clunky like every game before MGS4. The gameplay itself was arguably the worst if you ignore Portable Ops and Peace Walker. The base building stuff is shit and it completely sacrificed level design for an empty open world with incredibly simple "bases". Stealth games are supposed to have tight level designs, having an open world completely butchered it. Even Ground Zeroes had better gameplay.

The guards are the most blind in the series though. Even Ground Zeroes demanded more of you and that was a demo.

I liked the part where a good girl wandered off into the desert and shot herself because she loved Big Boss so much.

The game by itself is alright but I wanted a Metal Gear game.

>tfw Sup Forums is so balls deep in the zelda cycle philosophy that they'll fellate the two hour demo that preceded a game just to maintain the trend

>first few hours of the game are amazing
>I'm having so much fun holy shit Sup Forums was overreacting once again
>get to Africa
it's starting, isn't it?

It's far from being the best of the series, but I surely loved it

>unquestionably the best gameplay in the series

Not really. Snake controls really well and those mechanics are fantastic. But the game is horribly balanced and the level design is terrible. By 40% through the campaign you will have so many non-lethal, silenced weapons and items that absolutely nothing is remotely challenging. The entire game becomes trivial to play. The level design is far too open, allowing you to very easily sneak past every group of enemies, escape if you're spotted, and cheese through every situation. It is the classic example of having an ocean of possibilities but everything is incredibly shallow and toothless.

It also totally lacks any particularly memorable gameplay moments. Nothing clever like boss fights with interesting solutions or Kojima's trademark insane attention to details. Remember in MGS3 when you could make yourself puke in the survival viewer and that was a viable strategy to get through certain parts of the game? Remember the weird 4th wall breaking moments in 1 or the boss fight with Psycho Mantis? The games were stuffed to the brim with amazing details that were inspired and really demonstrated Kojima's expertise.

By comparison to the first three Solid games, and even 4 to an extent, TPP feels gigantic and stocked full of content but none of that content is memorable or particularly fun.

So, no, it doesn't have the best gameplay in the series.


Stop worrying so much about when Sup Forums starts being right and just enjoy it as long as you can.

Nah it wont start until you reach chapter 2, then you will know

>Sup Forums: I played this game for around 200 hours and got 100% in it
>Sup Forums: but it's complete shit

>Even Ground Zeroes had better gameplay.
no it fucking didn't. did you forget the bug where enemies despawn constantly? the game barely works properly

>muh zelda cycle
kill yourself

Me with FFXV

Remember all that cool shit Peace Walker gave you to fight? Remember when you thought you were smart and Cocoon kicked your ass?
5 has none of that.

This is my biggest complaint about the game, honestly. Yes it was repetitive in places and it has its share of other problems, but the base management was tedious and the online was pointless and irritating. It still pisses me off that most of my in-game wealth is online and if I don't have an internet connection for some reason I have no money to do anything with.

Seems to be a general trend in games that have stealth mechanics, presumably so casuals don't return the game in an autistic fit of rage. Dishonored 2 is the only game in recent memory that seemed to go the other way. Anyway even if you get spotted, you get way too much leeway to unfuck the situation unless you turn it off like you should.

I wish I could argue with this but I can't

> played mgsv 6 months back
> had fun times

> was too late to join in on "I'M NUCLEAR," racist Kaz, trailer parodies, and other memes on YouTube and Sup Forums before the game released


It is incredibly tragic that gameplay so enjoyable is trapped in a game so boring and empty.

>Enter war zone
>There is no war
>If shots are fired then it's either you or people firing at you
What did Kojima mean by this?

I blame this on the fact that it was rushed out the door. I thought the box mechanics were neatly polished but the game lacked a lot of those charming details you come to expect from a first rate videogame

I found every guard to be completely blind even with max S rankings which I modded in purposefully for a few reasons. Never used reflex either, not even once. Image related showed a guard look right at me and not even notice, this happens every damn time.

MGSV was a really shitty game, the only thing I liked was how well the dive and shooting mechanics worked. The shooting wasn't even good enough to make MGO fun and how the hell do you even mess up MGO as bad as they did?

Overall shitty gameplay. Shit MGS game. Awful story.

>TPP feels gigantic and stocked full of content but none of that content is memorable or particularly fun.
but thats the point bro, its like...... a ghostly soreness or something

Japs don't know how to make open world games.

Peace walker fucking sucked and was an embarassment to the series.

Remember when you had to grind a bunch of stupid bullshit to beat the final boss because you wouldnt do enough damage to the bullet sponge boss?

Remember when you got a bunch of stupid shit exposition on the boss that turned her into a character that wasnt that important into the entire crux of the series?

I do :^)

Now imagine if they didn't force it to be an open world game and instead gave it a structure similar to the other games in the series. Suddenly the amount of time and money they spent would've made the best game in the series because they wouldn't be spread so thin.

>making the game shitty was a thematic choice

You're a moron.

>kill yourself
spectacular rebuttal


>Peace walker fucking sucked and was an embarassment to the series

And you're an embarassment to your parents you worthless fucking nobody. It's 2:50 in the morning and you have nothing better to do than complain that you suck at video games.

That would have taken even more work.

The entire time developing the game they were sitting on their thumbs just being incompetent rather than making a decent game. We know that because it takes less time to make an empty overworld than to design and polish a good old fashioned linear map.

hey man, it worked for mgs2 and 4

Have a (you)


Controls =! Gameplay, and the game lacks that unique charm. It's "perfectly functional and has lots of content", but you could describe Assassin's Creed, Watchdogs or any other run-of-the-mill open-world action game of today with that exact same tag line.



Its not even midnight for me, fat boy.

You seem very upset that i called your shitty game shitty. Dont even get me started on the shit recycled assets from mgs3. The barebones gameplay, david hayters shitty fucking voice acting job.

That game was utter garbage and nowhere near the original trilogy. Its not even in the same category as 4.

It could have the best mechanics a video game ever has but they aren't fun without good levels to use them in.

blacklist > tpp

Reminder that Skull Face was the true hero of Metal Gear series.

You could do well enough damage to all story bosses if you did even the cursory amount of recruiting and R&D. And the final boss of a game being hard? What a crazy concept!

PW didn't do anything to change The Boss's role in the grand Metal Gear storyline, that wasn't already established by 4. PW did venerate her to an absolutely preposterous degree, but that's besides your point.

Peace Walker is the best.

it was made for 12 year olds so I guess it accomplished its mission

Why is this a good thing exactly.

Well he was cute, but a little too useful. Taking him with you was easy mode.

>Calling a supply drop on a guard's head
>Birthday cutscene
>Water pistol
>Balloon decoys who say dumb catchphrases
>Stinky Snake
>Box sliding erryday
>Tricking a guard into saluting you
>Raining the power of Thor down on your enemies
>Rocket punching animals to send them back to your sea zoo
>Cruising around with D-Dog while listening to '80s tunes
There's plenty of charm.

>Its not even in the same category as 4.
MGS4 had five hours at most of decent gameplay before going to shit, soiling your memories of Shadow Moses in the process and only being redeemed by the final boss fight. Also, where's the fucking color? It's so obvious that it came out around the same time as CoD4.

Because it's not a Metal Gear game

>Worst gameplay
>Worst story
>Worst maps
>Worst pacing
>Worst characters

It's not even a debate, by all logic someone saying PW is better than anything let alone the best is a huge red flag that they're shitposting.

>Tranq darts are invisible
>Unlike in MGS3, YOU can't destroy storage houses and hear guards talk about how hungry they are and run out of ammo
>You can't feed hungry guards food and have them comment on it or die from poison
>Can't throw animals at guards
>Guards don't talk to themselves
>No voiced dialoge for guard interrogations
>Guards don't limp if you shoot legs or hold their wounds(arm, dick, stomach)
>Pointing gun at guards no longer makes them beg or quiver
>Guards don't follow footprints
>Hardly any flora&fauna and you can't eat, every area in MGS3 had unique species
>Normal guards stay held up forever if nobody intercedes
>Dead guards no longer leave blood trails when you move them
>Rocket punch is invisible when in MGS1/2 the guards would see, hear, avoid, and shoot the Nikita
>Laser sights do not instantly trigger an alert
>Worst designed bosses in the series, deploy a tank for any of them for S rank zero challenge
>Small variety in camo, none for your face
>No guard dogs, camera, co-ops communication, books, knife equip, MGS4 masks, character model viewer, swimsuits, secret theatre, VR missions, tuxedo, parody games(guy savage, ape escape, skateboarding), swimming, shooting range, and no difficulty level
>"TECHNOLOGY" Easter eggs gone
>Main missions worse than GZ
>Side-ops variety worse than PW and easier, they also aren't ranked
>None of the levels are designed well, Camp Omega was the best one having multiple objectives and one of two interiors in the game
>Open world adds nothing except accessability
>The cover system is the worst in MGS
>Contextual buttons often do the wrong thing
>You can no longer stand on your tip toes or lean to the side while aiming
>Ledge shooting, crotch grabbing, and prone CQC wasn't implemented
>No alert/evasion/caution tunes
>The story, radio, and tapes are worse than every other MGS
>Tons of cut content and no ending
>Buggiest game yet

And MGS4 had difficulty levels and actual bosses. It was a better game.

Open world does not fit with the Metal Gear universe. No memorable battles, too much fucking repetition, open world allows you to really easily sneak by the enemies. The plot also sucked too.

It had some neat mechanics but sacrificed too much in the process. Became a boring chore to play.

ground zeroes is GOAT, too bad about V

Actually Sup Forums loves this game but hates it at the same time.

>MGS3 menus

1 Fix your broken arm after The Boss throws you off a cliff
2. Take out leeches after you "Pretty Good" Ocelot
3. Take out The Fear arrows if you suck shit and get hit
4. Treat The Mad burns if you suck shit and get burned
5. Take out the tracker The Boss puts up your ass(I forget why desu, does this even happen?)

1. Equip camo to fit in with the trees knowing you literally never have to do this, splitter/tiger 4lyfe
2. Organize the items you rarely need to use
3. You're shit and actually somehow get hurt randomly between bosses and want to heal(you don't even have to)

Estimated time doing all of this for an entire playthrough: 10 minutes

>MGSV menus
1. 10 pop-up screens before the splash screens
3. Open your iDroid
4. Receive rewards
5. Choose mission
6. Choose buddy/equipment/vehicle/player
7. Watch AutistBoss fly to his location(basically a shitty menu)

1. Call supply drops
2. Order Quiet to move around
3. Upgrade your equipment
4. Upgrade your base
5. Customize your base
6. Place markers
7. Organize your soldiers
8. Send your soldiers on missions
9. Listen to tapes/music
10. Organize your funds

Estimated time doing all of this for an entire playthrough: 30 hours

Gameplay is good, level design is shit and there weren't any crazy memorable moments besides maybe the Skulls encounter at the airfield and the one actual boss fight.

Quiet's fight was incredibly disappointing. Eli's fight felt like an impossible-to-lose fight that's just there for flair. Sally Hand Puss was cool until a minute into the actual fight and realizing it's not even a real threat. The game is too easy. When it tries to be hard it's dumb shit like the revenge mechanics.

It's a shell of a game, the characters are charming but they're like the Disney mascots to the park backdrop.

I just reinstalled it to play through it from the very beginning. I'm probably only gonna get a few hours in and stop because of the shitty f2p-tier R&D.

Fuck this game.

How do you trick a guard into saluting you?

>guard catches sight of you
>goes into "suspicion mode" where white ring points in his direction
>if you actually manage to get caught you get five seconds of slow motion perfect aiming
>if you don't manage to take out the enemy then you still get a few seconds before reinforcements are actually called
>once reinforcements arrive it's really easy to run away
>if you don't manage to run away it's really easy to shoot everyone to death
>if you manage to take damage you can heal it by standing behind cover for a few seconds
>if you almost die you get a chance to recover your health with a spray
>if you keep getting shot without being able to do this THEN you die
>get spotted by an enemy
>get shot and die in two hits unless you're really good

walking through the jungle in MGS3
>animals to catch and eat/use as fucking weapons
>guard armories and food stores that you can destroy YOURSELF and witness the effects of within seconds, and that don't wear off after five minutes
>you're using real guns, and they aren't 8 different grenade launchers and SMGs that do the same thing
>there might be a fun, challenging, and interesting boss right around the corner
>you can fucking put shit on your face and head besides a single fucking option
>you have more clothing options than a game that would come out a decade later
>you have more cutscenes and plot layers than a game that would come out a decade later

walking through the jungle in MGSV
>look, another goat!
>I wonder if that deployment to destroy the soldiers... helmet 'supplier' kicked in... oh, I guess it didn't, everyone still has a helmet on
>good thing I developed the serval and now I don't even have to aim to kill things in one hit because there's no locational damage like in the game that came out ten years ago
>boy, I hope there's no boss fight coming up, all the ones so far in this game have been shit. oh wait, they spoil all the boss fights in the opening credits of every mission except the one time with Quiet. Maybe they'll do that again! (they don't)
>I wish there were more head options for Medic than 2 that look exactly the same.
>using the sneaking suit/battle dress because any other option is stupid
>if this game had a story, it might be okay!

>There's plenty of charm.

>At MB
>Knock soldier
>Get his weapon
>When they wake up they'll grab an invisible weapon from the ground

there's plenty of evidence this game had no effort put into it

Does camo actually make any difference? If so it should at least show you how suitable it is for your current surroundings like it did in MGS3.

Can't you just use cheat engine to skip the basebuilding bullshit?

Great gameplay, but complete lack of level design was fucking boring. And there wasn't really a story to incentivize moving forward. After I unlocked all three areas, I didn't really give a shit about doing the story because the story amounted to just doing all the same missions you do as sidequests, but bookended with radio messages.

No characters for me to care about.

Base management was fucking boring and pointless. Feels like a freemium game.

It was so boring after the first 20 hours or so.

>3. Take out The Fear arrows if you suck shit and get hit

You get hit in the cutscene so you have to go into the menu then

Stealth Games in 2015

>go to outpost with my OC PLEASE DO NOT STEAL waifu soldier
>sit on some fucking road in the middle of the base in bright daylight on my IDroid? playing Sims - Combat Deployment
>see indication marker popping up telling me that some guard looks in my general direction
>leave IDroid? to deal with the guard
>aim at the guard and try to shoot him with my Tranquilizer gun that can instantly take out guards from 5 miles distance without any penalty whatsoever
>controller disconnects from console
>start fumbling around with the power-cord
>while all that shit is happening that guard starts slowly moving towards my location
>guard still hasn't spotted her even though he's like 2 dicklengths away from my position my waifu is currently doing fucking pushups, standing up and walking in circles because the disconnect caused the inputs to spaz out
>manage to reconnect controller
>finally guard gets alerted
>carefully aim at the head of the guard with my tranquilizer gun
>literally miss like 5 times and accidentally tranq 3 guards somewhere else in the base
>doesn't matter because out of nowhere the guy gets tranqued by Quiet that sits like 10 miles away on a rock getting fucked by a Mountain Lion
>extract the guard with the fulton recovery system in the middle of the base while no one gives a fuck
>"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BOSS? DID YOU JUST EXTRACT A FILTHY NIGGER? ABORT MISSION!" as Kaz "if it's a nigger pull the trigger" screams into my ear while I try to move to my objective
>tranquilizer gun is empty and my suppressor is trash
>call in a supply drop from the heavens that restores every single piece of equipment with no penalty whatsoever
>get bored by all the stealth I need to do and just rush to my objective
>while I run through the base guards fall asleep left and right because Quiet tranqued them all
>objective complete
>Foxhound Emblem
>perfect stealth rating

This is good, isn't it.

That's exactly how I feel about it desu.

Most of the non-story related complaints doesn't exist if you'd play and git gud at FOB infiltrations.

It feels like there were meant to be more enemies in the game. I can go in guns blazing and cause a full alert, kill everyone, and there are no consequences. The whole purpose of open world is lost if it's really just a handful of areas with empty space with no gameplay in between. They don't even chase you if you run away.

I feel like this game is any other generic third person shooter with MGS assets in it.

It's not an MGS game, I played it for 30 hours and I still don't think it's a metal gear game.

my autism wont let me do that

desu the entire thing feels like a shitty score attack game because the only reason to play it stealthily is to get more points.

>snek doesn't manly scream when firing an LMG anymore

That was really disappointing.
Venom gives you his iconic "..."

I could forgive that the game is unfinished. Yes, the mechanics are polished as fuck and stealth is great. But what will I never forgive is:


Like there are no good maps to play around with, no really large bases and such. Zero fucking level design. I can't enjoy stealth in a fucking field of fuckhuge nothingness.

the oil rig is ok, also that final base in Afghanistan

It's not even good at that since it's incredibly easy to get S ranks. If you sneak around you get S from the big bonus from not being seen. If you just go and shoot everyone you still get S from finishing quickly. You don't even need to try to get S.

not as good as camp omega in GZ. Why make the game open world when you're better off with open levels-style maps? The game should've been 15-20 camp omega-like levels and it would've been the best MGS out there, even if the story wasn't finished.

>If you just go and shoot everyone you still get S from finishing quickly.
B-But then you won't get all those juicy bonus points. Getting no traces is the only thing that makes the game fun.

Jim Sterling said to say no to Konami, so #fucKonami

Pretty much these.

yea, or just make it like 1-3 when everybody loved the level design

still best stealth action game out there even for a unfinished product
loved the gameplay
loved the open world aspect and the freedom approaching missions lethal or not
touched my penis to quiet a couple times
loved every laugh during mgs online sessions
loved the design weapons gear animations of characters
liked the story which kept me entertained throughout the game
loved the voice actors

>touched my penis to quiet
Don't encourage that slut

>loved the voice actors
I did quite like Sutherland as snek, at least he doesn't do the usual barely-audible growl.


I liked FOBs and humiliating them until they quit defending

keeps the juices flowing

>the left picture is not what I got

kill yourself

>bahhh why didn't I get mgs revenge of the sith ;;;___;;;;;;;;;

did you even play the game

The only thing you have to manage is press R3 to auto-assign all soldiers.
And you can just ignore the online stuff.

>The game should've been 15-20 camp omega-like levels
You are delusional if the budget would allow for even 5 of those.

>ignore the online stuff
Sure, if you don't want enough money to research anything.

I didn't.
Backtracking in MGS1 and MGS2 is fucking cancer, special mention to the waste of time that is freezing the bombs in MGS2.
MGS3 is a blur of green, and then a blur of gray.

MGS has never had good or challenging level design.

Can I just ignore this game and pretend that peace walker was the final metal gear game?

5 didn't even need to exist

>f you don't want enough money to research anything.

You mean those Grade 100 weapons that cost 5 trillion to developer and 2 trillion to deploy, even though the only thing they have is that they are 2% more powerful than their Grade 5 counterparts?

Not a single game after MGS2 had to exist, that was the original plan.
Even the ending of MGS2 tells this
>Listen, don't obsess over words so much, find the meaning behind the words, then decide.

That was Kojima telling you that the plot itself wasn't important.
But people cried, and we got a Michael Bay-directed unnecesary prequel, and all the clusterfucks afterwards which he clearly didn't want to make.

autistic casuals who never experienced something like that got overwhelmed even tho its easy as fuck to understand and use