What was the most disappointing game of 2016?

What was the most disappointing game of 2016?

Pokemon Sun and moon.
My expectations were way too high.


Zero time dilemma by far. I still enjoyed it though.

Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5, The Last Guardian, and Yakuza 6.

This. 100% this




No mans lie

It wasn't disappointing for me because I KNEW that it wasn't going to fucking deliver on all that bullshit in the first place.

If you actually believed Sean Murray you're an idiot who deserves to be disappointed.

civ 6

If you bought into the lies than NMS entirely, but I'd have to say it's between this and battleborn on the whole

>kikestarted project
Nah, shit was expected from the start, and shit was received. Cant be disappointed if your expectations are already low

As soon as I couldn't find out if it had online or not and saw an interview the charade was up


I wasn't really disappointed with anything I bought or pirated. 2016 was a good vidya year

I don't understand how anyone bought into the hype. There was never any real indication that there was anything to do other than shoot rocks on a planet, scan some animals, maybe find a couple aliens and then do the same shit on the next planet. Even with a friend that sounds boring as fuck.

How could anyone get excited for that?

Sean get the fuck out

My sex life.

>Yakuza 6

It still hurts..

Can't be disappointed in something that doesn't exist.


all of them, not a single good game this year