Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2

>at least two new characters
>new moves for everyone
>big rebalance
>new stages
>new Ishiwatari's music
>actual DLC update for Revelator instead of full price release
This is gonna be fucking awesome.

*cricket noises*

I'm hype too OP. Sadly, everyone's too busy shitposting the Switch right now.

Getting BAiken back is pretty cool. After Jam she was my favorite

First we get Johnny back, and now Baiken, can't fucking wait.

I doubt that song will make a return my friend

fuck yes!!!!

hope sin doesnt get fucked too hard in the rebalance. better be more than 2 characters.

I think at least one more is guaranteed since it'll be shitty to have asymmetrical character select screen again.

For as much as I'm hyped for it I doubt people will actually play the game.

i just want a lot of characters since revelator was my first experience with guilty gear and i have no nostalgia to go back on. I basically dont have any characters i want

but baiken looks amazing so i cant wait to try her. she is definitely main character material for me.

testament is another sick character i think i would like.

All I want is Jam buffs tbqh

how do you say this title?

is it like zerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd


I think the tournament was staged to choose which characters to nerf.

nerfing is the wrong way to balance a game unless its broken. they should just buff the other characters.

hope jam gets a good buff or 2.

>Jam was the best thing to happen to story mode
>she only gets a few minutes of time
>she's bottom-tier to boot.


At least she'll get arcade story and her stage in Rev2.

Might get it for Switch.

are you fucking kidding me

I swear this was a joke people would say when they said not to buy revelator on PC

It's a DLC update to Revelator so you'd need to buy it anyway. Also unconfirmed but potentially Rev1 and Rev2 players will be able to play each other online still.

The most important thing about this update is that its DLC this time around.

about time they got with the fucking times. gonna be so good, arcades are getting the update next week or this week

gonna have a lot of new content to see soon. Hope for another characters or 2

>Nickelback is acceptable if it's in Japanese

Will DLC for revelator be included? i haven't bought any of it yet

Why aren't they porting GG to switch instead of BB?

>Every cheesy rock song is Nickelback

Will Bridget be in it?

That entire song is in English though.

>arcades are getting the update next week or this week
Wrong. It'll be released at arcades this spring.

I think he means the location test that starts in a few days.

We have no idea if loctest will have actual update or just new characters.

>new moves for everyone
>big rebalance
competitive player here, this worries me.
the great thing about xrd was that it WASN'T adding new moves and drastically changing the balance every update. hell, character balance from the final version of xrd sign to xrd revelator was almost identical.

Balance updates are free the new characters n sheit are the dlc

I wouldn't be shocked to see a couple more added for the home release. Though I wonder who. Zappa and Robo where already in story mode

Nickelback song lyrics are boring as fuck.

Sure, but i would guess that we are at least going to see some of the balance changes. Hell if we are lucky we may even see some of the new moves.

I wouldnt worry too much. Character tiers are still pretty close in gg right now. I dont think they are going to change things enough to flip tier lists on their heads or anything like that. Probably making some low tiers a bit better at most.

zappa is one creepy fucker but looking at his gameplay from old games his animations would stunning in this game. i would approve if he was announced.

Any loketest news yet?

I wonder how Baiken's style is going to translate to Xrd

thats my new favortie stage

Every time I get excited to buy a guilty gear game they announce a better version or upgrade or something I should wait for.

This isn't the early 2000s arcsys, knock that shit off.

>51 ▶
>Every time I get excited to buy a guilty gear
whats wrong with dlc? fuck you.

buy the game and support it if you like it. everytime a fighting game gets support after release it makes me happy.

i am going to buy this day 1, happy and hoping that they release rev3 DLC the next year

What's with the goggle

2 j.Ds with RC?

It's going to be a major overhaul and I would rather just wait till they are finished rather than doing what I did with XX and relearn shit 4 times.

okay I was wondering this for a while

Is her arm gone at the shoulder completely or does she have a stump.


Ghost Goggles

The world may never know.

Does anyone else miss Anji Mito?

anyone? Just me?

Most likely a stump. With a hook attached.

i still wonder why he wasn't in xrdr story with baiken and the japanese thing being a major plot.
and everything with "that man".

Gone at the shoulder. Her stump is a mechanical device.

May's new move should involve her sexy armpits

No RC, it's a dust combo.

And that's exactly why many people complained. Revelator felt exactly the same as Sign. You could just add characters as DLC and get almost the same game. You need to add stuff to keep things fresh. The only question is how good and useful new tools will be.

Because Daisuke cares less about the story he started in GG and more interested in his crazy Valentine bullshit

honestly Im still bugged that after all this time THIS GUY ended up being some bishi fox boy.

>they release rev3 DLC the next year
They said there won't be more expansions for Revelator. I guess now the release idea is something like
>full price version
>next year is big dlc expansion
>next year is full price sequel
>and so on
Though, if Rev2 will sell extremely well and people will be happy with such updates, who knows, maybe ASW will change their model entirely.

>it's a dust combo.
Oh shit, you're right.

How do you feel about Answer?

More info in Famitsu soon.

I think he's cool and cute but I also love Chipp, Bang, and Hibiki so he's just another one on the pile.

Looking forward to him, just as i do with every gg character.

Its going to take a while for me to not laugh at people who play him saying something along the lines of "Im gonna give em the business."

I think hes pretty cool.

he looks like he might be a ported bang with a Izanami drop.

>Izanami drop
The correct term is Primary Lotus user :^)

I dunno. Chipp already does the ninja thing but I want to give him a fair chance

Do you have a source or is that wishful thinking?

Not him but that's how it worked when Dizzy came out.

That was just patch not expansion.


>If it's japanese
you're aware the entire song is english sung by a westerner, right
come on

They have no idea how to make him. He have to older now, you can't just go with that little trap thing anymore.

They could just not make him a trap anymore. People won't care as long as he plays the same and has the same gimmicks and all right?

They can just pull a May


May is japanese. What excuse Bridget have?

>People won't care as long as he plays the same.
Nobody played him user. All they ever cared about was a cute trannu.

I want to fuck Baiken


May is still a loli.
Ky become even more effeminate despite being like 39.
Jam is unchanged.

Jam was already developed and so was May, they were both shortstacks. Ky just changed his hair.
I think his point was that Bridget hasn't reached physical maturity yet, and in the GG world where every dude is jacked to the max, it would be hard to make him a trap. Even Venom used to be a scrawny little shit, but he could probs bench 3 plaet now, and if Testament was around he'd be running for Mr. Universe.

>Jam was already developed and so was May, they were both shortstacks


Jam is like 41 years old.
May was a loli, still is a loli despite being around 24.
Ky has a softer face and more youthful look, despite being late thirties, early forties

Besides we know what Bridget looks like from the pachinko.

They all look the same now as they did before except for new designs and the absurd amount of muscle the males put on. But Bridget was young as fuck in XX. Also, the pachinko machine means nothing for certain since most of the characters actually don't look like the pachinko art.

>Jam is like 41 years old
The fuck? Do you have any proofs?

>People won't care as long as he plays the same and has the same gimmicks and all right?
Unless your name is Ruu, no. Because nobody other than Ruu played Bridget.

Having gotten Gear AIDS like Ky, having been turned into a Gear by someone like Testament was, secretly being a Gear and not actually human or being a clone of the true Bridget. There's tons of other possible explanations too.

May is much more of a loli than she used to be, for some reason she's shorter, her face is more childlike and she lost the tits she used to have

Ky is still scrawny as fuck despite his age, and Zappa and Bedman are examples of slender young men that are pretty feminine in appearance

Does his gameplay remind anyone else of Bang Shishigami?

All we seen is just 5 seconds of gameplay.

I hope they add Sign's stages to Rev2.

Didn't the Sign in game encyclopedia implied there might be multiple That Dude?

Also I think Anji Mito was referenced in a line in Revelator. They probably didn't add him because of the extra work required. Seeing how Sign and Revelator went I think it's obvious that if you got a 3d model in the story mode you're in queue for being playable. Anji is not there. Robo Ky on the other hand is very likely.

They did not want it to be called xxx

>Didn't the Sign in game encyclopedia implied there might be multiple That Dude?

I would rather they not do that again. One time is fine, but if they keep doing it it just becomes cheap.

They should really just do a guy that could pass as a girl. There's plenty of those in anime.

You know I feel that the sad reality of this being a dlc update that unless they take time with the 3rd Xrd title and really add a lot of characters since that's just really how people just their bang for their buck in updated fighters. People are just going to get even more pissed at ASW since I have a feeling whenever that happens, it won't be a dlc upgrade like Rev2 is. And to be honest, I really can't blame them when they'll get furious.

Hopefully this doesn't happen and either Xrd 3 will actually won't be out till a while and give a lot of content, or they'll still let you upgrade from Rev2 somehow.

Sorry I meant to say
*judge their bang for their buck

ree i need my zappa

Thinking of getting into Guilty Gear, which characters play the most like these 4 and Ragna the bloodedge?
