Hey Sup Forums. I recently got a pretty decent PC and one thing I've always wanted to do if I had one...

Hey Sup Forums. I recently got a pretty decent PC and one thing I've always wanted to do if I had one, is emulate Mario Galaxy at 1080p because I love the game and Nintendo are a bunch of fucks who refuse to upscale even the eshop re-releases.

Problem is I've never emulated anything beyond 5th gen and the ISO is proving difficult to track down. I'm not familiar with where to find it, anyone here know how I'd go about it?

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Like, any torrent site?

Shameless self bump before I let the madness take me

And I would need a torrent client for that right? I've been wary of using one. I've heard shit about them datamining the fuck out of you and some installing rootkits. Is uTorrent or whatever safe?

Yes, you need a torrent client, or just google "super mario galaxy rom/iso" it shouldn't be difficult at all to find.

Tried that, all that game up was a couple of seedy multi-file downloads and one extremely long emuparadise forum post that expected you to piece everything together bit by bit in ways too technical for my dumb, impatient ass.

I do have a torrent file though, so I guess I'll bite the bullet and get a client.

This, I found an iso of Mario Galaxy on some random website like a month ago.

Try Romulation. I got all of my Wii games there but recently they got hit with a DMCA and removed some big titles. I don't remember if they still have SMG up.

Galaxy was a bland tutorial shitfest. Get better taste manchild

Nah, restricted download. I got the torrent up now but thanks anyway partner. Shame the site got DMCA'd.

Don't let the thread die, I know where to find one

wiiiso.com download/torrents-usa.php

Remove the space and put a / in between com and download. You'll get a huge list and Mario Galaxy will be in it. Have fun!

Thanks to you as well user. If this works I'll just stop the torrent, it's probably a bad dump anyways.

Rcently having hitching issues with dolphin. Would an ssd solve this?

That's a torrent too user. Pretty much all are because it's illegal to host iso files on your site or something


>he doesn't understand pirating
>hides behind "uhh, I've heard about the boogeyman under the bed"

ishydt 64 > SMG, because SMG > SMG2 > 64, and none are 10/10 or even 9/10 games

I5 cpu 3.5ghz k series
680 gtx
8gb ram

Not him, but I've gotten 3 viruses the only 3 times I tried to torrent some stuff. I seriously don't know how to do this shit and I also don't want my ISP to cut my internet that is actually decent (good speed, no data cap, etc.). Now I just avoid it and I'll just wait for a direct download in some years later.

What game were you trying to play that's causing the stuttering?

Smash bros. Runs at 60 fps except when at start of match cuz its loading shit in thts why im asking if ssd will fix it

I've used torrents extensively and in the last 12 or so years I've only gotten an alert from my ISP twice. Both times for movies.

ISPs generally don't give a shit about game torrents, it's movies they get pissy with.

Anyway rule of thumb with torrents, never ever download them unless they are from a trust worthy site or unless they have a comment section and you've read through the comments.

not likely. the devs said it's CPU-limited due to shader caching, and that the physical console's disk and drive read speeds were far slower than any modern HDD. forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-cache-game-rom-iso-to-ram-new-feature-request

Maybe. I run my games from an HDD and see no stutter on smash bros, even at the start of a game. When something like that happens, I would switch to DX11 from DX12 and see if that works.

Are you retarded? I just torrented the ISO yesterday and opened it with Dolphin. Fucking retard.

Fuck off 64fag.

call me a retard to my face and see what happens