Reminder that Mass Effect: Andromeda is full of antiwhites

So, let´s support them by not perceiving our dirty money!

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a bit saddened that I don't give a shit about Mass Effect and am not minimally interested in playing this. I'd happily buy it to spite Sup Forumstards if it looked any good.

Reminder that nobody cares because the kikes running things only care about shekels and whites are a race of beta cucks who bend over backwards for every colored they come across these days.

This desu.
Same deal with Battlefield 1 and Mafia 3. Dishonored 2 was the only game I bought that people in here were triggered about.

I'm not white.

I can understand bf1,nigga3 or this shitty mass effect but Dishonored2? Why

kill yourself then

I love Mass Effect and I'm not white so you can go fuck yourself cuckboy

So wait

You will actually waste money on a bad game that you'll never play, specifically so you can factually say "lol i bought it u mad?" and nothing else?

That's all you have in the world?

>I love Mass Effect

Said literally no one ever.

>hur durr this will trigger pol

Well you are free to support companies that hate you

Holy fuck, how can someone have this poor a reading comprehension? Read the two posts you're linking very carefully.

>I'm not white

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, colored?

don't poos have a Caucasian skull?

That's not anti-white. That's anti-White complainers.

Not the same thing.

Quite the opposite actually. I have a pretty rich and fulfilling life. I come here because it's better than reddit for discussing video games but there is something so satisfying about triggering the the wittle hurt fee fees of the Sup Forumstards when you have fun with something that makes them piss their diapers.


race don't exist user

>It's a Sup Forumstard tries to false-flag episode
>It's a Sup Forumstard succeeds

>I have a great job and amazing life and I only come to Sup Forums for 5 minutes a week to post tumblr stuff to make you people mad cuz I'm too good to be here

Oh boy, no one's ever seen this post before.

>the feel when Asian master race
that doesnt affect/bother me at all, still buying it at launch.

ITT: cracka-ass crackas who complain about blacks pulling the race card too often, complain about feeling singled out

i was taught in forensics that there's like 3ish basic skull groups negroid, mongoloid and caucasianoid

was my teacher retarded?

>I'd happily buy it to spite Sup Forumstards

What's not to understand?

You're not even human

Why would you pay for an objectively shitty game?

No one feels "singled out".

People just don't support games made by fucktards like this.

>buying any EA game

>if it looked any good.
>if it looked any good

It's adorable when people teach their pet monkeys to type. What will you post next, Tyrone?

NFL Street was pretty fun.

I'm not buying that shit. If that dude would have ever worked for me I'll fire his fucking ass because of those posts.

>Sup Forumstard responding to obvious Sup Forumstard falseflag bait
Every time

>was my teacher retarded?>>
No, those are legitimate classifications.

Though they only describe skull shapes, which while useful in doing forensic investigation or anthropology, don't amount to much in biology. Just like a taller or shorter person isn't different in any measurable way.

Now, are there different cultures, environmental education factors, and general properties among these groups? Absolutely. But biologically, racial differences amount to very little.

Titanfall 2

But isn't this dev the one pulling the race card and using it to antagonise people that could be his consumers? Just imagine if that guy was some white dude writing that same stuff about blacks.

I wasn't even going to buy this shit but now I'm going to just because this thread made me aware it triggers pasty albino losers from Sup Forums

You are not oppressed enough therefore you are white.

Well, here's the thing: The game cannot possibly look good.

And even if it did, buying something to "spite Sup Forums" is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

>master race
>vote democrat

Pick one.

>stupid enough to buy shitty games at full price
You must be one of those southeastern jungle nigger "asians". Actual east asian masterrace reporting in.

Like, wtf? I hate white people now so much.

Nigger, Dishonored 2 was the second best game of the year. It's a phenomenal game.

I jave to wonder if Sup Forumsddit is really this stupid or just mocking the "alt-right".

>I'd happily buy it to spite Sup Forumstards if it looked any good.

And I'd happily pirate the game to spite the race traitor nigger loving kike faggots like you.

>supporting bad game design, bad gameplay, botched story, shitty animations and shit tier business practices solely because it might make some guy on the internet angry

I had an employee who like that once. Just spouted nonstop vitriol on social media. I never cared but one day he put our company's name on his profile and was using his job position in arguments to one-up people on facebook, so we just canned him. I told him I didn't give a fuck what he did in his private life, but since no one else at the job used social media, why would we have /that/ as our only online representation? Shame the little poo in loo gets away with it because he abuses his minority privilege

Buying a good game is a good offer by itself. Pissing Sup Forumstards is the bonus. Your reading comprehension is dogshit, which is to be expected from Sup Forumstards.

Can somebody translate this post? I don't speak monkey.

Perfect image

>shoving a coat hanger up somebody's ass is morally equivalent to kidnapping and torturing them for 48 hours

White people are disgusting, they're just like normal people. People are disgusting.

Reminder this game is coming out the same month as botw yet we know NOTHING about this game. It's getting delayed or it's a complete shitfest just like Mass Effect 3

They're both incredibly morally reprehensible. It just goes to show that that retard is completely wrong. "MSM would have a field day". MSM already has a "field day" and people completely ignore them. That guy does the exact kind of hypocrisy he accuses the fake news of doing.

What would've happened if a white wrote that about blacks?

It wouldn;t make any sense because a lot of what he's complaining about his privilege- something blacks don't really have. You'd just have some misinformed, racist dude.

Mass effect series is pretty good, In 1 and 2 I didnt notice much commie garbage. 3 wouldve been reasonably fine as well if your choices had actually mattered in the end. (all the gay sex shit you can completely avoid)

Andromedia, may be on a completely different level from what I've seen from its developers though

Huge racial shitstorm and they'd lose their job.
This has become a double standard.

Fired on the spot and lawsuit for causing damage to iowsre's and EA's public image under a contract that explicirtly prohibits shitposting on SOME

Do niggers seriously still get triggered at being called niggers?

Jesus, grow some thick skin and get the fuck over it already. It's just a fucking word.


youre pathetic

I am black. I can care less for what he says about whites desu senpai. I'll buy the game if it's any good. It probably won't be, though

>I can care less

I'm going to buy it anyway.
I don't really care about what an indian says.

why is there a positive correlation between IQ, level of education, income and being politically liberal? Why are states with conservative governments sicker, poorer, less educated, bigger welfare recipients and smaller contributors to the national GDP than democratically controlled states. can you explain this to me? Is it because of the jews?

>assualted and knocked unconcious
>raped so violently he had to go to the hospital twice for internal damage

It may not be as bad as a 48 hour stint, but it's pretty bad.

>Instead, he was viciously assaulted, authorities say. As the teammate restrained the victim, another football player allegedly thrust a coat hanger into the victim’s rectum, according to a criminal complaint. Then a third teammate kicked the coat hanger several times.


>Instead, the students walked into a trap. Moments after they arrived, the house went dark and a group of masked men pounced on them, bound them in duct tape and hauled them into a bathroom. There, over the next 40 hours, the attackers repeatedly tortured and sexually abused them, cutting them with knives and a chainsaw, dousing them in flammable liquids, and even shooting one in his legs.

>b-but they're both bad

What's that? Somebody's offended by racism? Can't handle freedom of speech? Sounds like OP needs to go back to his safe space.

>I'll buy the game if it's any good
They haven't shown us much and what they have shown hasn't been any good.
It looks like one to skip.

Apparently the multiplayer affects the main game too.
It's almost never a good sign.

You can finish writing your ShittingtonPost article now you faggot retard.

Great. Gonna make sure I buy it so they can receive more money. Thanks for the reminder.

>>b-but they're both bad
Correct, they're both bad. Not just bad, they're both fucking terrible. Terrible enough that debating which one is worse is already retarded by itself.

Based Phil Fish already said it about Japs and weeaboo justice warriors made sure he never had an enjoyable twitter browse again.

Also if a black guy said that about whutes he would be fired. Indians are different from blacks.

I'm sorry.

But the other is objectively worse.

>b-but they're both bad
Yes, and? Are you retarded?

>Terrible enough that debating which one is worse is already retarded by itself.

Actually, no. There is no debate. Your pet niggers kidnapping and torturing somebody, while livestreaming it, over the course of 2 days is exponentially worse than some retarded white faggots shoving a coat hanger up a nigger's ass once.

I don't know what you are trying to prove here. It is pretty undebatable that both of those are awful. I'm sure the 48 hours one is worse, but that doesn't change how retarded and hypocritical the guy in this picture is.

Because republicsns are trying ridiculous shit like massive cuts to income taxes that fuck with the government budget. Kansas is fucked right now.

>le Sup Forums boogeyman
honestly more cancerous than anything Sup Forums manages to shit out

No shit they're both bad. Or are you happy to get a wire coat kicked up your asshole, you stupid faggot?

Blacks have the privilegie of being retards and getting away with it since nobody expects better than the dumbest race on Earth.

>why is there a positive correlation between IQ, level of education, income and being politically liberal?

>Curry Thunder
It's like he's just asking people to be racist to him

When you make thinly veiled threads made to discuss politics on Sup Forums, it becomes completely irrelevant whether you actually browse Sup Forums or not. That's where you belong.

>You can finish writing your ShittingtonPost article now you faggot retard.

I'm fucking dying, holy shit

>why is there a positive correlation between IQ, level of education, income and being white?

>Why are states with conservative governments sicker, poorer, less educated, bigger welfare recipients and smaller contributors to the national GDP than democratically controlled states.

You belong on NeoFag with the rest of the sheltered little liberal gamers. Truth hurts.

Why? Because I called a Sup Forumstard shitting up Sup Forums with his shit a Sup Forumstard?

Because you're a butthurt nigger. Go abduct more whites to torture, niglet.

Im not even the OP you chucklefuck. It's far more cancerous when anyone shouts "muh Sup Forums" when even the word nigger goes flying off. What valuable discussion does this bring? You'd be better off with a shitpost just saying cuck honestly

Seriously reinforces my belief that this board is 80% full of

Why do you all keep filling his cup with these threads?

Funny how Sup Forumsacks love to talk about freedom of speech and are always accusing sjws of exposing people, trying to get them fired or making them lose money, yet an hour hasn`t gotten by in the last few months without this guy being shoved at everyone`s faces by Sup Forumsacks asking us to boycott him and send emails/tweets at bioware asking to have him fired due to what he says. Isn`t hypocrisy just wonderful when it works in one favor?

>you're a butthurt nigger
I am actually an Indian American. We make the most money and have the highest level of educational achievement in the U.S. Get fucked, poltard.

Anyone actually going to buy this?

> Sup Forumsacks asking us to boycott him and send emails/tweets at bioware asking to have him fired due to what he says.

[citation required]


I love how every online political argument just becomes a libtard beat down now.

Thank you Sup Forums