What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Xbox has shit dudebro taste.

Sonyponies overhyping as usual.

>look up user reviews
Such insight. Much critique!


PS4 has frame pacing issues so it got a slightly lower critic score until they fixed it.

People who got it on Xbox were disappointed that there was no chainsaw assault rifle with a dubstep soundtrack.

The game looks like crap on xbone

go look at the reviews. all the negative reviews are just Sup Forumstard autists screeching with their 0 rating.

it means nothing.

And all positive user reviews are 10/10
Metacritic should change the user score system to a thumbs up or thumbs down like steam
It's useless to allow numbers when 99% of them are 0 or 10



>Sonyponies overhyping as usual.

>was reviewed lower than xenoblade

uh what?

The game runs like shit on both but looks worse on the xbone. Overall, it's a 7.

this p much

got a ps4 to play Bloodborne and haven't regretted it
There are at least 10 games that I'd recommend for PS4 but almost nothing for xbone
Xbox is literally Gears and Halo and that's it

The game being remade at least three times before being released does not help the cohesiveness of the game at all. But what is there is very good. There's lots that feels out of place or useless and the game is overall unfinished, but it's better than anything Squeenix has made since XII.

FFXV is a dudebro game though.


>The game runs like shit on both
it's constant 30 on both

>implying it isn't
>implying it wasn't marketed that way

remember the fucking shit with the epicmealtime faggots

It's a game with so much potential but it's unfinished and unpolished and it's so clear that massive chunks have been cut.

The game is reduced from massive open world to linear corridors about halfway through the game and both characters and plot lines are introduced and then just dismissed or wiped out in a single scene never to be mentioned again.

The game needed at least another year of development time to iron it out. All the pieces are in place but they're not connected or utilised properly.

Not everyone likes boy bands, much less gay ones.

wow so fucking original

Yes it is, because all those posts were mine.

i never play any weeb games and i had 0 expectations when i bought it but it's a good game.