Ok user, tell me why this game is good

>ok user, tell me why this game is good

>it's comfy

>implying comfiness isn't a good reason to play a game

It's not you cretin, what one person may find "comfy" someone else may not. It also doesn't tell of the qualities of the game, just that you find it nice to stand around not playing it or whatever dumb shit it is comfyfaggots do.

Look at my pic related faglord.
Look at it and say it's not comfy.
Snowy towns in RPGs are objectively and inherently comfy, and you're a retarded drooling mongrel to think otherwise.

It's not comfy. Fuck you and your dumb buzzword.

if you ask someone for an opinion dont be suprised when a person uses subjective terms

i swear to god this board proves itself more autistic by the day

and i mean that in the literal sense not memelord sense, in this case 'inability to determine meaning in common social situations'

if subjective terms werent accurate ways to describe games they wouldnt be used to market them

>tfw I always rate games on how 'gezellig' they are

It's fun!

>what one person may find "comfy" someone else may not
Just like fun then.

Did you tell your mom how cool and contrarian you were today ?

What is the most 'gezellige' game?

I like the comfy meme, but it has lied to me so many times.It's infuriating when legitimately shallow games like Banished get false praise for their comfiness.I like comfy games, but they actually have to be good before being comfy.

Did your mum tell you how speeeeeecial you were today?

robin hood: the legend of sherwood is one of the comfiest games ever made

don't play it, you're gonna die from comfiness overload



Morrofag reporting.
My game is comfier than yours.

is this the Sup Forums shit says?

>"Morrowwind is good brah its best western rpg!"
>try it out, horrible mess
>"git fucking gud scrub"

It's not because it's fucking cold

Is it the tactical one?

Darkest Dungeon is unironically the comfiest pick-up-and-play game i've played to date.

Took me a year to beat


Oblivion or Bioshock is probably more your speed, try those out retard

Agreed. Can't stand cold, ice, or snow


Sup Forums praised undertale, va-11 hall-a, team fortress 2.

all are fucking shit.
never believe in Sup Forums's meme.

Take a fucking blanket, make some fucking hot chocolate and come near the fucking fireplace in a fucking cosy inn.
That's what comfy means faggots.

I know it's pretty grindy but a year?I played it as child,the ambushes at forest were fun

>punishing permadeath rngfest

You've just been sheltered by modern games for too long user

>ok user, tell me why this game is good

>My own subjective taste in video games

>it's fun

Oblivion > Morrowind
Objectively speaking.

Thats probably the most helpful one for me desu.

How the fuck does your blanket get more comfortable just because there's snow outside, faglord?

>Someone greenlit this

>why would I talk to you about a game you haven't even played? If it looks appealing and you're interested in it go play it yourself then we can have discussions about it.
That was like, really simple...

Because of the difference of temperature, turbohomo

Just like Fallout 3> Fallout 4 > New Vegas am I right haha

Consider suicide

NV > 3 > 4
Objectively. Oblivion shits on Morrowind and you know it.

So it's boring and not worth your time and money. Got it.

user, there's no need to be mad. People simply always think the first TES they played as kids is the best, that's why lots of people wrongfully think Oblivion is actually good
In a few years, most of Sup Forums will think Skyrim is the best one. You can't stop the cycle, don't waste your time

>Keep using the word "objectively"
>Has an objectively wrong opinion

Can't hear you over my better TES sound track, better quest lines and better guilds.

What does Morrowind have other than RNG, the most basic of implementations to make up for it's limitations. Some games just shouldn't have been made until the technology was better, Morrowind was one of them.

It looks comfy, but what makes it a good game?

If I wanted comfy towns and such to look at then I have google
It's not hard to explain why it's a good game and you can post comfy images alongside it

damn i think banished is legitimately comfy but only with cc mod.

>Keeps breathing
>Doesn't think he's objectively exhaling c02 into the atmosphere.

>Your allies AI is retarded and will get you killed most of the time, people online are even worse
>Weapons don't have much impact and feels like carboard
>Story starts out great and original and ends up with generic anime tropes everywhere with power of friendship
>Landscapes are beautiful but you can't interact with anything
It's not hard to describe games

If you actually like comfiness, you should play Banished so you can build the MUH COMFY towns yourself

Comfy probably gets used incorrectly by idiots next to the fact that it is a highly subjective experience. For me its always been building something, and taking my time in that creative process.

I would assume he isn't, but first I'd have to know what c02 is
02 is the same number as 2, so what the hell is c2?

Facetious cunny

>what one person may find "comfy" someone else may not.
You can say the same about every thing that makes a game "good"