Why aren't you playing Dishonored 2?

It's game of the year.

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Not touching it until they add mission select

that's on the 23rd or something right?
you do know they are adding that right?

I'm pissed that it wasn't in when it was released

>fame looks like uter shit yet runs even worse
Don't really understand the jank engine they use desu.


Has the PC performance been fixed yet?

agreed but you have combined powers, and can carry runes over into NG+

They at least got that right. some companies don't add shit after launch.

>Myname is Ragnar and I'm about to enter the strike zone with these snakes, and remember be brave stay wild, we will see you on the next adventure

Waiting for some patches, I can't run it properly on my 770.
But it sure does looks like GOTY.

Game of the what

I believe I said the year sir.

Really loved it, but some thing really pissed me off.

>Daud is alive no matter what, because of DLCs they wanted to do with him
But it's really clear from Corvo's actions and dialogues that he would kill this fucker no matter what

>you can trigger high chaos on a first mission, even if they are all traitors and it's nothing justifying for not killing them

>some previous characters dropped for no reason
tho Piero's death was predicted in 1st game, so he doesn't count

>some non lethal choices are let down, like Duke's one

>no any story twist at the end or something

But in other it's good
Well, it's playing like expended D1 and it's good
Waiting for this fuker Daud's DLC even if I hate him

Also no artbook in Collector's edition, really Bethesda?

Mask is good tho

I cant run it higher than 20fps inconsistently.

You forgot about
>dat outsider

Miscast of the year.

Oh yeah, that voice not really fitted him or is it just me thinking that?

+ he is much gayer now for no reason

Nothing from the second game fitted outsider. They really should've gone full Lovecraft on him instead of making him a product of some fag sacrifice.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that they reveled his "origin story" in D2

Should've been a fucking whale.

Cthulhu would've been enough.

His voice is fucking shit, the OG outsider was perfect, completely calm, no moving about, just appeared with his judging looks, and this one is like a teen trying to look cool

Whales are locals Cthulhu in Dishonored world

No, they are local mammals who swim into deeper and darker pits than any other, thus dealing with some seriously disturbing shit on a daily basis.

>Dishonored 1: Outsider is a manifestation of whale hivemind that works as bone-powered magic
>Dishonored 2: Outsider is just some dude the killed sometime lmao i dunno

I still need to play the first one

>Make a mysterious, almost all poweful character
>Instead of letting him be clouded in mystery and player speculation, come up with some gay backstory which completely ruins the character
Every fucking time

I wonder who lived on Pandyssian Continent.


>In another inscription next to a series of elongated islands to the east reads "possible inhabitants".
>The Heart states that "Pendleton ships come back from the Pandyssian continent crowded with poor frightened captives."

Some Aboriginals which left from older civilization

barely, there was a 'patch' that made it slightly more bearable with something like a gtx 1070/1080

1st one was shit
theres no pirate copy around

there will never be another g-man feels bad man

>Dear Stomach,
>I have received your request, and agree that dinner cannot come quickly enough. Unfortunately, we are still on duty. I will get back to you if I hear anything more.
>Sincerely, me.

I just can't kill them after that, well guards just doing their job after all

If you work for the devil, be ready to die for him.

Well, they are shitty one tho if they can not deal with single rat plague

In Karnaca they are just guards on duty for their city, not all of them are corrupted

Listen to your heart.

Who /knowstheirsevenscriptures/ here

Also overseers are not the bad guys

It's just random shit for everyone tho
Everyone got some shit deep secrets

It's interesting that all black market sellers are good guys according to it

That nigger is in box for me with his friend to whom he is tsundere so much ;^)

i just found a lore book about overseeers in dark messiah of might and magic,does anyone else think the games are in the same universe?

And almost all guards are rapists, serial killers, sadists and thieves.
Really makes you think huh.


Couldn't bring myself to kill anyone as Emily, They're my subjects after all. With Corvo on the other hand I raged through the levels knee-deep in corpses for my daughteru.

Is it just me or does the heart in 2 have nothing interesting to say about anything, only shit about how she isn't allowed to die, and how everything went to shit

The heart in the first one was fucking great to listen to

>do first playtrough
>make a savefile everytime a new mission starts

am I missing something here?

Are you trying to imply on something here user? SJW shit?

did they fix the engine yet?

I find it hard to beleive that this game uses the same engine as nu-DOOM. This game chugs at 20fps when i can get a solid 80 fps in doom on extreme.

Does this game have actual stealth perks, or is it like the first game that you could use only 2 perks if you wanted the good ending

Because it runs like shit and everything looks blurry like Corvo/Emily forgot to put their glasses on.

It looks so bad I would risk saying that the first Dishonored looks better at it certainly runs better. At least I can recognize faces from more than few steps away.

Way to trigger cult shit faggs

Is it fixed on PC yet?
Regardless, I'll buy it when it's 50% off or more.

i just do the orders

Oh my fucking god I forgot all about this map
I thought the isles was the world for dishonored

D1 Outsider>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>D2 Outsider

He looks and sounds like some scrawny gay boi in D2.


Laughed my head off when this happened.

>killed every single witch in Dunwall
>still low chaos ending

I guess points are collected through you walkthrough

>shadow perk
>double decoy

>same powers from 1st one

emily has alot of nonlethal powers,also you can do a non-lethal drop attack,a slide attack and you can start chocking enemies while they are stunned.

Hard to do that when you're halfway through the game

There are plenty of ways to deal with situations in a pacifist way now. For starters, each abilty in Emily's moveset can be used lethally and non-lethally.

He has a bit more of backstory, but this guy is a pretty good example of a mysterious, powerful being whose real motives and origins are shrouded in mystery most of the time.

they only live on the Isles because Pandyssia is a biological warzone filled with deadly megafauna that can drive you mad just from looking at it. Humans are basically the dodo birds of this universe; they are allowed to survive because they're isolated.

Pandyssia is also a mega continent like Pangaea was. in relation to the isles the continent is extremely large.

Heard somewhere that the lead writer is a hardcore SJW, can't find the source though.
But the fact that your main companion is crippled black tranny named Billy is telling enough.

>your main companion is crippled black tranny named Billy is telling enough

That triggered a lot off people yesterday, kek

I hope the third game is set there, far away from any Empire fuckery. Make it like 200 years or something so they can have reasonably colonised it whilst not taking over the continent.

I had an idea for playing as an Overseer who's been send there to investigate some mysterious incidents (think Roanoke) that seem to involve the Outsider. He can take on a more antagonistic role for a spookier game, like The Sword from Thief: The Dark Project.

Nah, witches can be killed. The Outsider is basically Satan and they are literally devil worshippers.

>200 years

So it will be just modern time game

I only play good stealth games


in 200 years the entire whale species will probably be extinct and they'll be sent back to the dark ages unless they figure out geothermal and alternative energy sources. remember, in dishonored 1 they were already nearly extinct.

for mature gamers like myself

Doubt they make another sequel to Dishonored after seeing how poorly second game sold, and honestly I'd like to see design talent of Arkane Lyon forwarded on something new.

>tfw pistol is terrible now

>spread is fuckhuge compared to D1 (Corvo gets the perfect accuracy with spyglass masterwok but it's very late in the game)
>has inferior damage to the crossbow with hardened bolts, pistol can't one shot guards with helmets or sever the whole head of clockworks while hardened bolts can
>the ricochet "upgrade" is actually hardly an upgrade since you are more likely to hit yourself with it than the enemy
>magnetized bullets are found in the clockwork mansion, meaning you will get any benefit from them only in the last two missions
>explosive bullets are found in the grand palace, meaning you will only get to use them in the very last mision
>explosive clusters are more likely to kill you than the enemy
Why is the pistol so terrible now?

It was crazy good D1 when you didn't care about stealth and still pretty useful if you weren't going for clean hands/ghost, but in D2 there is literally no reason to use it over a crossbow, even when playing full lethal/assault. Also you get the crossbow masterwork one mission earlier.

>magnetized bullets are found in the clockwork mansion, meaning you will get any benefit from them only in the last two missions
>explosive bullets are found in the grand palace, meaning you will only get to use them in the very last mision
Its almost as if the game is meant to be replayed and experimented with

Maybe because all upgrades for Corvo making it more like Shotgun then pistol, while for Emily it semi-automatic mid range pistol?

After 2 failed coups, plagues and all the smart people dying there would be a violent revolution and stagnation in technological development. The newish democratic government is weak and many factions are trying to assume power. Plus, you're far away from proper civilisation so things are a bit worse techwise.

I imagined there would be lots of whales or some equivalent in Pandyssia to go with the Outsiderness. Securing these resources is the other reason the Abbey want people out there, since they can assume more political power if they hold monopoly on it.

>tfw no dishonored game where you play as an overseer that gets the mark
it would be interesting to have to hide it from your fellow brothers and using it to hunt heretics or something

>all the smart people dying
Academy is still working + it's not prevent Jindosh magically appear from nowhere in D2.

War drives technologies

>no any story twist at the end or something
How awful.

How is that an excuse in any way?

Explosive bullets in D1 were found in the Dunwall tower (or the flooded district if you missed them) meaning you still had 3 or at least 2 missions and lots of enemies to fuck around with them. Meanwhile you hardly get to use them on anything in D2.

>inb4 NG+
Optional game mode that shouldn't affect the pacing of the actual game.

Corvo has a choice between sniper/shotgun, emily has a choice between no reloading or 3 shot bursts. Btoh emily masterworks are pretty sucky since they eat through ammo too quickly without too much benefit, while Corvo masterworks are still outclassed in every single way by the crossbow. Also you get pistol masterwork in the Crack in the Slab so close to the end of the game.

It shouldn't be like this. Pistol should be vastly more effective at the cost of being loud, like it used to be in D1.

>Explosive bullets in D1 were found in the Dunwall tower
wait what

>They were demons all along and water was a metaphor for holly hand

man, he is so good

Perhaps, but maybe the plebs decide to slaughter all intellectuals like the Red Guard or Khmer Rogue. Its seems the past few regimes have used technology to suppress the people and maybe they don't like it. A Luddite movement could be interesting, especially if they happen to dabble in magic at their fringes.

It's on the desk in that general's room.

That is why Overseers are exist

But even the Overseers are weak and work through scaring the population. In Dishonored 2 they're struggling to defeat a street gang.

In Dishonored 2 they feel like a gang themsleves.

The fact that they also look like meatheads doesn't help. The new masks are ugly, too.

Damn just look at these stylish motherfuckers

There were a lot of factors actually

>Duke's shitty ruling
>Delilahs interferes

Yeah it was a street gang, but how I said duke's regime made it grow fast, while Overseers were forgotten/ on low budget, because of duke was a puppet of witches and it obvious that they have no interest in supporting their enemy.

>tfw the new high overseer commands everyone to hit the gym

>the outsider says the overseer leader will be pleased with me refusing his mark

>he doesn't give a fuck whatsover

Eight scriptire:
right babe

If they will know that Emily or Corvo have his mark, will they try to coup them or imprison them?

>>Duke's shitty ruling
The guy was such a piece of shit, I tortured him for like half an hour before finally killing him and I was playing low low chaos.

>find out the one is the apartament is the true one
>steal his pistol
>rig the alarm
>tell him I think he's the fake
>he casually goes to the alarm
>gets zapped
>choke and throw him around, a lot
>throw all the bottles and glasses in the room at him
>blind him multiple times with the howler bolts
>shoot his leg with a crossbow
>finish him by throwing him off the balcony and setting him on fire mid flight, all while he's still conscious
Fuck him.

I know that the dying overseer in the last mission is butthurt if you have the mark and nice if you don't.

The new overseer combat is fucking crazy, their feints still fuck me up
but even on combat runs those guys are the only ones that I try really hard to knock out during combat or avoid them in the firstplace



>6-8 months
Like with DooM

I meant not crack, they will just take off Denuvo from the game