How do you deal with balancing games with your other activities, like going out with your girlfriend?

how do you deal with balancing games with your other activities, like going out with your girlfriend?

That's a low blow user

when I'm alone, I've gotten my work done and I still have some energy in me.

If I have free time and I feel like playing games then I'll play games.
Sometimes I just stay home with my gf and play games together.
This isn't difficult, you don't need to make a fucking schedule for vidya

Easy. Have your girlfriend inside your games

My gf is 2D and superior to any 3D whore.

Simple: I just play vidya with my gf

tell me about the penetration my friend

Play vidya with girlfriend -> go out together

It's not hard, user

Fuck off with your tittymonster I'm so fucking jelly right now

I play vidya with my GF.

Oh boy, a thread started with an anime image has nothing worthwhile in it.

Who woulda thunk

She's pretty cute.

>remember that you will never going to have a gf
stop doing this to me

>going out with your girlfriend
collosal waste of money and time; I don't have a girlfriend because to have a girlfriend is synonymous with throwing money down the toilet.

>jacking off
alternate between jacking off and playing video game

school takes priority

work takes priority

eat three times a day

Priority list:

Eating > school = work > video games > sleep > jacking off

Where the hell do you guys find girls who play vidya? The only GAMER GURLZ I know are social rejects and/or (at least) mildly autistic. The waifu material girls I know couldn't care less about vidya.

Play with your gf

>but she doesn't like vidya

My my, shouldn't we be dating someone that shares our interests? Or is at least willing to explore them?


I don't have a girlfriend

no such deal

virgin anime hater :o)


>Not boyfriend


i take my Nintendo Switch with me

Well, at least you didn't make another Switch thread.

I don't have a girlfriend.

I don't play games either.

low est

>collosal waste of money and time; I don't have a girlfriend because to have a girlfriend is synonymous with throwing money down the toilet.

only if you're retarded enough to get a gf who can't support herself. I mean I love buying shit for my gf but I don't do it all the time, even when eating out we alternate who pays, every other time it's me and other times it's her

Me and my GF play games most of the day desu or bang it's pretty alright to bad she is slightly crazy like me ig

>having a gf

Fuck if I know, I don't play any games that require you to waste a LOT of time, but I have a hard time managing my things.
I am currently studying jap language, 3DSmax and autoCAD
>Learning dead language
Well, if I can/willing to learn, I can profit something from it.

Just get your gf interested in vidya, start out with relaxed games like fantasy life or something and move on to coop games that are easy to pick up like diablo 3 on console or war in the north. Once she gets the hang of vidya you can play more complex games and enjoy all kinds of vidya together

You idiots, you just got trolled!!!

Fucking Kloah!

I am so jelly, Jamal

Kloah is a godsend

should one try tinder as a last resort?

>tfw online gf

The back and forth messaging does interrupt my vidya at times. Beats having to go out though.


Nigga, you too late for the Tinder curve. People moved on to other apps.

First of all, fuck you. I have spent the last several years of my life alone after a fucking chink stole my girlfriend from me. Every time I see an Asian man my blood boils. If I had a girl to play games with maybe I would be happy, but no. I am alone with no one to game with or cuddle to me at night. So go fuck yourself OP. WITH THIS CANCER. Kill yourself you fucking cunt.

I seriously hate you op and people who hurt people and put them down and remind them they are alone. Honestly why do you people do this shit to me? I bet you are a fucking chink.

cucked :o)

Okay, so what's the new FOTM slut dating app?

I wasn't cucked you retard. She only made out with him. It was emotionally flirting which honestly might be just as bad as his tiny limp cock fucking her. Fuck off.

I plan my time carefully. Like 100% vidya and 0% everything else.

And you stop encouraging whores. You are the reason why women cheat.

Easily. My gf doesn't like video games but understands that I do and gives me my space. I play Mac an hour or two a day.

I don't play when I'm around her out of respect just like how she doesn't play her annoying as music around me.

We live happily.

To be honest, I stopped caring about having no girlfriend a long time ago. Now I'm indifferent. Maybe i'll find one one day, maybe not.
Now a deal is a deal, show me those tiddies.

Well aren't you just special? Get off my fucking board normie. You can't be happy and go on Sup Forums. This place is where you go to slowly rot.

I don't, I have been getting ready to set up a booth at a con lately and have not had sex with my girlfriend in weeks.

Even though she offers to suck my cock every day I either don't feel like it or feel gross from not having showered for awhile and working all day.

I would also have to at least suck on her chest for awhile afterwards (she has a lactation fetish) and I just really do not feel up to it.

I'm gonna buy me a Switch, so I can play games when I go out with her and later play the same games back home. Feels good man.

Its honestly hard having a gf, a job and other hobbies trying to find quality time for vidya. I keep buying shit from hardware to games and with no real time to use it.

Kek. I love seeing you regards that fell for the """"""only unhappy lonely fucms who like traps can go to Sup Forums"""""" meme.

Such self-imposed bullshit. Stop projecting your unhappiness and thinking that Sup Forums is one person


You ungrateful piece of shit. You go to your whore right fucking now and plow her ass. You are a disgrace to the male species.

What normal fucking person goes on Sup Forums? NO ONE.

I play when I'm in the mood. I try to read and write daily, while everything else (toku, vidya, gunpla) comes second. My table top games are on a fixed schedule so I don't even consider that portion of time for anything else but that.

And if something with friends or family crops up I do it. Not like my games are going anywhere.

I'm gonna try and flirt with some of the chicks at the upcoming Carpenter Brut concert, and pray I don't make a fool of myself.

I tried it. It kind of sucks. I was matched with ugly girls. I got this one cutie but she was only interested in being friends.

Haven't got a single match since and its been a week of swiping right.

I don't need a girlfriend when I have music, videogames and deals

Ever consider you are alone because of your hobbies? I consider this all the time. It is hard to find someone into the same games and things I am into. Tfw no qt to play mtg with.

kissless virgin here

should I give up on hope and accept my fate as becoming a 40 year old virgin in the far future or suicide

She probably plays more vidya than me, though sometimes we play overwatch together

You don't need to kill yourself because dumb whores don't want you. You need to treat them like shit and be an authority figure to them and the pussy will fall into your lap.

I've told her before she can find some other guy to suck the milk out of her tits if that is all he wants to do and she just gets mad and tries to force it on me.

>doesn't play videogames enough
>has a gf
I bet you're posting from your phone too, cancer

>only made out with him
>physical interaction
>emotionally flirting

kek you willing to be cucked because you are a faggot who doesn't want to mess around? Dump the bitch then. What the fuck is wrong with you? Is this actually bait? What the fuck is going on. You have to be brain dead.

I built a great computer and I haven't even used it yet. Just finding time for hobbies is impossible.

>expected dealposting
>got /r9k/

you guys suck

>implying jamal cares about 3dpd

She developed the fetish after years of dating and I am really not into it.

Woman should know her place.

He didn't stick his dick in her is what I meant. They kissed near the end. I imagine if I wouldn't have found out they would have fucked. How could a short chink fucker be better than me? They are the worst race. Girls rarely ever fucking want them. But no this one stole her from me. If you are asian you can fuck yourself you greedy disgusting small cocked faggots.

It's not about normal or abnormal. I personally come on this fucking cesspool of a board to kill some time at night, or when I'm bored during days off at home. Sup Forums is fascinating, I couldn't imagine my life without the stuff I read in here.
It' a fun place, the quintessence of mankind diversity.

This. Laughin at losers who get a gf who doesn't pay for her own shit.

you're so fucking gay holy smokes

I'll play more when I get a switch

>only interested in being friends.

That's only to scare beta males away.

A little, but at the same time there are spaces for said bobbies that will let you meet other people. Hobby shops for gunpla and tabletop, some of which have work areas and regular game nights, conventions and cons for games, book clubs if you're really into reading (I think those are still a thing). It's hard expanding your circle of friends when your main interests involve being inside, alone, but it's not impossible. The hard part is really just talking to people, and getting over the initial fear of rejection. Definitely find a flgs of you're into magic. Draft is fun as fuck, and most people I've met that play are pretty well adjusted.

And then you realize these hobbies are relatively niche when looking from city to city, and the number of people looking to connect with one another is even smaller, with the female subset being a niche amongst a niche. Oh well.

gfs are like dogs, but annoying

Why are you with the bitch then? Why be with someone you don't want to fuck?

You know what? You do have a valid point.

then get into it homo.
If you care about her you'll suck it up

>Paid online
As I said: cancer


yea, why don't you guys just stop being nerds and go to a bar or club. That's where all the normies go.

Sure. I love being harassed for my baby face and hit on by bears. I'd rather stay home and play videogames while I get drunk on my own.

When I had a gf we played games together. Never been sun issue. Did you get a gf congrads!

Who would ever want to go to a place to meet normies?

The only thing that absorbs my time and attention a lot is this fucking website

Because you'll never find the women you're looking for, They only go to work and stay home.

The only effective strategy is to play they same games as them or becomes friends with their family to even discover their existence.

I think I would rather try that method rather than a bar at that point.

I'll only subscribe to that if there's a game I really want to play online, otherwise sorry for triggering you with my vidya choices, faggot.

if you've ever been you'd know it's a colossal waste of time and money and an obnoxious crowd. I've met most of my previous gfs at conventions or other nerdy social gatherings or through friends and it's worked out well so far.

>tfw no neo 80s nightclub

Kill me.

>tfw don't want to "participate" in life
>tfw don't want to find a better job
>tfw hate my job
>tfw dont want to pay rent
>tfw don't want to go to the gas station every week
>tfw don't want to go shopping 2 times a week
>tfw don't want to constantly think of what to make every day
>tfw don't want to shave every three days
>tfw don't want gf and have to worry about her bullshit
>tfw don't want friends and have to worry about their bullshit

Does anyone know this feel? I don't even like playing videogames anymore.

I started working recently, after being unemployed for a long time. I pretty much don't play anything unless I'm not working that day.

This week is gonna be a bitch especially, since I'm night shift.

>Because you'll never find the women you're looking for
Who says I haven't? You go to college like a normal person.

>sorry for triggering you with my vidya choices
While you're at it apologize for killing vidya, I'm feeling generous today so I might forgive you scum

no because I'm not a loser like you

>doesn't like playing games
>on Sup Forums
Checks out

>shave every three days

Low test. Also what "bullshit" do friends have? Are you a woman?

vidya died 20 years ago you just didn't notice till now