Why isn't acrophobia featured more in games?

Why isn't acrophobia featured more in games?
It could be pretty effective

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>playing GTA SA
>jump down mt chiliad in a car
>start feeling dizzy and a weird feeling consumes my body

How could such a not-photorealistic game trigger such a realistic response from my body?

why do these people do that


Because it's fun


russians aren't people

That's scary

Some people like to take chances to feel more alive

Did anyone say fun?

i see trust exercises got a bit more extreme

wouldn't it be simpler to just run blindfolded out in traffic or play russian roulette?

VR really makes my stomach turn when I build games that feature stuff like high skyscrapers or a huge ocean weave hitting a city. I think that's where we'll see more of the acrophobia-oriented gameplay. Think balancing on a tightrope between high rise buildings with a huge cityscape below you.

I'm all for equality since that's what feminism is for, so where the image where she holds him that way?

I get this very often in even the most minimalist of games.

Any idea that is planted in my head that I may be falling will immediately trigger the sensation and when it comes on it's incredibly powerful at first, almost as if though i need to catch my eyes from rolling into the back of my head or stop myself from passing out for a moment

i love triggering it in video games

I just feel it in my dick/balls. Like my dick has ESP or something. Every time I ride a rollercoaster it happens. It's hard to describe, but if it were a sound it would be high pitched.

No because that would just be stupid

None of these people are at legit risk, you guys need to get over your irrational fear

>so where the image where she holds him that way?


>reverse search that image
>boring 911 shit nobody cares about
>iqdb search
>sexy blue haired waifu material
Aw yeah!

That's a green screen.

Women could never do that

Mirror's Edge and Catalyst

I just finished Catalyst recently, while it's rare for me to feel like a game triggers my acrophobia, that last mission of ME Catalyst where you just keep climbing, climbing, climbing feeling like you're miles above the buildings, that mission made me feel disturbed.

Is it wrong I want people who take these pictures to fall to their deaths? I know, I'm a bad person.

>play GTA V first person
>PC mod
>has just cause 2 hook
>get up on some buildings
>jump off
>that sense of falling and wanting to pooper my pants
god dammit

Fake fun.

yeah, you're such an anti hero, just like alucard from hellsing xD

or arcado, as we in the annimay community call him :33xc

When you're walking on a thin beam hundreds of feet in the air with no safety gear, fear of falling to your death is a pretty rational one

This girl fell to her death.

what the fuck did I just read?

holy shit lol

any after pics?

is there video of it?

>women could never do that

I thought i was the only one. Even my doctor said it was bullshit.



nice botnet

>tfw I feel high chest pressure when I accidentally fall down from somewhere really high in vidya
anyone else feel like that, it feels terrible

should've ended with him pushing her off desu

what a nasty slut

what the FUCK i'm not alone in this world then?

Because consoles can't handle it without looking like shit.

>None of these people are at legit risk

Look up parkour related deaths and urban exploration related deaths. These people die all the fucking time.

So those parkour pictures are russian.

Aren't suicide rates quite high in Russia? This parkour thing could be them not doing it but just chasing that temptation, something like that.

Because it requires the possibility of failure, and that isn't very cinematic

This kind of fear is more likely to have the player turn off the game and throw it in the garbage instead of trying to overcome it.

This picture doesn't make feel fear, it makes me want to jump down


I do shit like that for work. But I also have a harness on 90% of the time at those heights.

he's at no risk though, there's water beneath him

I used to feel this way from swinging very high

Yeah, that's exactly what he said

Good women are inferior time they learned it once again

>tfw swing so high the chain goes limp

Yes, hence the "qed".

>close your eyes and try to enjoy it
>suddenly your body tells you "you could be thousands of feet up in the air with nothing to catch you if you fall"
>open eyes nervously and slow down

>thinking a drop from that high into water wouldn't shatter your bones

I have that too. But I like it. I love doing that in XCX. For some reason I don't get it in Just Cause, though. Probably because I could potentially influence the falling.

just looking at these pictures gives me a heart attack

I know I'm gonna get shit at, but what's the game on the right?

Have you ever seen water? It's soft as fuck, like wet ice cream.

thats not how physics works.

That's nothing.

There is no way that fuckin bitch would do that. What a bunch of fake ass shit

Problem Gordon 2

It wouldn't. That's about 6 feet off the ground, dude. Optical illusion.

>teenager on Sup Forums thinks he knows anything about physics

>why do thrillseekers seek thrills?
Because it's thrilling duh.

stay mad you dateless loser

She didn't actually.

>there's no way a person i don't know anything about would do something

Thought as much. Guess I'll finally get around to play that.

Any recommendations? I got up to the railways section in the first, but wasn't really all that awed by it. Does it get better or should I just straight skip to 2?



The original gets worse in the second half, so if you weren't enjoying skip to 2.

did he died?

Is he okay?



based silent hill featured it

Is he okay?

>he's wearing a parachute


It would work if the ground is detailed, a lot of wind noises and a balance mechanic

I don't get why no one tried to save them

>ywn go skywalking with your qt 9/10 gf
why the fuck even exist?



Fake news.

>these people risk their lives hanging off rooftops and shit
>"wow such bravery, such courage, such living in the moment staring death in the eye"
>I risk my life smoking cigarettes and eating unhealthy food
>"you slob those things will kill you fucking idiot"


fake and gay

>record scratch
>So you're probably wondering how I ended up like this

whatever helps you sleep user


I cringed at this

There's a difference between the risk of immediately dying and slowly withering away

Play The Last Guardian if you own a PS4

There's one section about halfway through the game that is extremely acrophobia-inducing. My stomach was in knots and my hands sweaty the whole time.


Anyone have that .webm of the chick sucking a dude's dick on the side of a building? Then spitting the cum out on the city.

Nah, fuck that shit bruh.

>muh p-phobias
>I'm triggered by holes in things!

Nobody cares about your weird irrational fear that you developed at a six year old after stumbling upon some weird episode of Goosebumps

Mirror's edge 1 was able to trigger my fear of heights when climbing over that huge culvert section.