Maths does not lie, no matter how you look at it. 2016 will still come in five million console sales short of 2015...

>Maths does not lie, no matter how you look at it. 2016 will still come in five million console sales short of 2015. We’ve reached the middle of this generation and fatigue is starting to set in earlier than expected.
>By fatigue, we mean that the ability to convert a potential audience into a card-carrying console audience has reached its critical point on the current consoles.
>We've seen the decline in each console generation. However, alarmingly that decline is starting much earlier than it did in the previous cycle. While the Wii began to dive from its lofty heights in only its second year, the PS3 and Xbox 360 didn’t start to plateau until their fourth and fifth years respectively, before beginning to decline in earnest in their fifth and sixth years respectively.
>The PS4 and Xbox One will start their anticipated year-on-year unit sales decline in only their third years – two years earlier than the seventh generation.
>While the final figures are not in, the PS4 had sold 11 million, the Xbox One 5 million and the Wii U 1.3 million through to November 2016. In December of 2015, 7.5 million units of the three consoles were sold into homes over Christmas, so even if it was to match last year’s figure – remembering the Wii U is unlikely to contribute anything of note – we’re left with around 24.5 million for the year.
>That’s a 17% drop year-on-year, which equates to 5 million fewer consoles sold. Significant.
>In the seventh generation, the Wii sold 101 million units, the PS3 87 million and the Xbox 360 86,000,000, a total of 274,000,000 console gamers across its 7 years. In this generation, we have the Wii U on 13 million, the Xbox One on 25 million and the PlayStation 4 on 50 million. We’re currently at 88 million consoles sold across 4 years, but we are already starting to see a slide in year-on-year sales, 2 years earlier than the 7th generation.

How do we save consoles, Sup Forums?

Why would we want to save consoles? Consoles has held back vidya by a good decade

yes let them die let them know what it means to cater to casuals too much

Give me one reason consoles are worth saving

>Consoles are dying


>WiiU 1.3m

Christ, didn't think it was that bad.

Consoles haven't held back vidya. If anything, consoles saved vidya when the PC gamer market was at a low in the early 2000's. Devs were able to stay in business making games for the consoles.

>hurr durr casuals don't deserve games, only us hardcore gamers do

Grow up

I'm no longer in the market for a console because of the paid online.

So we're approaching market saturation. Who would have thought.

>Consoles are dying meme

Meanwhile PS4 is outpacing the ps2, over 53 million consoles and a plethora of upcoming exclusives.

Just because the Wii U and Xbone bombed hard, doesn't mean that consoles are doomed

>>hurr durr casuals don't deserve games, only us hardcore gamers do
>hurr durr let's dumb down every single game to cater to people who don't really want to play game on the first place.

>How do we save consoles

Make them portable with an easy way to plug into your TV ;^)

imagine if sony's next console was PSP2 and they never made the PS5


PC now has better graphics, more options, and free online.

What if I don't care about Rehash #43 and Sequel #77 though?

>Maths does not
Apparently your English does not

Tablets will catch up to consoles one day

What then?

>tfw went from owning all the consoles and a decent PC last gen to just a PC/3DS/Wii U this gen with the latter already being dead

Consoles are just exclusive machines if you play PC vidya at this point and they barely have any this gen which interest me

Tell that to Chris Stead.

>What if I don't care about rehash number

Then why the fuck are you playing video games? Or even consuming media? The video game industry and hollywood are literally nothing but rehashes and remasters.

Consoles are an old relic of a past time that have clung onto relevancy because of the companies that have wanted to keep that market going. Seeing them try to become PCs with all the drawbacks but none of the benefits (and with extra drawbacks added on such as paid online) is just sad and the fact PC gaming has only become stronger despite the lack of exclusives should tell you which is the stronger platform.

lie to consumers with the ps4;.

>consumers find out ps4 is a piece of shit with no games
>sony pays journalism bills
>industry dies
>journalists loose their jobs and destroy the industry too.

>Made the switch to mustard race after this PS4 pro bull when having bought my PS4 a little over a year ago.
>PS4 literally collects dust.

I wanna play bloodborne again but.

There''s no saving consoles.

In the mind of designers consoles as they're conceived and marketed right now needs two conflicting audiences to have an interest.

The hyper technologically inclined, performance hungry crowd. And the old convenience and ease of access crowd.

Satisfying the first one has meant turning consoles into subpar PCs. Satisfying the second means you can't use tech and budget explosion to court crows. Worse, on some respects, the PC *is* becoming more convenient than the consoles.

Nintendo has proved that courting the second crowd only can be sufficient provided you get enough of them, but keeps shooting itself n the foot with gimmicks, having seemingly forgotten the whole point of the DS and Wii were to dispel the fear of complexity in controls that were abhorrent to the convenience crowd.

>How do we save consoles, Sup Forums?
Why? The sooner the concept dies we can all enjoy a more open and competitive video game market with more and better games for everyone. It's about damn time.

No, but Nintendo is.

>hurr durr let's dumb down every single game to cater to people who don't really want to play game on the first place.

Casual =/= doesn't want to play games

X86 killed the console

Wii-U was a joke console made by toy makers for idiots.

Are you in fucking highschool? That is the most incoherent post I've read all day.

Not necessarily consoles, but normies.

>muh Sauls

xbox is also outpacing the 360 at it's point in the lifecycle, and dominated sales for the back half of last year lul

>Threads of PC hardware sales dropping everyday on Sup Forums
>Suddenly a thread about consoles not doing so well
>Hahaha, PC master race
You do realize both are in the same spot, do you?

>Buying Wii U despite the fact how awful Wii ended up as
>Not to mention the fact that ever since Gen 5 Nintendo has been struggling with third party
You've only got yourself to blame

Finally. Video games were never good anyway.

What do you mean?

Are you retarded? Every company is doing rehashes. Sony with Uncharted every year, God of War. They've become desperate and are even rehashing Crash now. Microsoft constantly rehashes Gears of War, Forza and Halo. From Software released how many shitty Souls rehashe- oh excuse me, I mean "sequels"? Just this year we had what, 20 rehashes decade old series?

This is literally the gaming industry.

>People don't have money because the economy's fucked

> we can all enjoy a more open and competitive video game market
You're saying this when Steam exists. Steam literally has the PC market by the balls and it has killed of physicals on top of it all.

>Xbone dominating sales
Is was beating PS4 only in the US and not even by a large margin.

No games to tell the consoles and people have less money than they used to have, so why waste hundreds of dollars on consoles and games when you can barely pay for basic living expenses

>hurr consoles are holding back grafix

No you fucking retards. Even for the outdated as fuck consoles we have right now the budgets are completely out of control. If gaming shrinks to the point where blockbuster marketing can't guarantee 5 million sales to break even we're going to see downsizing.


let them die

Are you deliberately ignoring all the people whp complain about the gameplay in games? All the people who just want interactive movies?

The lowest common denominator doesn't want games, he wants "press x to awesome".

>You're saying this when Steam exists. Steam literally has the PC market by the balls and it has killed of physicals on top of it all.
I agree. That thing also needs to go. It's basically turning the PC into a console when it can do so much more.

>everybody is a poor angry americuck who elects the next ww3 for president in hope of making more victory treatments

>Sony with Uncharted every year
6 games (4 main games) within 10 years

>They've become desperate and are even rehashing Crash now.

Get rid of streaming services and let's players.
Nowadays most """"young"""" people don't want to play games, they want to see a CUH-RAY-ZEE youtuber play the game and yell at every single thing that happens.

doesn't the ps4 sold twice as much as the xboxone anyways ?

Consoles have kept gaming alive. If it were up to only PC, the industry would be dead right now.

Vidya was never good anyway

I've been primarily a console gamer (except for a huge StarCraft/Diablo II/WarCraft III phase when those games came out) since I got a PS1 and I really think this is my last generation. The only console exclusive I would really miss at this point would be the MLB: The Show series.

Nobody buys prebuilt Dell anymore

pc gaming is the most casual thing you can do
dont be mad because you have shit taste you fucking plebeian

You mean a vocal minority that you choose to think to be a huge amount of people? You might as well say the majority of gamers are SJWs at that point.

>The lowest common denominator doesn't want games, he wants "press x to awesome".

>PCucks arguing over consoles

>overclocking and optimizing coolage and firmware is for plebs
Look at this idiot who cannot even do anything more advanced than flip a power switch on an overpriced plastic box

Holy fuck, has the Wii U been out for 5 fucking years already? It still doesn't have enough games on it to be worth buying though. What the fuck went wrong, is the Wii U the worst console of all time? I thought Nintendo were cutting it short by introducing the Switch so early, I didn't realize the Wii U had been out about as long as the GC when the Wii was released.

Fuck. Time went fast.

So Bayonetta 2, Fatal Frame 5, Xenoblade Chronicles X and maybe Pikmin 3. Is that all the console got? 4 fucking games? 5 if you count Splatoon and that's a secondary and not a system seller.

Not really.
"PC hardware sales dropping" primarily talks about people rather getting tablets than PCs for their leisure/light work. PC games sales have been steadily rising over the years.

Search your own source, fagets. Literally just have to type it in google.

same boring bullshit every year. Either consoles are dying or PC gaming is. Yawn.

Finally! No more exclusive shit for 20$ extra.

Well aren't we moving goalposts today!

If Microsoft were smart, they would've made their Windows store into a viable Steam alternative, with their Xbox consoles being Steam Machines done right, but they're too stupid to realize that.


Finally all the normalfags will get bored and leave and stop shitting up gaming by having shit standards and bad purchase decision making. If the normies aren't around to buy all the season passes, DLC, and half ass unfinished games maybe we can finally go back to a time when gaming wasn't aimed at /ONLY/ shitting out a game to meet a sales/timed quota and was made out of love of craft.

I mean we can say "NO IT'LL NEVER GO BACK ITS DOOMED FOREVER" but without the normies to cater to, who is gonna give these jews Shekels?

>Yet another shitty digital store
Just what we need!

And thank fuck. Because knowing Microsoft that would fuck us over even more.

>6 games within 10 years

Please stop being a faggot. Third person shooter with Drake is no different than third person shooter with some faggot and his child companion is no different than third person shooter with some faggot biker.

These are all rehashes with a slightly different coat of paint and some glitter/gems glued on to make them seem different. But it's okay when everyone else does these rehashes.

Its the movie industry as well

>cut all the Wii sales out
>sales look about the same as ever

that console appealed to a mass market that doesn't exist any more. Look at the figures. Fake news. Sad!

Actually my mom bought the Wii for that fitness meme bullshit, I was already emulating the worthwhile games before then

I bought the Wii U around the time MK8 came out cheapish and had a lot of fun with the games on it. The only problem is that I didn't expect the emulation scene to pick up so quickly and now its turning into a paperweight

All my normie friends talk about how fucking aqesome FFXV is, yet whenever I watch them all they do is spam warp strike. They don't want any sort of complexity, aka they don't want much actual gameplay.

And that's just a recent example. You can keep your eyes and ears shut and telling yourself that everything is fine, if it helps you sleep at night.

Yes. I mentioned hollywood. Ghost Busters, Star Wars, remaking movies constantly. Reusing ideas constantly.

>All third person shooters are the same AND part of the same series
Maybe you should stop being a retard

Just make handhelds.

>buying a console for a nostalgia franchise

Uncharted plays absolutely nothing like The Last of Us. this is some stunning work pal, just move every single goalpost until it fits your narrative. Every game with a realistic artstyle is an Uncharted rehash. Sort yourself out pal.

Yeah I cant wait until the pc master race dominates all and mobas are the only genre left.

Maybe if 95% of games weren't straight up garbage not worth playing people wouldn't be fatigued

>All my normie friends talk about how fucking aqesome FFXV is

>yet whenever I watch them all they do is spam warp strike.

>They don't want any sort of complexity, aka they don't want much actual gameplay.
Not everyone cares for muh meme complex bullshit im hardcur gamur xCDDD stuff dumbfuck. This might come as surprise to you but people enjoy different fucking things, I really doubt you force yourself and all of your friends to play Devil May Cry 4 for 10000 hours to do da cool trix because of its ebin complex gameplay.

> You can keep your eyes and ears shut and telling yourself that everything is fine
Everything is fine, you're literally just crying about people liking different things. Ghost Trick for example has almost zero gameplay and yet it is praised to high heavens, even on Sup Forums

>Pc gamers like moba's meme
Grow up

I bought it for that, Pikmin 3, Xenoblade, W101, Bayo 2 and a bunch of other shit

Its better than whatever the hell the PS4/Xbone has right now outside of Forza

you know your exclusives are shit when you pride yourself with uncharted 4, ratchet and clank no. 798464545, and the last guardian. the only good game you have right now is bloodborne, rdr2 also probably gonna be good. you're gonna be disappointed with zero down.

Well faggot, according to you, reusing a character is a rehash. So by that logic, reusing the same tired and boring gameplay is also a rehash.

>Third person shooter, exact same gameplay
>Annoying faggots talking while you walk or do something else
>Climbing for days

They're pretty much the same thing. One has a zombie skin, the other has an Indiana Jones skin.

>B-but it's sony, it can't be a rehash! Delete this! You should kill yourself you big meanie!


sounds like microsoft and nintendo did a poor job with their consoles, no one is buying their shit; gamers are still there willing to pay for a gaming machine that satisfies them.

is also*

Seriously PCfats, can you even call people casuals when you play shit like overwatch/ASSFAGGOTS/indieshit all day?
I get it, games run better(most of the time), good online, cheap games, etc. But is it really worth it if you only play shit?

all of the people who realised video games were "cool" and got a console or two realised video games were a meme and didn't buy a current gen console

t. retard that never played a moba but shits on them to fit in with the cool kids on Sup Forums

>Well faggot, according to you, reusing a character is a rehash.
Yeah, you're illiterate.

7th gen saw an ever decreasing price tag coupled with certain conveniences like doubling as a Netflix box. There's not a huge difference between 7th and 8th gens aside from games getting fewer launches on older consoles.

Right now, I'm not interested in buying one of the 8.5 gen consoles because I get nothing out of it except a little more beef in graphics processing, which if I'm interested in that, is what I have a PC for. The only notable thing I see in 8th gen is VR, and Sony is so constrained on supply of headsets, they aren't really picking up the steam they need to lure in development.

The thing is they aren't really developing tech that is particularly impressive to make people upgrade. I mean the Vita was fucking amazing if they actually turned it in to phone and didn't fuck themselves with proprietary memory that cost way too much (or if they just learned to bundle that shit properly.) The Xbox One didn't sell anyone on Kinect because they couldn't keep their creep boner down and play up Cortana as a better virtual assistant. The PS4 is just a better PS3 until they can get some more VR headsets in to stores.

This might come as a surprise to you but the easiest was to not play shit games is to not play shit games.

MobA is a pretty stagnant genre, it'll die out in a few years.

>You're illiterate
>Wait hold on, you can pinpoint the exact location where he broke down and realize how wrong he is but is too much of a faggot to admit it so has to resort to ad hominem to save face


There *has* been a uniformization and standardization of games. If only because of manufacturers imposed norms.

Now depending on where you're coming from it can be a good or bad thing, but I'm thinking you're going to have a hard time to convince people for whom the this is a bad thing that situation hasn't gotten worse for them over the years.

Good let normies fuck off and bring gaming to how it once was, a hobby for nerds with time on their hands.

This generation was shit, there isn't s single game that showcase the necessity for new hardware, and it only restricts more their playerbase.

Meanwhile other forms of entertainment became better, cheaper and less restrictive

>Video games are dying

Its about fucking time.

That was after the fact you bought it for muh nostalgia.

>can you even call people casuals when you play shit like overwatch/ASSFAGGOTS/indieshit all day?
Yes, because we don't play that garbage. Funnily enough console apologists are usually the ones who play these kind of games