Name one (1) more hate-inducing enemy in any game ever made

Name one (1) more hate-inducing enemy in any game ever made

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hope you dont need the boss rush room :)

I don't understand what people have against kleers. Dodge left, blast with a shotgun. Wow, so hard. Git gud.

why were hey so annoying ?
i hate they so much

They made them too easy in Serious Sam II.
For an arena shooter, Serious Sam really puts a good deal into its sound department - you shouldn't play the thing while listening to music, or you won't know where enemies are coming from.

they're not hard to kill
they're just annoying


I tried this but on the difficulty I played on they survived a doubleshotgun hit to the face.

Pffft, Kleers are small fry in SS3.

Hell they're not even my most hated enemy in TFE/TSE. That'd be Reptiloids. Those fucking assholes can attack you from fucking anywhere. Even worse are the fucking arachnoids, which have no fucking animation for when they're about to attack, and the Red Arachnoids are just bullet sponges.

Holy shit I'd repressed all memories of those fuckers, thanks you cunt.

Ill take my /thread post now

Yeah, that works wonders until there's 2... or 50 of them.
The thing with the SS games is that, for arena games, they're a lot more strategically-driven than others like Painkiller or Quake. The difficulty doesn't come from each individual enemy, but from how the developers mixed different kinds of enemies with the environment.

Kleers are specially difficult because they
1) rush you
2) have a projectile attack
3) almost never come alone

In SS1, the most difficult parts were either Bulls mixed with those guys who threw the green balls, or anything with scorpions, because they fired hitscan weapons from pretty far. In SS2, the main chokepoints are bulls, football guys and those fucking witches.


There's literally no difficulty where they do that, their health is consistent all the way from Normal through Serious. On tourist they die to a single shotgun shot though.
You just gotta let them come closer. If one is jumping at you that means it's close enough.


>that one leve where you have to fight bulls and witches in a small arena with elevations

Holy fuck I hated that part

>Their tendency to travel in hordes, making the double shotgun incredibly inefficient
>Their leap catching on an object causing them to slingshot towards you with the wonky physics
>Their 20 damage projectiles turning the game into a bullet hell and making it a lot more difficult to hit them with explosives, which you're supposed to use on them when they're in a medium-sized horde or you're trying to conserve minigun ammo- you are never out of range to be hit by a Kleer Skeleton.
>Their leap doesn't move that far past you unlike the werebull, so once you're overwhelmed, it's very, very difficult to regain control of the situation.


I don't hate them when they're coming at you from far away, but when one is waiting behind a corner that's really cheap bullshit

Red Arremer was the first troll enemy imo.

FUCK those things.

Kleers are cool fuck off, Fiendian demons on the other hand are a monunental pain in the ass when you have to deal with other enemies at the same time

>Pardon me while I fling myself around the room at terminal speeds if you so much as get within 10 feet of me
Fuck off Steakman

>Pick up a healthkit at the start of the game
>Four Klee spawn on all sides

I'm not fucking Neo, Croteam.

inb4 the thread is ruined by soulsfags

Only a matter of time.

Fiendian Demon has an achilles heel in the laser gun, it can't really do anything and you only fight a few at a time.

mentioning this is going to only attract them, or was it your plan to get free (You)'s?

They get really bad with this in TSE, not even secrets, altough the secrets are also a huge fucking pain in the ass.

Luckily SS3 doesn't have that many cheap moments, so I think they're learning

I hate the sound they make. I hate that they can impale you from a mile a way


not completely related, but I was playing pokemon moon and got to the volcano area ans encountered one of those lizard pokemon. I was only around level 20 and they gave it fucking dragon rage. They gave it the ability to two hit everything. Fuck you, GF.

>mfw I snipe them with the bound bow

I thought they did it a lot more in the first encounter than the second

in egypt i was afraid to pick up fucking anything because I thought it'd mean instadeath

I know some people don't like the addition of sprinting but it definitely helps with dosging kleer and kamikazes. Kamikazes were annoying in SS1 since you can't outrun them, if they get close you can get into a position where it's impossible to survive.

wtf were Croteam smoking.

FE used Kleer spawns as traps a lot, yes, but never many at a time. Both original games also placed special enemy spawns behind you in the level that activated if you tried to backtrack for health or ammo.

These fuckers

>Oh hi Aria, how u doin this fine evening?
>You want to go fight the boss?

blame Take 2 Interactive and consoles

I don't mind the sprinting, I just wish I wasn't forced to use it because the fucking kamikazes explode into a cloud of dust so I can't see shit

Kamikazes are pretty easy in all of the games, they go down really quick, just use the minigun or whatever long range automatic gun you have

if they get into close range pop them once so they stagger then back up and shoot them again

this is correct answer

>>Their leap catching on an object causing them to slingshot towards you with the wonky physics

The biggest downside of HD is the new slippery movement. SS3 toned it down a little bit however elevators still makes you 2x times taller/smaller.

It is strange since it wasn't a problem at all in the classics.

Why. Why does this fucking thing exist? It casts one AoE spell that bypasses my dodge/agility roll, then kills itself because the AoE hits it and it's always-on spell reflect buff too. I don't even get any XP off it. It's just there to annoy me and waste my expensive as fuck potions.


I died more times to those fuckers in Critical than in all other Kingdom Hearts games combined. I don't even remember if their grab has a startup, but damn if it isn't fucking annoying.

>Hey, you're running a melee build?

these faggots gave me PTSD

>Glides towards you to grab you
>You keep dashing away
>Eventually it should stop trying to grab you
>It doesn't
>Try finally casting magic
>By the time you cast magic it caught up to you and threw your ass into oblivion
This and the fucking cars were the most rage inducing experiences I ever had in KH.

Nice invulnerability powerup you got there, mind if I grab it?

Fucking. Slicers.

It would be a problem if they didn't scream like motherfuckers, giving you a very clear warning of what's about to happen. If you do get caught by them then you only have your aim and reaction time to blame. Also one shot from a revolver briefly stuns them, giving you just enough time to move back and blow them up.
I love sound design in Serious Sam in general, every enemy has a very distinct set of noises they do while idle, a particular sound they do when they notice you and usually some sounds for attacking.

Titan Quest just goes full retard after Act II, with every single enemy suddenly killing you in two hits.

Seekers, along those mantises from mines were the scariest enemies I've seen in an RPG

I had almost forgotten this guy. Fuck him

>Ah, I see you're trying to travel through my zone.
>*dismounts you*
>*nets you*
>Not on my watch buddy.

What? You didn't go stealth archer?

It is like you are not even trying.

There're two general ways Serious Sam loves throwing kleers at you, both are easy to deal with if you know what you're doing.
>Small amount of kleers in confined environments
Just sidestep them and double shotgun them or just double shotgun them when they're leaping at you.
>Large amount of kleers in open areas
Use the grenade launcher, it one-shots them. Rocket launcher is an acceptable substitute but its splash damage has a tendency to sometimes launch a kleer right at you. Minigun is okay if there's a steady stream of them instead of a huge amount at the same time.

That's it. Everything else is git_______gud territory.

The objective list of the most annoying Serious Sam enemies is as follows:
Frogs and electrofishes.
Cucurbitos and electrofishes. Cucurbitos are a major pain in the ass because dodging their charge is almost impossible and only grenade launcher and I think zoomed sniper rifle one-shots them, rocket launcher does not.
Witches and football players and those fucking clowns and helicopters with homing projectiles and arachnoids with homing projectiles and SS2 enemy balance is completely broken.
Witchbrides closely followed by technopolyps. SS3 is good but Witchbrides were a fucking mistake. Space monkeys are annoying as well but mutilator makes short work of them.

Vulnerable to super missile. You're welcome

Especially in act 4, right when you start fighting the shadow beasts or whatever and a single archer can kill you in 3 hits.

>Hello traveler! I see you're trying to get to the next part of the zone!
>But first I'm going to summon a wolf.
>Which summons two other wolves.
>Which I can buff.
>And then I'm going to heal back up to full while you're busy spamming Puncturing Sweep to avoid getting knotted
>Don't worry, if you kill the wolf that spawns other wolves, I'll just summon a sabre cat.
>Which I also buff.
>Hope you like barbs.

>The devs have an internal award that they give to the creator of the worst feature in each game

>It's called The Snowbeast Award

The mandalorian fights in kotor 1 are pretty bullshit unless you've played the game a few times, even then they are super annoying because of the grenade spam.

You have to fight like a total pussy unless you are using a net cookie cutter jedi build that has been min maxed out the ass like the huge faggot you are.

>Cucurbitos and electrofishes a problem

Cucurbitos are only obnoxious in confined spaces in HD exclusively because they can just keep slashing you for cheap damage, no dodge possible. Electro-fish are EZPZ to kill.

Didn't the developers talk in an interview about how this section was rushed and they couldn't make it to their difficulty standards?

>Frogs and electrofishes.

Somebody didn't save tommy gun ammo for when he absolutely needed it. The worst enemies in TFE are arachnoids with their annoying infinite range, perfect accuracy, hitscan machine guns, and bio-mechanoids with their rockets that OHKO you if you aren't paying close attention

Those end game robot things in the newer xcom remake or whatever.

The one with massive hp, missile barrage, and the lazer.

Fuck those things, seriously.

>Frogs and electrofishes.

Come on now, you know arachnoids or reptiloids are way more annoying

>Didn't the developers talk in an interview about how this section was rushed and they couldn't make it to their difficulty standards?

I know they talked about it in the developer playthrough.

yeah, that's the ticket.

Am I the only one who fucking hates the harpy bullshit in TFE?

They can attack you from so far away and they only do it when you are fighting other shit on the ground so you are gonna catch one or two of those shots either way, and heaven forbid a group of those things actually gets close to you or lands and goes at you.

There's this one part in Metropolis which always pisses me off to no end.

It's at the part where you're collecting items and an arachnoid spawns in the furthest, tallest structure in that area, and when you look at him the sun flare blinds you. Out of all the cheap bullshit in that game, now THAT is some really cheap bullshit

Not really, I thought this was the case, too, when I first played, especially in the expansion act.
You can just get away with a shitty built up to that point pretty much. If you spent your skill points right and don't run a useless class combination you should be fine.

I never liked them but they aren't common enough to be a huge problem. Apart from that last section in Metropolis, I don't think you have to fight a huge horde of them at once (not counting secret areas)

>playing Moon Mountains for the first time in TFE
I was not ready.

Quite the knowledge in animal genitalia as I see

I didn't say they were a problem, I said they were annoying. I personally didn't have any particular problem with any TFE enemies.

>Shoot one rocket at a junior arachnoid
>Shoot three rockets at an adult arachnoid
I could've never understood the problem people have with arachnoids. Yes, they're hitscan but they have a huge delay between spotting you and firing, their shriek is very easy to identify and spot the direction and the game never hides them in cheap places. Sure, plenty spawn far away but you still have a clear line of sight and the crosshair highlights enemies.
>Laser gun a reptiloid
Now granted I only remembered reptiloid demons after I made the original post. These are definitely THE most annoying TSE enemies.

That's not so bad compared to Sacred Yards
>that room where gravity flips and hurts you
>arachnoids are microscopic
>crate pyramid with like 50 arachnoids

I fucking love kleers though

I could say the same thing to you user,

>That one part at the end of Luxor where they throw a mix of kleer and arachnoids at you


Luxor is a bad level but there're plenty of columns to break line of sight in that particular arena.


>not the dudes who vomit up spiders and on death turn into a double spider
>not the dudes who vomit up black leeches with 6 tears-to-kill HP that turns into black leeches on death
>not the walking hosts who take ages to open up
>not the dudes in Womb/Utero who pop up at random around the room for a quarter of a second, spit a bullet, then teleport around again
>not that dude in Womb/Utero that goes into his turtle shell and only comes out when he feels like it

fuck, i guess its time to reinstall SS again

Any enemy with steal mechanic.

>trying to stay behind one particular pillar while you're being advanced on by thirty kleer and the arachnoids are moving up on you on serious

i reiterate

Do you remember the end of Dunes, where you're fighting to gain entrance to the city and you have to survive a shitload of enemies? Play hopscotch with bio-mechanoid rockets on hard mode there for a while and you will see how annoying they are.

>shoot a rocket
>rocket takes time to travel
>in that time arachnoid shoots you

Now granted I don't think I've ever died due to an arachnoid, but I still fucking hate arachnoids because they're not fun to fight, there's no strategy with them and they can deal out some cheap damage to the player. Also there's no need for TWO versions of the same enemy with slighty more HP, that's just lazy.

>the game never hides them in cheap places
Bullshit, go play Metropolis and tell me that middle part isn't pure cancer

>He doesn't play SS on the hardest difficulty

Remember that part where you pick up the Grenade Launcher for the first time and a Major Biomechanoid spawns like 3 meters away from you?

Seriously Croteam, what the fuck?

Also that part in Ziggurat where two Majors and a Demon spawn just as you're about to exit.

I mean I love Serious Sam but I can't deny that's some grade A alien bullshit

the weirdest fucking enemies, when you're in their face and just keep attacking they'll miss you with every fireball.

Black Goblins in G1, now those are spiteful.


To this day I haven't beaten Quake because of this fucking asshole

Fucking half the shit in Binding of Isaac seems like it was designed just to piss you off
Enemies that just hang around being invincible, enemies that just fuck off for a while while you stand around in an empty room, enemies that take a shitload of hits yet don't pose any kind of threat, enemies with quick sporadic movement and the list goes on.

actually if you play co-op, kleer can survive one double shotty blast. it's a nasty surprise.



This fucking asshole

I swear to fucking god

The secrets in First and Second encounter were the real deal.

You find a secret but you're not sure if you should pick it up or not because you can get fucking trapped in and be shot by 3 Biomechanoid Majors.

Kek, when Croteam releases their new Serious Sam, i hope they add secrets like that. I just want to see the angry little niggers complaining how "THE GAME ISN"T FAIR"

also how chinks will write in the Review system to add Chinese and then downvote it cause there ain't any ching chong support


Apparently they greatly nerfed her in the VR game and gave her some different moves.

This isn't a Yehat terminator. Probe you could cheese with Fwiffo, Terminators were fucking insane, juggling their invulnerability perfectly to reflect everything you threw at them. Those bastards could even bounce fucking Orz marines like tennis balls, turning shields on and off with perfect timing as marines homed in on them.