Is cheating in single player games wrong?

Is cheating in single player games wrong?

nope. usually increases the fun level. Unless you cheat to beat it the first time then you're scum

>game is shit
>cheating suddenly makes it fun


>Unless you cheat to beat it the first time then you're scum

that rule sounds rather arbitrary

No. It hurts nobody and if it helps you have fun, so be it.

No, you are not affecting others.

You would be totally a fake gamer but is not wrong at all.

devs dont think so since they put x-ray vision and player invisibility in all their games

If your having fun with it sure, nothing wrong with it. If its in a multiplayer game you should kill yourself.

Who does the art for WikiHow? Is there some computer AI that makes drawings based on what it infers based on the text? Because there are illustrations for some of the most jacked-up things on that site (I found illustrations on how to deal with being an ABDL).

whts an ABDL?

>Is there some computer AI that makes drawings based on what it infers based on the text

Are you 9


Wrong? No. If it makes you enjoy it more, go for it. It's kinda pointless though, I can't think of many examples where cheating adds something to a game unless it's a sandbox.

Borderlands 2 goes from shit to intersting when you start breaking the game, or outright using modded weapons.

nobody knows, but they're good



>He dont know about the game making AI that make fetish fuel girl games.

I only use money cheats in shit grindy games to alleviate the grind necessity.

I'd really rather not say.

really clonkers your bonkers

this is a wikihow thread now


>paying a fine for cheating a test
Is this actually a thing that happens? What.



>Get caught cheating on the test
>Have to give teacher fine + tip

here come

Write the answers in very small print onto your pencil itself with a fine tipped marker. It'll look just like a design from far away and you can stare right fucking at it without looking suspicious.

Nope. its your game do whatever you want with it

There is no way a teacher wouldn't notice this.

It's still incredible, but a lot of art is reused for different instructions. For example, this one might also be in "how to tell if you're becoming a furry" or something

This is what I've got


do they even understand english

Depends. If it's a test for some type of license, then yeah, you've broke the law and will be fined.

or you could just, you know, study

It's more of a check to stop you from proclaiming that you've beaten a game and can give proper opinions on things like balance without having the proper credentials. I:E reducing spam of

>LEL, that final boss was a complete joke, I used cheats that tripled damage and give me infinite ammo and he went down in a minute,

Well, considering the title of the guide is how to cheat using school supplies, I don't assume it's a test for a license.

>tfw I Photoshopped a water bottle label to have all my formulas on it, before printing it on label paper and wrapping it around the bottle

Thanks YouTube video I saw like ten years ago.

>clock that runs counter clockwise

>user, why are you looking at my feet like that?
>no I was just looking at the test answers underneath you haha

Nah man, shit's for cucks. Get enough knowledge to not be retarded, the rest is all fluff.

bears are actually adept diplomats and have been known to reason and converse with humans since the dawn of man

Underrated as fuck.


>"Fuck, this part is really fucking my shit."
>"I'm going to cheat just once!"
>Cheats through whole game

How do i control myself


>i m not the only one who watched aishiteruze baby

Is that Moot? Why is he acting so gay?

I assume this only applies to PC games because console games don't include "cheats" anymore as we used to know them

Do they even make gamesharks / codebreakers anymore?


Morrowind walk speed.

Nope. If anything it gives it more replay value because you can do more than what the game intended.

>Is someone there?
>must have been my imagination



this is literally what Boss does in MGSV if you knockout someone

>creator of Sup Forums
>"why is he acting gay"

>How to break your own neck with nothing but a camera stand and a ballerina outfit

man, these guys have answers to everything

Im thinkin now.

This, why the fuck are wallhacks literal features in games now days?

>satsuki tries to run away 4 seconds after her encounter with femshiro

Too lazy to make actual good sound design, to pussy to make the game hard


>How to Create and Pitch an Idea for a Reality TV Show

>le future me

The Phone Call that created Sonic



Half the fun in that game was finding your own way to transverse the landscape via spells and enhancements. Fuck you cheating fuck. Why cheat in a game where you can already break the game to a point where cheats are unnecessary?

That's not moot, that's luggage lad. Key difference.


Seriously though who makes all of this art?

Yes, but they're usually for hacking saves and the like. Nowadays you have to hack a console to get those kinds of cheats.


Nice quads

It's exhausting to recite my rights as a human being everytime I encounter a bear doe.

