Other urls found in this thread:

stop killing dames

Make more Game Dungeons on non-shit games and we'll see.

I agree
Ross needs to knock these down the developers doors and gut them into pieces until they stop fucking killing games

mfw I get this

I knew this dude looked familiar


Don't. Tell. Me. Not to kill games.

shut up reek

Start making more videos and the games will stop dying.
Anyway, baldies was a fun DG.

Oh no the servers for some trash literal what game are closing, whatever shall we do? It's the end times I tell you!

man is this the epic ranting MetalHead Gamer? i really want to put his head against concrete and slam a sledgehammer into it as hard as i can, and i dont even know who he is

>has trouble with one level in the 4th world
>after that no problems even in hell


Ross is absolutely pure. Loves games, cares about actual important issues affecting games, and puts s lot of heart and soul into his videos. Probably my favorite right alongside Jerma.


redpill me on jerma

>Start making more videos

Can't get enough of Game Dungeon

>missing the point

>puts a lot of soul into his videos
i see what you did there

What kind of video games would you give people in exchange for their soul, Sup Forums?

he's genuinely funny and objectively a good person, and he doesn't put on an obnoxious over the top fake persona like a lot of other content creators. the greatest testament to his consistent quality humor is that (barring standard things like replying to chat or thanking subs/donors) his humor abd quality is the exact same in streams as it is videos. a fun side effect is that 2ndJerma videos are rougly the same quality of main channel jerma videos

dota 2

also, anyone else getting upload failed?

Jerma is nice man

Whats his endgame?

his game

Games I think are actually good, you don't cheap out on this stuff, Ross knew that, even if he was working with candy instead.

Ross is the only good eceleb and it's partially because he hasn't sold out


thanks user!

Game Dungeon picks up where AVGN left off.

The world is objectively a better place now that nobody can play Darkspore


Why didn't you like it, user? It seemed fun enough from his video, although I was really late to that train myself so I can't say for certain.

Is Ross the best youtube man?


Baldies was great. Game looks interesting too. Top tier jokes in the episode

If you thought it was bad, now no one can truly experience how bad it was, so some people will be doomed to repeat it's mistakes because "it couldn't have been that bad"

He spent like 600 bucks of his own money, no patreon or kickstarter or nothing, to rent a wrestling arena and actors for a YouTube video for his fans. 40 minute video zero advertisements, literally did it for free. Then on the next video he announced that he'd decided to make more larger projects like this because entertainment is his hobby and he feels he could do more then just play vidya all day, which he still does but now it's just streams when he's on his downtime and they're just as funny as his usual stuff.

He's a genuinely cool guy.

Tied with Jerma.

hi jerma

>that bit at the end where the cursor shreds its finger when it hovers over the helicopter

What are some youtubers who are like Ross? Game reviews/analysis preferred.


But if you could cheap out on it and still get peoples souls? What if you could just give people Bad Rats for their soul? Is their soul worth the deepening stain on yours each time someone signs the contract?

I mean, I probably wouldn't actually buy souls, but if I did I'd think it'd be nice to at least give them a good present-life before their after-life probably gets fucked, and might as well share what I enjoyed with them.

Quick, post favorite game dungeon, and least favorite.

If you have a good memory, whats your favorite scene or episode of freemans mind?

Which episode was the one with the collecting souls for candy story in?

test post please ignore

wasnt it $6000

What's a good Jerma video to watch?

never heard of the guy

Go to Hell

Go to Hell.

The Revenant


most fav: Super Cult Tycoon Simulator
least favorite: Freakout

>cares about actual important issues affecting games
>mostly talks about story
survey says no

ur an idiot

Ross has a knack for rambling but having it still be entertaining. Both Freeman's Mind and the Game Dungeon are great because of it.

or someone who actually likes games

the poster was talking about something completely different you moron, how did that go over your head

plot is a thing you need to explain/summarize everything else is visible and audible in a video

also you are wrong and an idiot as well

Yakuza 0

I'd sell my soul for that, it's not like I'm using it for anything anyway.

LGR anyone?

A man with taste

>it's a "YouTube personality wants to make a full length movie" episode

This NEVER turns out well

I don't care about the movie but if Ross wants to do it, he'll probably do it. I just want more Game Dungeons.

I smoke two joints in time of peace
And two in time of war
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,
And then I smoke two more

doesn't /vr/ not like ross for some reason?

I wonder where this obsession with wanting to make a movie comes from. He is one of the few who WILL make it some point, though.






The Tunnel is kino, so I trust he's got the skills.

go out the door, to blocks to the general right or your left. can't miss it. the madmen actually talk about video games there, what gives?

Virtual Reality

Why don't you?

/vr/ has shit opinions

thanks, Sup Forums, I'm marathonning Freeman's Mind for the sixth time with my friend who hasn't seen it before

cytu be/r/FreemansMind

I reverse google image searched that.
What the fuck even is that site user
I'm amazed at it, I can't stop looking