Im a Sup Forums bro who has noone to play xbox live with.

Just out of university for half a year and picked up a console for the first time in forever

Looking for some people to mess about with on xbox live

I have steam but I have no room to set up my monolith yet

ominousgrain39 is my account name


Did you make your head in WWE 2k16?

Why are you wearing woman's clothing?

you're a faggot

did you loot your wardrobe from a restless draugr

are you albino?

>Im a Sup Forums bro who has noone to play xbox live with.
Hope it stays that way, Nazi scum


>Sup Forums
>no friends

Surprising literally no one.

You guys can't honestly be that stupid, but maybe you just want an excuse for wish fulfillment and pretend people you don't like are all just losers.

see you at the rallies brother

>no friends

Why am I not surprised that people who think "cuck" is a valid insult don't have any friends?

still recovering from your loss i see



o I am laffin

You sound like a cuck.

I understand that you approve of sexual relationships between men and boys as well, fellow Sup Forumsbro?

Nah, not American. I think the greatest loss is that shart in marts actually elected a borderline retarded reality TV star to run their fucking country. The main counter argument is always "b...but...your immigrants", nigga I hate immigrants as much as the next guy, at the end of the day despite their presence atleast we didn't elect
Thank you for continuing the stereotype of "Americans are all borderline retards" though lmao, we're all loving this

>Sup Forumsbro
>xbox live
No shit you don't have friends. Just fucking kill yourself. You'll be doing yourself and the rest of the world a favor.

>I understand that you approve of sexual relationships between men and boys
Who doesn't? That's the only true love.

please be troll
nobody like this actually exists right?

Trump fandom is the new MLP


How does this have anything to do with video games?
