Vidya characters catered to your tastes.

Pic related: it's that unique look, and no-bullshit attitude that gets me.

Other urls found in this thread: look, and no-bullshit attitude/page/1/

>short hair
>b cups
>wears a skirt

I want to publicly humiliate her then fuck her face as she looks up at me gasping for air with defiant eyes

you're a butch lesbian, op?

So for you personally it's the McChicken?

What's unique about it?

Isn't that Kate Leth?

Cora is cute. CUTE

Go fuck yourself. look, and no-bullshit attitude/page/1/

So you like Ellen Degeneres

holy shit

is that the chick from john wick?

>unique look
Combovers aren't unique

I wonder why they do it. What satisfaction can they get out of posting the same thread over and over again?

This trash gets posted every day, but my real question for OP is if he likes nepotism.

God fucking damnit is this seriously another "15 reasons Mary Sue lol the witcher" faggot just reposting the same tired shit over and over and over for months on end?

Could it even be the SAME faggot?

Has there been an outbreak of faggotry?

kys falseflagging Witcher shill.

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it's that unique lawyer look that gets me

Agreed, if you think she isn't you're either gay or have permanent brain damage from watch too much anime

>he wasn't here/remembers that waifufag for BioShock Infinite
I'm pretty certain his pages went into the triple digits.
Just day after day after hour after hour of non-stop shilling, if you can even use such a word for that concentrated amount of autism for a girl that exists only a mediocre game.

>Can handle herself in a fight
>Good at cooking

Thank you Soulstorm.

>it's that unique look, and no-bullshit attitude that gets me.

You've posted this exact thread with the same wording before, shillbro.

he looks scared