NITW Thread 2: Elecrtic Boogaloo

Continuation of last thread but with more screenshots.

Who is that cat? I wanna fuck him.

wow, this cost way to much.
I guess i pick it up on summer sale in 2 years

i watched dingdong play through the whole thing

not a game. shit writing too.

Oh boy, I always wanted an adventure game where I play as an ungrateful millennial shit and did jack all with her hipster friends.

>making a new thread at 250 posts
shills getting desperate huh

>Indie SJW gone home 2.0 trash
Nty senpai

There was already another thread up

could this be the next undertale? xD

anyone got any links?

i dont want to support these sjw cucks

I don't really care about misogyny/misandry, but The Matrix IS a pretty good movie.

Agreed, no idea why they decided to shit on it

This is the sort of """"""person"""""" you're giving your money to if you buy this game.

are you saying bullying Nazis is wrong?

No more wrong than bullying commies. It is our moral responsibility to curb stomp all commies, socialists and other assorted leftists wherever we may find them. We need to make them feel unwelcome and disenfranchised through physical violence, so that their destructive ideologies don't end up taking root, and captivating and misleading the youth.

Are you implying bullying someone based on their opinions and beliefs is right?

>35 year old
please tell me this isn't the writer
please dont tell me a 35 year olds writing consists of ugh eff off tacos!!! ugh

>antifas still deluding themselves into thinking they fight nazis
>not embracing the fact that they're shitty brats looking to gang on someone without getting in trouble later

Try talking to some one day. They can't speak shit about their ideals. They can't reason. They're just hotheaded retards without a sense of what's right and wrong. So they'll label everyone that doesn't fit their ways "black".
Just like a certain type of person.

he's the animator / game originator

so someone else did the "writing"?

Encouraging to politically motivated violence is bad m'kay?

>bass playing parts
fuck off, it's too fast

i stole it