Do you identify yourself as a gamer and do gamer stuff, Sup Forums? (like wear vidya clothing...

Do you identify yourself as a gamer and do gamer stuff, Sup Forums? (like wear vidya clothing, wait for a new game to release before the shop, tell people about your hobby, buy vidya merchandise etc.)

Do you show your power level in the real world?

Yes, I'm a gamer girl and I have a shirt that says the cake is a lie

I don't identify as a "gamer". I've purchased vidya art books a couple of times, but that's the only one of the activities you listed that I've ever done.

I've probably played more games in my life that 99% of this board.

>Steven Ogg
god is hate this piece of trash actor so much

pics? do also have a triforce tattoo, pokemon phone case and say "doki doki" at random? :3

>like wear vidya clothing, wait for a new game to release before the shop, tell people about your hobby, buy vidya merchandise etc.)

No way. I love gaming, but none of that extra stuff is appealing at all.

You sound jealous of his masculinty

what the fuck, I didn't think Franklin was black IRL

I try my best to avoid gamers.

Do you smack your hands together and say "ITADAKI MASU!!!" before opening your Domokun Bento Box and eating Jap shaped food items?

>Show power level
>People tell my I'm funny or "Such a geek"

Not being a complete social retard is pretty good

I identify as an interneter. I wear clothing I bought from the internet and I wait for my download to complete for I open my files. I often tell people about the internet and buy stuff on the internet.

I have an embarrassingly large collection of merch from the Soul Calibur series. Everything from cards, art, deluxe game guides, collectors editions of a few games, a fuck ton of figures, books and probably more. Also some fallout bobbleheads and some Elder scrolls stuff
I don't wear vidya stuff though as thats just plainly autistic

I don't identify as anything, I am nothing.

Gaming "culture"

Like any worthwile person would want to identify with it

so i was in south korea for most of feb. it was really REALLY fucking weird having everyone play games or at least not actively shit on them. the pc cafes were 50/50 between girls and guys, and there weren't any #lolsorandom gamergurls.. the girls were actually playing to enjoy the games and not to get male attention... it really makes me hate life coming back to the US where if you're a girl in a game you're literally an attention whore that can't do anything else to get guys..

Thats because in asia, theres no such thing as gamer culture. Everyone just assumes you play on PC as if it was normal.

Does she say "Praise the dark lord"?

That's the Coalguys version

Nigger if you own one (1) "action figure" you're worse than anybody wearing a vidya shirt.

*glomps you*

So I take it that owning 11 is pretty bad

>are you a gamer user?
>no, i just like videogames
>so you are a gamer
How do you autismos get around this one?

Things that look almost entirely normal and wouldn't raise suspicion for any normal people, but are actually vidya related. Literally subtle things, not """"subtle"""". Find fellow fans of that respective vidya while not looking like a total autist.

Things that call attention to yourself and make a point to let everyone know about your hobby.

These are pretty universal rules for just about anything. Nobody likes "look at me, my hobby is X!" type of people.

>Do I play video games?
>Am I a reddit """"""""""""gamer"""""""""""

There's a massive difference user

I don't know, at least if some sperg owns a bunch of action figures he usually keeps them secret. There's no way I'd know for sure he was an autistic waste of life. Shirts though is a dead give away.

No. I wear wolf shirts and sweatpants everyday.

I talk about games/anime with my steam friends but outside that? If I'm with people I don't know I'm not gonna introduce myself as a gamer. Or a weeb because that's retarded and I feel embarrassed for all the people who just attention whore irl.

I only reveal my power level over internet, the only people that i meet irl that know about it are people I play with or I know they play too, but I barely socialize with them, and i also dont buy useless junk or ugly clothes with vidya shit

If you play videogames, you're a gamer. Don't know what else to tell you man.

*punches you in the face*

Argue with me again, see what happens kid

worst gta ever?

GTA 3 exists


You can't spell gamer without ga(y)

But seriously I don't see the point in stressing over these labels

I identify as a gamer in that I like playing video games. That's about the extent of it. I don't try to make it my whole personality.
