ITT: Villains that did nothing wrong

ITT: Villains that did nothing wrong

>make paid online and unfinished dlcs selling shit a common practice
>the xbox did nuffin wrong


Thats not what the OP was about you playsation loving sperg

Holy shit reddit is full of autists.

Found the retard who gutted the devkit.


Sup Forums is worser.

Replace Xbox with trap, and data with penis. Same shit, different smell.

I use my Panzer Dragoon Saga discs as coasters too.

If this happened on Sup Forums the thread would probably just be guys typing in caps I'M FUCKING MAAAAD so I really don't see how that's any better

>Xbox emulation NEVER

i love how this guy didn't gut a regular dev kit, but a fucking HARDWARE dev kit

this machine was used to design the actual xbox hardware and test games on it, not some shitty shovelware studio making a Petz game

i wonder if he even tried to boot the thing before he started ripping parts out

>i wonder if he even tried to boot the thing before he started ripping parts out
He checked the HDD and his computer couldn't read it so he wiped that too for some fucking reason, then he set all of the parts out on his carpet for a picture just to make sure literally fucking nothing was salvageable


you did this on purpose didn't you

to bring out the autism

I don't even care about xbox or its emulation, and all that still makes me mad.


In hindsight he was correct all along.

I agree, fun is far too subjective to use as a descriptor

>user start a video game thread.
>It turned into a gory horror story after 2 minutes.

Sup Forums is a horrible place

>his dad puts it for sale
>no one wants it
>OP puts it up for sale again
>no one wants it
>OP rightfully proceed to do what he wants
>people lose their shit

really collides those particles

This is why I hate reddit

>There will never ever be a Rogue Squadron 4.

>Theres no actual evidence he ever did put it up for sale anywhere, he claims that he tried to sell it on the xbox subreddit or something but all his submitted posts are in 11 year old kid subreddits

Yeah, sure, just like how it was satire, right?

>his dad tries to sell it in reddit of all places not a site meant for selling things
>nobody wants it
hmm really trains the think muscle

How can you be this fucking dense
Holy shit I'm mad

'It's fun' explains how good a game is the same way as 'I like it' does. He was never wrong, people here just have a weird tendency to poorly understand what's being said because their immediate reactions are more important to them.